Armor Frenzy

Chapter 678: retreat

Ye Han couldn't believe his eyes, stared at the blaster and praised: "You kid, are you trying to dig a hole with dynamite or what?"

The Demoman smiled embarrassedly: "It's not that exaggerated, it's just that there is no place to put feet on it, so it's not easy to shoot holes, so first get a place to stay."

Ye Han shook his head in admiration: "Professionals are different!"

The Demoman smiled and took out his saber and handed it over: "Chief of Staff, your saber."

Ye Han took the knife in his hand and urged: "What are you waiting for, come on, I'm waiting to see your performance!"

"You can rest assured!" The Demoman carried half of the remaining explosives on his back and climbed up the cliff again.

Ye Han stared at the climbing figure of the blaster and asked, "Xue Ju, what is this kid called?"

"Ouyang Ping, peaceful peace." Xue Ju said.

"Ouyang? Haha, it's the first time I've met a compound surname when I'm so old." Ye Han said with a chuckle.

"I also met a compound surname like him... No, it's two. He also has a younger sister. I met him once when I came to see him in the army." Xue Ju said.

"Isn't it? I can warn you, don't try to hit other girls." Ye Han said half-truths.

After leaving Hope, his mood was not as heavy as before, and he began to make fun of Xue Ju.

"Just spare me." Xue Ju immediately surrendered, "I'm all married."

"It's because you're married that I have to warn you." Ye Han laughed, let go of Xue Ju, and continued to watch Ouyang Ping's performance.

After Ouyang Ping climbed to the top of the waterfall, he flexibly retracted into the cave. With a place to stand, he was able to more calmly drill the rock wall and place explosives.

Although the armor's battery can still be used for a long time, everyone has a sense of urgency, and Ouyang Ping is no exception.

He used the fastest speed to find a suitable location, and quickly cut out the blasthole. However, within ten minutes, he placed all the explosives needed for the second round of blasting, and finally inserted the detonators one by one, and stepped forward again.

The danger zone of the second blast was more than twice as large as before, and everyone retreated more than 100 meters before Ouyang Ping issued the detonation order.


A bang spread far and wide on the lake, and even the giant insects in the lake, who were very insensitive to sound, fell into a brief confusion due to the tremors of the lake.

Above the waterfall, a boulder more than three meters wide and two meters high peeled off the rock wall and fell into the pool with a bang.

Ye Han looked at the conspicuous gap above the waterfall from a distance, and asked suspiciously, "Is it too small? Can it be blasted through again?"

Ouyang Ping sighed: "Chief of Staff, I don't know if it will work or not. We don't have enough detonators. We should distribute them equally. This is the best solution."

"I don't care how you blow it up, do your best." Ye Han said.

"Yes!" Ouyang Ping agreed, took all the remaining explosives, and climbed the cliff for the third time.

Liu Bin suddenly whispered: "Chief of Staff, do you think this will work? With a knife in one hand, crawling in against the water..."

"It's hard to say, if this time there is no result, go up and try."

"What if it still doesn't work?" Xue Ju asked worriedly.

Ye Han said to him: "The boat will naturally straighten when it reaches the bridge, and a living person can still suffocate his urine to death?"

Xue Ju almost choked to death, what is the difference between saying this and not saying it? You must come up with an idea!

Ye Han also wanted to say something useful, but he was looking forward to Ouyang Ping's surprise, how could he think about it?

While he was talking, Ouyang Ping entered the water for the third time, and his posture was quite beautiful.

The rocks cracked and the broken stones fell into the pool, but after everyone saw the cracked gap, their hearts were half cold.

The explosion did open a gap more than two meters wide, but the gap was immediately filled by turbulent water, and it didn't look like it could climb over.

"How could this happen?" Xue Ju said incredulously, "The water is rushing like this every day, I don't know how many years it has been rushing, why should there be a gap?"

How can the outlet on the cliff match the flow of the underground river exactly? Thousands of years of continuous erosion, the rocks under the waterfall are constantly worn away, the river bed is constantly lowered, and there will naturally be some gaps above the waterfall.

"Normally there shouldn't be so much water." Ye Han said, "Maybe it was the rain last night..."

Everyone understands when they hear this. The rain yesterday was too heavy, the rainwater seeped into the ground, and the water volume of the underground river skyrocketed, so the gap on the waterfall was blocked.

"What can I do?" Xue Ju said anxiously.

"How about... Climb up and try?" Liu Bin suggested again.

"Forget it, there is no result from going up." Ye Han said, "Let's find another way."

The water gushing out from the cliff is not a gentle pour, but like a flood gate of a dam, it spews out and then falls into the pool. It is hard to say how thick the water outlet is, but the rush of the water can be seen.

Manpower is sometimes poor, and even if he wears power armor, he does not have the capital to fight against the mighty power of nature.

Ouyang Ping lowered his head in frustration: "Chief of Staff, it's all my fault..."

"Let's go, just like that, if you don't enter this hole, you won't have anything to do? Don't always think about taking responsibility, just let me think about how to get out!"

Xue Ju's eyes fell on the cliff, and he gritted his teeth and said, "There is no other way, let's touch the holes, one by one, which one can go out..."

"What if I go wrong?" Liu Bin objected, "I haven't seen the other side of the river, maybe there is a way!"

"What if there is a road? We can still tell which direction came from At least this cliff is at the foot of Lailu, and the holes above may follow Lailutong. Now, even if you find a way to go across the river, can you follow the way you came? Or are you sure you can find another way to get back to the ground?"

Liu Bin was at a loss for words.

"Stop arguing." Ye Han said, "Xue Ju's words come to the point, the road when you came is above your head, and the holes on the cliff must be connected to the holes above. Our task now is to get this out as soon as possible. Find your way!"

"Why, how to find it?" Liu Bin felt dizzy when he saw the large and small holes on the rock wall.

Ye Han pursed his lips: "In this way, the battery can still be used for a while, let's do this, the two of them will work together, and mark the road. After an hour, if they don't find anything, they will come back and gather. Note, I said there was a discovery. , it's a mark made when you found it, it's not just finding a hole, do you understand?"


"Also, not only the inside of the hole must be marked, but also the entrance of the hole. It is best to have different markings for each group. If the two groups meet, return to the first group."


"So what's the discovery?" a soldier asked.

"Stupid, what is the radio for?" Liu Bin said angrily.

Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth but couldn't smile: "Okay, free grouping, ready to go!"

Some brothers mentioned fattening, and fattening also depends on the genuine version. Anti-theft and fattening are not in conflict. If fattening affects the data, then there is no need to subscribe to yesterday's chapter. All subscriptions are 650, accounting for 3.2% of the total collection. If there are as many fattening brothers as there are chasing brothers, and doubling the data, it is only 6.4%.

Sad isn't it? It is these book friends who have always supported me in writing books.

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