Armor Frenzy

Chapter 641: Aftermath

In late November, the Second Fleet of the Expeditionary Force successfully completed the combat plan formulated before the war. All the crew members were injected with hibernin and embarked on their return journey.

The Second Fleet returned to peace, but the earth was boiling with the destruction of Io.

The insect plague has ravaged the world for more than five years. No matter the loss at the national level or the damage at the ordinary person level, the damage at the alien's home is destroyed by the expedition fleet, which is equivalent to destroying the enemy's base camp. Simply, from a strategic point of view, the plague of insects will stop at the current level, and there is no need to worry about the emergence of monsters such as the puffed virus version 3.0 in the future. Don't worry about aliens throwing asteroids on Earth every now and then...

The latter one is only spread among ordinary people who don't know what to do. It is essentially a rumor. People who really understand the situation understand that the threat of aliens will exist for a day.

However, at this juncture of the ball-raising celebration, the high-level officials of various countries did not want to spoil the interest of ordinary people.

Secretly, both Beidu and the base group are actively formulating defense plans to guard against alien retaliation.

A few days later, the US-led al-Qaeda group announced the formation of an international expedition fleet for the third expedition to Jupiter.

When the news came out, the whole world was in an uproar, and it was only at this time that the general public knew that the Second Fleet of the Expeditionary Force had failed to eliminate the aliens.

In fact, Beidu has already released the news, but it has not been publicized. The ordinary people just went to celebrate, and very few people paid attention to the news.

The base group also took advantage of the fact that the news has not spread yet, and took the opportunity to earn more attention for the establishment of the international expedition fleet.

The base group has organized several more expedition fleets from top to bottom. Anyway, it is not the consumption of its own resources, and the loss of its own troops is not the same.

But the pressure on the al-Qaeda group is also great, especially the Yankees. The pressure of domestic public opinion is astonishingly high. When did the Yankees who are used to being the world's leader degenerate to the point where they have to rely on other countries to be the vanguard? Do not

When did the aliens in Hollywood blockbusters not be annihilated by the Mi Army? At the very least, the rice army is the main force, and the armies of other countries are only auxiliary.

How come when the aliens appeared, the Mi army could not retreat, and let the backward country on the other side of the ocean seize the lead?

Has the great America been reduced to a second-rate country that must be seen?

Ordinary people don't care about your national strategic and political planning, they only see the fall of the Stars and Stripes.

Countless U.S. angry youths cannot accept such a result, both psychologically and physically. Since the formation of the First Fleet of the Expeditionary Force, the U.S. government and the U.S. military have been under enormous pressure, and the pressure is not only from the people, but also from the government and the U.S. military. Not too small.

The old and the United States are not monolithic. For this matter, the Texas cowboys who have always wanted to split up have been making a lot of noise, and the separatist forces in other regions have also risen. It is not that the emergency bill has given Washington far more power than peacetime, whether it can maintain territorial integrity It's hard to say.

The strength of the aliens made the First Fleet clear, the aliens' hometown was flattened by the Second Fleet, and the remaining aliens huddled on a few satellites to survive. If the base group did not start, they would not be able to catch them Opportunity now.

The formation of a fleet does not happen overnight. The strength of the international fleet is not as good as that of the Beiyuezhou fleet. The Yankees have never thought of drawing people directly from the fleet, but in the name of forming an international expeditionary force, they want to build space battleships .

With the gold and jade of the expedition fleet ahead, the international fleet basically does not need to take detours, directly copying the success of the second fleet, and has already touched the skirt of the goddess of victory.

However, it took too long to build a fleet from scratch. The base group finally decided to draw some from the international fleet to fight again, and then concentrate resources to build a batch of warships, and even sent a team of people to conduct several rounds of negotiations with Beidu. The result of the negotiation was that the orbital factory took A military purchase order for two space warships in the international fleet has arrived.

At present, the Beiyuezhou fleet has been formed, and the demand for new warships has been greatly reduced. The next task of the orbital factory is no longer to build warships during the construction period, but to improve old models and experiment with new warships. The orbital factory will be transformed from a simple manufacturing base to a A comprehensive space base orbiting the moon has become China's first gravity-free industrial base.

In other words, the orbital factory is in a stage of extreme overcapacity, and the two battleships are nothing.

Not only that, the United States has also ordered a batch of nuclear-powered engines from Beidu, which will be used on the warships of the International Expeditionary Fleet.

It is said that the nuclear-powered engine should be a secret of the military, and it must not be sold out.

But this thing was originally developed with the technology of the Yankees. The Yankees have no shortage of technology at all. As long as it takes a little time, it is not difficult to develop a practical nuclear power engine.

There is absolutely no need to stick Americans' necks on this issue. As long as the Beiyuezhou Fleet always maintains its military advantage, the Yankees will not be able to turn the sky over.

The competition is developing in a good direction, and it seems to have seen a bright future, but not long after the base group announced the formation of the expedition fleet, the space telescope that has been staring at Jupiter suddenly made a new discovery.

First of all, most of the alien spacecraft that evacuated Io were placed on Ganymede and Callisto, and only a small number of alien spacecraft chose Europa.

This is not difficult to understand. The surface of Europa is covered with ice. If it is closer to the sun, it might be an ocean star with no land at all.

Ganymede and Callisto should be more normal, that is, there are land and water systems, and everyone knows how to choose.

Secondly the aliens show no sign of keeping their own feet, but they are expanding on several satellites, which is quite intended to build several satellites into new homes.

This is also one of the important reasons why the base group is eager to build a fleet and does not hesitate to order warships and engines from Beidu.

In the end, it was observed that Io did not fall into a dead silence due to the bombing of the Second Fleet, although half of Io was vitrified by the nuclear bomb, and a large number of cobalt bombs turned Io into a death place full of gamma rays. Earth, but the space telescope still found that there are signs of alien activity on the surface of Io.

The discovery of the space telescope confirmed Ye Han's concerns. As expected of a race spanning interstellar space, it has the ability to ignore the ubiquitous gamma rays.

This discovery dismayed all mankind, and many people worried about the resurgence of alien forces on Io, and were skeptical of the results achieved by the Second Fleet.

Faced with the unfavorable situation, Beidu simply announced the formation of the Third Fleet of the Expeditionary Force in a high-profile manner, vowing to completely eliminate the aliens.

However, the two expedition fleets were still on paper, and the space telescope suddenly found that Io had a few more tails.

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