Armor Frenzy

Chapter 667: ghost town

a few days later.

The peculiar noise of the jet engine is transmitted to the inside of the aircraft through the outer casing of the aircraft. In the cabin, the soldiers are standing or sitting, in groups of three and five, some resting and some chatting and laughing, and they do not put their upcoming tasks at all. on the heart.

Ye Han sat on the narrow seat and stared at the white clouds passing under the wings outside the window.

He seemed to hear Huo Qiang's voice again: "No matter what the aliens want to do, as long as the aliens are dead, how many ideas are just two words - no use."

The reason is very simple, but it is very difficult to do, which is why Ye Han will lead four combat teams to cross the northern defense line, secretly sneak into Siberia, find the aliens and destroy them.

If possible, it's better to find the wolf worm's lair by the way.

With Ye Han's team alone, there is no possibility of annihilating the wolf worm, but Ye Han can completely provide the location of the worm's nest to Tiangong.

Beidu is at odds with Moscow. The Tiangong cannot directly throw weapons at Siberia, but the Tiangong is so high that it can throw asteroids at Siberia. The place could not be more suitable.

There are so many small celestial bodies that enter the atmosphere every day, even if Maozi knows that it is the handwriting of Beidu, he will not be able to provide evidence.

The transport plane flew over more than half of the country from south to north. Looking down from the sky, the lush greenery of the southern country was gradually replaced by the late autumn of the northern country. After more than four hours, the plane landed at Linyi City Airport.

A few minutes later, several fully loaded crawler vehicles drove out of the cabin, drove out of the airport and turned into the city.

The boxing ant incident five years ago made Beidu give up Linyi, and Linyi is still in a state of failure. The streets are desolate and desolate, and the barricades left behind are faintly visible.

The cracks on the road are covered with dead grass of different heights, the walls of the buildings on both sides are peeling off, and the mottled walls are covered with dead grass. Occasionally, a stubbornly growing young tree can be seen on the window sill.

He recognized that it was a willow tree, a willow tree that was inadvertently inserted into the willow tree.

Ye Han stared at the city outside the car without saying a word. In the city that used to be a bustling city, now only the airport and several other strategically important locations are stationed with troops. In addition, there is no ghost in the huge city anymore. It's a dead city, a ghost town.

Liu Bin, who was in the car, noticed that his expression was wrong, and asked with concern, "Chief of Staff, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Han smiled reluctantly: "It's nothing, I remember a little about the past."

"Have you been to Linyi?" Liu Bin asked curiously.

"I've been here." Ye Han nodded, "In two months, it will be five years."

Liu Bin was very surprised: "December five years ago... the fist ant incident?"

"Well, when I first came to Linyi, it was not long after the insect plague started. There were many people living in the city. At that time, the people were quite different. The whole Linyi was full of gangsters. In order to save people, I even assassinated people. A gang leader... Then the fist ants exploded, and the last time when the righteousness came, an underground worm nest was found... After so many years, this place is completely abolished."

The abandoned city in the north is far more than Linyi. Thinking of everything he experienced here, Ye Han couldn't help feeling a little sad.

The most profound memory is neither the tragic battle nor the dangerous assassination, but the woman full of temptation, the woman named Shen Wei.

So many years have passed, and I don't know how she is now. If she is unlucky, maybe even a handful of her bones are rotten now.

To this day, he still can't explain why he is obsessed with the unrequited love affair at the beginning, and what he can't get is the best? maybe.

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't help sighing.

Liu Bin smiled and said, "What? Worried about the task?"

"What's there to worry about in the task, just hit it when you find it, and come back when you can't find it. How simple."

"Isn't it autumn, it must be winter in Siberia, is it too late to enter Siberia at this time?" Liu Bin expressed his concerns.

"This time is just right." Ye Han smiled slightly, "It's time for the wolves to return to their nests. Finding a nest can completely eliminate a nest of worms. It's a rare opportunity!"

"What about the aliens?"

"It's also simple. Do you know why the north goes up to the mountains to hunt in winter?"


"Because it's simple." Ye Han said, "The leaves are gone, the grass is gone, and there is snow everywhere."

Ye Han didn't continue, but Liu Bin understood what he meant: "Aren't aliens able to fly? Can they still leave footprints?"

"It's better to fly. I'm worried that I can't find them. Where can I find them if I leave footprints alone!"

Liu Bin felt that his mind couldn't keep up with Ye Han's thoughts, and after thinking for a while, he understood what Ye Han meant.

Nowadays, all species in the world are eaten by giant insects. Except for humans, only insects have the ability to fly.

But the cold winter in Siberia is a forbidden area for giant insects. The entire winter in Siberia must be spent in cold silence. If a flying creature emerges at this time, there is no need to ask that it must be an alien. It's not easy for the wolfworm to survive in that environment for so many years.

Liu Bin thought for a while and asked, "Chief of Staff, where are we going to find aliens? Let's fly over when the satellite finds aliens?"

"You think too much, how can it be so complicated." Ye Han smiled, "Didn't the aliens come to the giant worms? Wherever the wolf worms are the most, we will go there, that's right."

"Ah? Isn't this a guess?"

"There is an educated guess, even if it is not for us, there is nothing to lose, it is great to withdraw and wait for the opportunity."

During the conversation, the motorcade had passed through the abandoned city and arrived at a large military camp on the outskirts of the city, one of the few military camps where people could still be seen in Linyi.

From here to the north is the huge ant-occupied area, which is also the eastern part of the northern defense line, and the first line of insect control.

The task of this camp is to manage the boundary of the ant colony, guide the ant colony to the north, and prevent the giant ants from going south.

There are many military camps like this on the border of the ant-occupied area. For several years, the eastern line of the Northern Defense Line has relied on these troops to control the ant colony and resist threats from the north.

The camp area is very large, but there is only one company stationed here. The company commander received a notice from the superior to wait outside the camp gate. When Ye Han got out of the car, the company commander trotted all the way to Ye Han and saluted: "Commander, Meals and lodging are arranged…”

"Don't bother, it's not easy for you, deliver the pheromone as soon as possible, and we'll be out right away."

"Don't, don't, Chang, relying on mountains to eat mountains and water to drink water, I don't have any next to me, I have enough ants!"

"I'm not being polite to you, I really don't need to."

The company commander said embarrassedly: "It's all done, if you don't eat it, it's all wasted..."

Ye Han finally nodded: "Alright."

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