Armor Frenzy

Chapter 647: change plan

Ye Han chatted with the two of them for a few more homely things. The earth suddenly appeared outside the porthole, which aroused Ye Han's thoughts. They chatted with the two about the changes in the past two years. The changes over the years are all told.

Two years is not a long time, but the changes are really not small.

Ye Han already knew the changes in Beiyuezhou from Bai Xiaoting, but Bai Xiaoting slept for two years. After waking up, she was busy taking care of Professor Qin. She didn't care much about time at all, except for what she could see around her.

Both Xiao Chi and Xiao Chi are officers who lead troops, and they are very knowledgeable about current affairs, especially the military level that Bai Xiaoting has never heard of, and this is precisely one of Ye Han's most concerned issues.

Ye Han had heard about the surface changes of Beiyuezhou from Bai Xiaoting. Ye Han was very surprised by the number of residents as high as 100,000. He never understood how the ground used to send so many people to the moon.

In fact, the launch of the spacecraft is much easier today than it was two years ago. The reason is that the country has spent a lot of manpower and material resources to build an electromagnetic catapult orbit with a length of more than ten kilometers in the mountains of Qiongzhou!

This thing has the same principle as the ejection orbit of the moon, but the gravitational force of the earth is much higher than that of the moon, and coupled with the resistance of the atmosphere, the Qiongzhou orbit is shorter, and it is impossible to directly send the spacecraft into space.

But this thing can give the rocket a very high initial velocity, and the rocket itself only needs to carry a small amount of fuel to lift off smoothly.

This was originally the job of Feitian rocket carrier aircraft, but the cost of flying Feitian once is not small, and the energy consumption and cost of electromagnetic orbit are much lower than Feitian.

It is easier for the rocket to lift off, and it is strange that the population of Moon City does not increase.

If the Qiongzhou orbit was not put into use, the military would not have the confidence to build orbital airborne troops. Otherwise, every airborne training would have to be sent to the sky with a launch vehicle, and anyone who looked at the astronomical training cost would vomit three liters of blood.

In addition, the application of shallow hibernation technology has also greatly improved the safety of the spacecraft during lift-off and avoided accidental risks for special personnel during lift-off. Therefore, many elderly people left the earth to settle on the moon, and at least one third of the lunar residents This is the case.

Ye Han was very curious as to how the country would allow this to happen. After asking carefully, he found out that these people are basically old experts and professors in various industries, and they are the kind of big winners who deserve their name, with a few exceptions. Make a special contribution to the country, otherwise there is no qualification to settle on the moon at all.

Today's Beiyuezhou is not the place where there was nothing in the past. Being far away from the earth is equivalent to being far away from giant insects and dangers. Who wouldn't want to immigrate to the moon?

However, the artificial ecology of the moon is very fragile. Although the base has been expanded again and again, it cannot immigrate to the moon without restrictions. Special abilities and special contributions are the only stepping stone to Beiyuezhou.

Beidu has also considered the feasibility of a large number of immigrants. After all, the threat of aliens has not been lifted. It is best not to put eggs in the same basket.

In order to solve this problem, as early as a year ago, Beiyuezhou organized manpower to open up the "Nanyuezhou Base" to seize the lunar south pole in front of the base group.

The actions of Beiyuezhou could not be concealed from the international base, but from Beiyue to Nanyue, the straight-line distance of land was more than 10,000 kilometers. If the terrain was considered, 15,000 kilometers could not stop it.

Beiyuezhou gave full play to its own advantages. The materials sent to Nanyuezhou were all launched into the sky using electromagnetic orbits. After flying half a circle around the moon, they landed at the south pole of the moon. While greatly saving transportation costs, the international base was so angry that it hurts.

The Yankees are also staring at the South Pole, but the scale of the international base is still not as good as Beiyuezhou, and it can't compete with Beiyuezhou.

Step by step, step by step, Yankee's guts are turning green with regret. Why did he become obsessed with ghosts in the first place, and why did he have to let Beidu find a way?

In fact, the so-called wayfinding is not the main reason. The most important reason is that the Yankees are superstitious about their own industrial and technological strength and believe that no country other than the United States has the strength to build a lunar base.

After the Moon Palace plan was fully rolled out, it was too late for the Yankees to realize that something was wrong.

No one cares what outsiders think, in short, Nanyuezhou has been occupied.

Yankee has never given up Nanyuezhou and wanted to get a share of the pie, and he has been in contact with Beidu many times in private. However, the Beiyuezhou base is stronger than the international base, and the Beiyuezhou fleet is stronger than the international fleet. Even the two battles of Jupiter were completed independently by the Chinese expeditionary force, and the Beidu definitely has the confidence to not lose Washington.

In terms of comprehensive national strength and technical level, the North must also recognize the leading position of the Yankees, but China can concentrate its superior resources in aerospace to engage in aerospace competitions, but the national conditions of the United States do not allow Washington to concentrate resources on the aerospace industry.

Beidu also wants to build a few more lunar cities, transforming the lunar base from a purely military purpose to a colony. However, there are only ice mines at the two poles of the moon, so the lunar city can only be built on the two poles of the moon. Lake, otherwise it simply does not have the conditions for fortification.

According to Beidu's plan, ten or eight lunar cities can be built on the south pole of the moon, but the resources are limited, and the sky can support 100 million people, and the deterioration of the environment cannot be considered, and the sustainable development route is adopted to support thousands of people. 10,000 mouths.

Of course, it doesn't make sense to think about these now. Qiongzhou's transportation capacity is limited, and it will take at least several years to fill a moon city.

Even so, Beidu was no longer satisfied with opening up lunar colonies, and began to set its sights on other stars.

In Ye Han's cognition the stars with the most colonization conditions should be Ganymede and Callisto. These two satellites have a lot of water and a large area of ​​land, which can obtain enough The mineral resources support development. Unlike Europa, it is ice except for ice. It looks very suitable for colonization, but immigrants can't live on water and ice alone, right?

Mars also seems to be a good choice, and there is evidence that Mars has a lot of groundwater.

However, where the groundwater is and how it is stored is still a mystery, and until enough water is found, colonizing Mars is a joke.

Asteroid belt? No asteroid is rich in water, right?

Saturn's moons may also have the basic conditions for colonization, but that place is far away from the sun, and the temperature is so low that the air will become solid, and even if there are water resources, it cannot be regarded as a colonization target.

At the current level of technology, colonizing the Galilean satellites is an impossible task, even if those satellites do not allow aliens to occupy the magpie's nest.

Ye Han could only think of these things, but the answer Xiao Yuan gave him surprised him, the military's next target was actually Mercury!

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