Armor Frenzy

Chapter 517: political mission

At the Beidu Aerospace Center training base, more than 200 students lined up neatly. The major general stood in front of the queue and coughed lightly: "Now listen to my instructions, comrades with children, take one step forward!"

The students looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, and some students stepped forward and left the queue. E┡ΔFiction Ww%W. *1XIAOSHUO. COM

"It doesn't count for those who died prematurely." The major general added, and several people returned to the queue.

The insect plague killed a large number of civilians, and the families of soldiers were not spared.

The major general pointed to the side: "Assemble on the left."

Dozens of students lined up again on the left, and the Major General loudly ordered: "Comrades who have been married come out!"

Another group of students lined up again.

"Anyone with a girlfriend came out!"

"The listing of someone who is interested..."

The neat queue was quickly divided into several teams of varying numbers. There were more than 30 students who had given birth, those who were married in their early 40s, and only 20 who had girlfriends. The most huge, there are about 70 people, and the remaining dozens of people have neither girlfriends nor lovers, and they are in a mess.

Today's situation is really weird. Everyone's age is different, but the most qualified students have never heard of any troop lining up based on their marriage status.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the expressionless Major General, who indifferently instructed: "Take it away in a queue!"

Several officers behind the major general ran to different queues separately, and in the loud voice of the password, five queues were led to different areas.

Ye Han's queue was taken to a corner of the playground by a colonel wearing glasses, and he ordered the queue to disperse. After everyone sat down, the colonel slowed down: "Relax, I called everyone here today, mainly to solve everyone's lifelong problems. event……"

Before he finished speaking, there was an uproar in the team, and everyone was dumbfounded, extremely suspicious of what they heard.

The colonel said solemnly: "Don't look at me in this way, every word I say is very serious."

Ye Han couldn't help but complain in his heart, is this **** serious topic?

There are many students with similar ideas, and the eyes of the colonel are full of surprise.

The colonel solemnly explained: "Listen to me now, everyone knows that the radiation intensity in outer space is very high, and the low-Earth orbit is protected by the earth's magnetic field, the radiation intensity is relatively low, and it has little effect on the health of astronauts, but the moon is far away. 30,000 kilometers away, far beyond the protection range of the earth's magnetic field, the radiation intensity on the lunar surface is very high. Although the state has equipped the construction plan with the most advanced space suits, which can shield most of the radiation, the long-term exposure to high radiation environment Work, there is still the possibility of damaging your health. The reproductive system is one of the organs most vulnerable to radiation damage, so the above hopes that you will get married and have children as soon as possible to solve your worries, so now you must propose to your girlfriend as soon as possible, this is the motherland needs.”

Adding the last sentence to the originally serious topic was like saying that the cross talk was shaking a burden, but everyone couldn't laugh at all, instead they were all dumbfounded.

None of the people here are married, and naturally they have no plans to have children. Most people have never thought about the issue of children, but everyone firmly believes that there will be children of their own in the future.

Although the inheritance of incense has long been ignored, the Chinese people value their descendants as much as the ancients. At the thought of the possibility of cutting off their children, everyone felt a lot of anxiety and unease in their hearts.

But for this reason to propose to your girlfriend, everyone's heart is not the usual pressure.

A student hesitated and asked, "What if the proposal fails? My relationship with my girlfriend is a bit tense."

"The organization is responsible for coming forward to do the work." The colonel said very seriously, "This is not only a matter of yours, but also related to the smooth progress of the moon landing plan. It is an important part of the development plan. Everyone must regard marriage proposal as a political task. Come on, is there a problem?"

"Yes!" A team member raised his hand, "What if the organization doesn't work?"

The colonel said in a very special tone: "The development plan cannot be terminated because of someone's reasons, so you have two choices, one is to go directly to space, and the other is to obey the arrangement of the organization, let me tell you the truth, the organization above A group of politically qualified female soldiers."

If you don’t say anything later, everyone understands that it is nothing more than organizational arrangements. This situation was very common before and after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, but in recent decades, it has become a story in movies and TV and a legend of the elders.

Even people who have no confidence have never thought that the organization will arrange lifelong events.

This kind of arrangement is too funny and too socialist, even a little ridiculous.

Ye Han wanted to laugh very much, but when he thought of the heaviness and helplessness behind the arrangement, he couldn't laugh at all.

He couldn't help but ask: "The group of interested people is also the organization responsible for the work, right?"

"Yes." The colonel nodded.

"What about those who don't have a crush? They can only obey the arrangement of the organization?"

"That's not the case," the colonel said. "There is still a period of time before liftoff. Everyone can use this time to complete lifelong events. Only if they can't solve it themselves and really need to be solved by the organization, the organization will intervene. If any of you Some people who failed to propose marriage, or even broke down because of the moon landing mission, can also apply for organizational arrangements.”

"Isn't this an arranged marriage, a blind and dumb marriage?" a student said dissatisfied.

"To a certain extent, yes!" the colonel said frankly, "Don't think that organized help will be You choose female soldiers, and female soldiers also choose you. Whether you succeed or not depends on you. ourselves... and we know very well that many of the female soldiers who joined this plan came for treatment. But this is the situation now, to achieve this step, the organization has done its best."

"Isn't this a blind date meeting?"

"You could say the same."

"The time is too short, and there is no emotional foundation at all."

"We all know that the time of the mission is very tight, and there is not enough time for you to spend the next month... Well, there is actually a third way, you can leave germ cells here before you lift off, and wait until you get married in the future. Artificial insemination when reproduction is difficult, I personally do not recommend this method, but the choice is in your hands."

Everyone was silent together, and the colonel said again: "The time for lift-off comes first, and the organization prioritizes the lift-off of married people with children to give you more time... There is only so much we can do."

Everyone fell silent again, and the colonel clapped his hands and said, "Okay, after you go back, think about how to propose, report to me and disband."

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