Armor Frenzy

Chapter 653: base knowledge

The registration process went smoothly, but Ye Han never expected that Huo Qiang would be the director of the training base.

This old guy was the director of the space center two years ago. Ye Han originally thought that he would become the leader of Beiyuezhou Base, and the fact was that he did become the leader of Beiyuezhou, name.

Huo Qiang has never been in space, but Huo Qiang, who has been promoted to lieutenant general, is the general director of China's aerospace engineering. In other words, whether Beiyuezhou Base or Tiangongyuegong belongs to Huo Qiang's command range, only space The fleet is directly responsible to the Northern Capital.

Ye Han really couldn't understand such a leader of the part-time training center.

Well, this boss has too many things to do, and he doesn't have time to stay in the training center. In fact, the person in charge is one of Huo Qiang's deputy, Major General Zu Shou.

It is said that the second-in-command's father's surname is Zu and his mother's surname is Shou, which is why he has such a strange name.

Zu Qiu warmly received Ye Han, the chief of staff who had not yet taken office, and talked about the situation in the base. He hoped that Ye Han would familiarize himself with the base as soon as possible, take up the work of the chief of staff, and share the burden of his second-in-command.

Ye Han didn't have any idea of ​​competing for power and profit at all. He listened to what Zu Qiu arranged. He expressed his position very cooperatively and fully cooperated with Zu Qiu's work without any discount.

Zu Qiu was very satisfied with Ye Han's knowledge, and later introduced him to the management of the base.

What made Ye Han even more unexpected happened, Qu Jiang was also here, responsible for the equipment development of the 6th team!

After dinner, the two found a time to get together and talk about their experiences over the past few years.

When Ye Han asked Qu Jiang why he left the hospital, Qu Jiang reluctantly sighed: "I asked for it myself, and you know that I'm a techie. Back then, when I was planning to build the hospital, I wanted to catch the ducks on the shelves. Now that I'm on the right track, it's time for me to retire and do something I love."

"Congratulations." Ye Han's mood was a little complicated.

Qu Jiang is indeed a technical talent. It is not a matter of being good or bad for him to engage in administration, but that he hates administrative work very much, and he always spends time in the laboratory working with technicians to study how to improve power armor.

The Sports Academy is affiliated with the 6th Army. Ye Han feels that the 6th Army is willing to let Qu Jiang leave. It must be that the comprehensive performance of the 6th Army version of the power armor has reached or even exceeded the military's expectations.

When it comes to power armor, Ye Han inevitably asked about the existing equipment of the 6th team. After all, this thing must be built to eat in the future, and Ye Han couldn't care less.

Seeing this, Qu Jiang also focused on the equipment of Team 6.

At present, the main equipment of the 6th team is the space version of the power armor, but in order to adapt to different combat environments, the space version of the armor also has a variety of improved models, in addition to various external equipment to cope with different environments.

The first is the armor itself. All members of Team 6 are equipped with space-version power armor. This is the basic equipment of Team 6. Those who cannot control the armor with brain waves are not eligible to become full members.

Because of this, there are many commandos who cannot get the qualification of official team members, including Ye Han's old superior Bian Ge.

Speaking of which, Ye Han suddenly had a sudden realization. He felt that the reason why the military sent him to Team 6 was probably because he was familiar with brain wave control equipment and was skilled in using space armor.

Followed by various plug-in equipment, these equipment are also controlled by brain waves, including fire support, battlefield maneuvering, airdrop and airborne.

That's right, airdrops also have special external equipment.

Only through Qu Jiang's introduction did Ye Han know that for Team 6, airdrops and airdrops are not the same thing.

The current 6th team has several ways to participate in the battle. One is to accompany the battleship to sail, and if necessary, take part in the battle on board the 6th boat; the second is to use individual airborne equipment, which is dropped by the battleship to the target surface; the third is to wear heavy airborne equipment and shoot from the ground. Fly directly to the target after liftoff.

The equipment used in each situation is different. This is the main research direction of Qu Jiang. At present, the equipment required for various situations has been equipped with 6 teams. Qu Jiang's job is to find ways to improve the existing equipment and reduce weight. The original function is not reduced while the consumption is not reduced, and the original design must be modified according to the feedback from the soldiers.

I got first-hand information about the base from Qu Jiang's mouth, and Ye Han took office the next day.

Based on Ye Han's resume, it is not difficult to be the chief of staff of the 6th team, and many people in the 6th team are his former comrades in arms, and there is no exclusion.

But the problem Ye Han faces is not the qualifications, but how to get familiar with the airborne equipment as soon as possible!

The 6th team is not small, but there are not many personnel. Every official team member must be proficient in three airborne techniques, that is to say, they must be able to drive and board the 6th boat, use simple airborne cabins and heavy airborne equipment.

If you can't reach this you can't even be an official team member, how can you be the chief of staff of the 6th team?

Ye Han is definitely no problem to board the 6th boat, but he has never touched simple equipment or heavy equipment, and the function of both equipment is to ensure that the 6th team members can safely return to the ground from space, even if it is the simplest set. The cost of the equipment is also staggeringly high.

Ye Han's salary for ten years, and he can't afford the simplest set of equipment. It is impossible for Ye Han to toss and toss casually. He must wait until the airborne training time before Ye Han has a chance to show his skills.

But just like paratroopers can't just skydive, so Team 6 can't just play orbital airborne, Ye Han has to wait patiently and slowly for the opportunity.

Before the time is right, he can only prove himself from other aspects, such as learning all kinds of theoretical knowledge thoroughly, and then for example, in daily training, he can beat the pack, and if he can't be the best, he has to enter the first group, the more the majority. players.

Ye Han is no longer young, and it is not easy to go up and down with a group of good guys in their early twenties, but he not only persevered, but also pulled most of the team behind him.

In a twinkling of an eye, it was late October, the autumn wind was rustling in the north, and the scorching sun was still hanging in Qiongzhou.

In a few days, Ye Han's sub-orbital airborne training after serving as chief of staff, Ye Han was both anticipating and apprehensive, but at this time, the base suddenly sounded the battle alarm.

Team 6 is an all-weather quick-response force, with a 24-hour combat readiness status, ready to go to the front line at any time. After the alarm sounded, all the team members immediately put on their equipment and got on the transport vehicle, ready to go out.

Ye Han and other commanders gathered in the conference room of the base under the leadership of Zu Qiu. On the big screen on the side of the conference room, there was Huo Qiang, who had never appeared in the base.

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