Armor Frenzy

Chapter 670: Blessing in disguise

Before the troops left, the command conducted a comprehensive assessment of various unexpected factors affecting the mission, and the weather was also one of the key factors. However, the meteorological department believes that the southern Siberia is mainly cloudy and cloudy in the near future, and the possibility of severe weather is extremely small. Who would have thought that such bad weather would be encountered on the first day after leaving the country.

Military armored vehicles have a good ability to adapt to various types of terrain, and snow is no exception, but the ice layer under the snow is the root cause of slippage, and Ye Han has to consider the danger of continuing to drive on the road.

He is not a full-time driver and does not know very much about the performance of armored vehicles, but one driver said that there is no problem, just need a little skill to drive safely on snow.

To be cautious, Ye Han contacted Tiangong to ask for the weather forecast. The news was that the clouds could last for at most two hours. Although the temperature dropped slightly, the temperature during the day was basically kept above zero. The snow will take less than three days. All melted and the weather won't be a factor in the mission.

But Ye Han didn't think so. The weather just couldn't hinder the team's progress, but the wolf worm was different.

The wolf worms recover in spring, go south in large numbers in summer, and prepare for hibernation in autumn. Once the temperature drops below zero, the wolf worms will hide in the burrows until the next spring.

Due to various reasons, human beings still do not know whether the hibernation of wolf worms is simply sleeping for a winter like snakes, or hiding like ants, by reducing the activity of cats.

In other words, this snow is likely to sound the horn of wolf worms hibernation. Even if the team arrives at target No. 1, they cannot find the remains of the wolf worms. As a result, it is impossible to determine the location of the wolf worm hibernation cave and destroy the worm nest. Naturally out of the question.

In this case, it seems an inevitable choice to give up looking for the worm's nest and go straight to the area where aliens are infested to find aliens.

After thinking about it, I was really unwilling to turn back so bleakly. After consulting the soldiers' opinions, the team continued to move forward.

Ye Han was very worried about the accident because the armored vehicle slipped on the road, but he didn't know what the soldiers did. Except for the accident in the morning, the armored vehicle had never been in a similar situation again, that is, the driving speed was slower than normal.

This is not surprising, the road slippery in the cold weather can be overcome, but the road under the wheels is an abandoned road, and the road conditions are almost home. After driving a certain distance, the team simply drove off the road and ran on the grass beside the road.

The dry grass in the rain is frozen at low temperature. Although the snow is also ice, it is not the smooth ice layer that is laid on the road. The speed of the armored vehicle does not drop but rises, which is a little faster than running on the road.

Ye Han is very fortunate that there is a driver in the team who has received training in snow driving.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the clouds finally dispersed, and the long-lost sun poked out of the clouds. At this time, the convoy was already 178 kilometers away from the border and finally reached the first target point.

The first target point is located at the junction of plains and mountains. According to the analysis of the command, there are likely to be a large number of underground karst caves in this area, which are the natural wintering grounds of the insect swarms.

As we all know, the winter in Siberia is cold and long, and the wolf worm is essentially a bug. , Only by hiding in places such as karst caves can it be possible to resist the cold winter.

There are many speculations about the wintering methods of wolves in the biological world. In addition to overwintering in caves, some people believe that wolf worms, like most boreal insects, use egg overwintering methods to survive the long winter. That is to say, every autumn wolf worms They must mate and lay eggs in time, and then the cold winter comes, freezing all the adults, and the eggs hatch in the next spring to form new swarms.

However, this immature view has been refuted by the biological community.

The growth rate of mutant insects is indeed very fast. The new larvae can grow into two or three months, but this period of growth cannot be omitted. If the adults do not have the ability to survive the winter, where do the swarms that travel south each spring come from?

The biological community therefore concluded that there must be a wintering ground for wolves in Siberia. If the worm nests hidden in Siberia cannot be destroyed, the wolves will attack the northern defense line year after year.

The four armored vehicles stopped one by one. Ye Han was the first to jump out of the armored vehicle, standing on the snow overlooking the mountains, and sighed involuntarily.

Where does this make him go to find the worm's nest?

"Let's go and have a look!" Ye Han, who had no clue, called the soldiers together, "Everyone knows the situation, I won't say more, the No. 1 target is ahead, and now we will start to move forward, report any abnormality immediately, come out! "

The four armored vehicles moved separately, circled along the foot of the mountain, and soon disappeared into the dense forest.

The low temperature froze the ground in the forest, and the heavy armored vehicles smashed the ice, crackling non-stop.

Ye Han looked left and right, but couldn't find the slightest trace of wolf worms.

Sighing helplessly, Ye Han made up his mind and asked the team to take a look at the target area and immediately retreated to move towards the second target.

A voice suddenly came from the radio: "6o3 calls 6o1, please answer!"

Ye Han immediately replied: "6o1 received, 6o3 please speak."

"6o1, 6o3 found a cave!"

Have now?

Ye Han was amazed: "Wait, I'll be there soon!"

The two armored vehicles were separated by two hills. The armored vehicles turned around immediately and took more than ten minutes to reach the ground.

The commander of 6o3, Xue Ju, jumped out of the car when he heard the roar of the engine, and quickly greeted Ye Han, "Chief of Staff."

Ye Han nodded and didn't speak. He looked up and glanced around, and saw an unusually conspicuous cave on the waist of the opposite steep slope.

There are no trees around the cave, the sloping opening is facing the sky, and there is snow and ice all over the place. It is supposed to be very hidden. The bad thing is that the cave is like a crater, which has been steaming hot.

"Good place!" Ye Han praised, "You can't see it without smoke."

"Chief of Staff, do you want to scout to see if there are wolves in the cave?" Xue Ju asked.

"Eight or nine are inseparable from ten." Ye Han said, "Can a good cave still be hot for no reason? It must be the high temperature in the cave..."

Ye Han suddenly stared at the cave, stunned, like a puppet.

Xue Ju didn't know what Ye Han was thinking, so he didn't dare to interrupt Ye Han's thoughts, and closed his mouth tightly, until another armored vehicle drove over, which woke Ye Han, who was stunned.

"chief of staff……"

Ye Han waved his hand to interrupt Xue Ju and said excitedly, "There is a way, I have a way!"

Xue Ju looked confused: "Chief of Staff, what can I do?"

"The way to catch the wolves!"

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