Armor Frenzy

Chapter 509: storm

Another sentinel not far away witnessed the death of his companion, and his long-accumulated fighting instinct made him resolutely rush to the bunker, without the slightest sloppiness or even the thought of evasion in his mind, he had already made the action of evasion. Δ』』』EnovelWw『W. ㄟ 1XIAOSHUO. COM

But how can a sniper who can precess a hospital have a weak chicken? The southern sniper who had been staring at him for a long time immediately pulled the trigger, the bullet instantly penetrated the sentry's temple, and the body fell to the ground.

The sentry on the roof is condescending, not only has an excellent view, but also is the focus of attention of other sentries. The fallen sentinel immediately attracted the attention of other guards. One guard was killed by the condescending sniper as soon as he thought of an alarm.

The sniper team issued a combat warning in time, and Ye Han categorically issued a combat order: "Strike!"

The two snipers immediately fired at the guards in sight, shot after shot, and the guards caught off guard were half dead before they knew where the enemy was.

At the same time, the eight assaulters, including Ye Han, rushed out of the bunker at the same time, spit out a rain of bullets representing death, and swept down one guard after another.

The sniper shot accurately, and the assaulter handled it decisively, but the accident still happened. A guard was shot immediately after pulling out his gun, but the bullet failed to hit the brain stem. Although the guard had only a few seconds of life left after he fell to the ground, it was still short-lived. Life is faithful to the duty to snap the pistol.

The crisp sound of gunfire broke the tranquility of the early morning, and the sound of gunfire woke the remaining guards.

Ye Han didn't have time to complain about his luck, and rushed to Building No. 1, the main building in the villa.

After nearly 100 drills, the soldiers knew the responsibilities of each person very well. The two soldiers followed Ye Han to the No. 1 building with the largest area; Xiao Yuan led the two soldiers to guard outside the door of the No. 2 building.

Chi Wei and the last soldier rushed outside the main entrance of Building No. 3, took out anti-infantry directional mines and inserted them outside the door, and then divided into two groups and rushed to Building No. 1 and No. 2 separately, handing Building No. 3 to snipers to suppress. .

According to the information, Building No. 3 is the material warehouse in the villa. Even if there are not many people, under the dual suppression of mines and sniper rifles, the possibility of rushing out of the building is very low.

At the same time, Ye Han and Xiao Yuan took out grenades and smashed into the building at the same time, and the two explosions were almost in no particular order.

However, Ye Han threw a strong light grenade, while Xiao Yuan threw a solid steel ball grenade.

After the loud noise, two groups of people kicked open the main entrance of the building at the same time, but no one entered from the main entrance. Instead, they suddenly opened the window and jumped into the room after running.

The submachine guns sounded softly, and all the enemies that fell within the sight of the team members were killed, and even the corpses had to be shot twice to ensure they were killed.

The following battles were carried out step by step. The team members used special grenades to clear the way, as if they were practicing in the base.

The team's attack was sharp, and the enemy's counterattack was not weak. Grenades were thrown from various rooms without money, and countless shrapnel and steel **** flew all over the house.

If it is an ordinary special force, no matter how good it is, it will inevitably be affected by shrapnel, but no one here can imagine that it is the ace of the special forces, the armored power armored infantry.

Regardless of whether it is shrapnel or steel balls, it is trivial for power armor. As long as they are careful not to be exploded by grenades at close range, the team members are not in any danger.

The team's counterattack was also unusual. Everyone took off the grenades around their waists, and whenever they saw a grenade thrown out in any room, they would throw a few back with all their strength.

The bodyguards in the villa are amazingly equipped with several body armors, which can compare to the all-round protection of power armor? In addition to the limited indoor space, as long as one grenade explodes, it is enough for them to drink a pot, not to mention several explosions together?

The battle went very smoothly. The only accident was that one of the team members was too straight. The grenade thrown out smashed the door and then smashed the window. It flew into the street outside the villa and exploded in the air, scaring the southern group and the northern group. Big jump.

After only a short while, the bodyguard's second counterattack was forced to abort, and the two sides entered a brief confrontation.

This is only the situation in Building No. 1. Xiao Yuan's team in Building No. 2 did not hesitate to kill the Quartet, regardless of whether there was anyone or no one. They threw two grenades in each room, and then kicked open the door to fill up the guns one by one. , killed everyone in one breath, and quickly supported Building No. 1 after withdrawing decisively.

Building No. 2 is the residence of bodyguards and servants. There is no need to care about the specific identity of the enemy at all, just kill them all.

The real battle is not acting in a movie. The capable special operations team has no extra manpower to take care of the prisoners, and no one knows whether the prisoners left behind when they are soft-hearted will turn their heads and become deadly enemies, so unless there is a real need to stay The tongue generally does not leave excess captives.

Xiao Yuan and others are just implementing this principle to the end. If you ask if there will be innocent people in Building No. 2? The answer of the team members must be yes, but the team members also know that any person in the villa is a potential enemy, even if there is no weapon in hand, it is an enemy. , is a blasphemy to the ancestors.

At this time, Ye Han had already cleared half of the room, and several team members hid in the building and continued to clean up the rest.

Xiao Yuan's team rushed into Building No. 1 and immediately joined the battle. The eight people cooperated tacitly, and the cleanup rate more than doubled.

The bodyguards, who were unwilling to fail, resisted with all their might, and all kinds of firearms continued to shoot. There was even a machine gun hidden in one of the when they opened fire, they almost threw a team member into the barrage.

The other team members immediately threw out grenades, and the machine guns were blown into scrap metal before they could even finish a chain of ammunition.

Another explosion sounded, and the inaudible puff sounded to end the battle. It only took a few minutes from the start of the storm to the end of the battle.

During the battle, there were only a handful of opportunities for the two sides to meet each other, and it was basically a blind battle. Confused to die.

The end of the battle does not mean the end of the action. Ye Han immediately ordered the team to clean the battlefield to find the target. The eight people were divided into four groups to quickly search the villa, and all the rooms turned around. Now, in addition to the Caucasian bodyguards, there are many who look sharp. If you look closely at the yellow people who are so soiled and slag, all of them together, the number exceeds three digits.

But no one's characteristics matched the target, Ye Han couldn't help but feel a little anxious: "Look again to see if there is a basement or a secret room!"

At this time, Ye Han suddenly received a communication: "The south team reported that a team has appeared in the southwest, and the speed is very fast!"

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