Armor Frenzy

Chapter 682: Dilemma

682 Dilemma

The other warrior hesitated for a moment, but it was too late to walk. He gritted his teeth and jumped down, but because of the momentary hesitation, he accidentally fell to the ground when he landed, his legs were still in the burning range, and his body fell under the flames. outside.

A few wolves rushed towards them immediately, but they didn't dare to touch the high temperature of the flame, so they could only dodge a little and stab them with sharp worm limbs.

The fallen warrior suddenly stood up and ran with half-body flames, just like the flame war **** who came out of the myth, the wolves along the way retreated one after another.

Nothing else, the temperature of the soldier's body is too high, and the wolf worms in the first grade have to retreat.

The incendiary grenade is filled with aluminothermic burners. When this thing burns, there is no flame, and it is more like a fireworks.

Don't look at this thing without the adhesion of white phosphorus, but once it is burned, the temperature can reach more than 3,000 degrees, enough to melt gold and iron, and burn through a safe or something with no effort.

The melting point of pure titanium is more than 1,600 degrees. The melting point of ordinary titanium alloy is lower than that of pure titanium. It is said that the armor is stained with aluminothermic combustion agent, and it will burn through the armor after a while. .

However, nothing is absolute. The space version armor must adapt to the harsh environment outside the sky. Thermal insulation is the foundation. Therefore, the materials used in the space version armor keep improving. It is not an ordinary titanium alloy, but has excellent strength under high temperature and low temperature conditions. Ultra-high melting point titanium alloy, without the high temperature of 4000 degrees, it is impossible to melt this alloy.

Moreover, the surface material of the space armor is not pure metal, but a composite armor like a tank. The thermal insulation layer between multiple layers of titanium alloys can effectively shield the high temperature and low temperature from the outside world. Affected by changes in outside temperature.

If these two fighters were wearing normal armor, it was hard to say whether they dared to jump into the flames.

Although the armor itself is not afraid of high temperature, the weapons and ammunition of the soldiers are not so powerful. Fortunately, only some of the legs are stained. If it gets on the body, the shells in the magazine must be detonated.

Ye Han and others also gave the two soldiers the greatest support. The continuous shooting was no longer mainly to kill the giant insects, but turned the muzzle to shoot at both sides of the running soldiers, killing the wolf insects that threatened the safety of the soldiers one by one.

The soldiers running in front rushed out of the last pool of fireworks as if they were flying, rubbed their feet on the ground a few times, and wiped off all the contamination of the burning agent.

Seeing this, Ye Han immediately threw the rope down.

The power armor has a set of accessories. One of the accessories is a ten-meter-long high-strength rope. Even though this thing is only as thick as a ballpoint pen, it can lift nearly five tons of weight!

The soldier jumped hard, jumping up to a height of more than one meter. He grabbed the rope in mid-air, and Ye Han, who was facing him, quickly pulled back and dragged the soldier into the hole in three or two strokes.

The soldier did not have time to thank him after landing, and immediately took up the armored gun and joined the battle to share the pressure of everyone.

At this time, the soldier at the back also ran under the hole. The incendiary agent contaminated by the armor had been exhausted, and the front of the leg armor had been burnt to dark red.

Ye Han threw the rope again, the soldier stretched out his hand to grab the rope, fixed the rope end to the buckle around his waist, stepped on the rock wall with the help of the upward pulling force, stepped on the rock wall and ran to take off the armored guns and fired again and again.

His movements are similar to playing acrobatics. Ordinary soldiers can't do such difficult movements at all, but the marines are all elites selected from the mobile infantry. Which one has the same unique skills? It's embarrassing to show off at this level.

The two groups of people finally converged in the cave, and Ye Han shouted without hesitation: "Go back, go back the same way!"

Ye Han is very unfamiliar with this cave. The only familiar place is the underground lake. After all, it is connected with the road when he came here. At this moment, when he doesn't know where to go, the only reason he chooses the underground lake is that there is more Get familiar.

The eight people were immediately divided into two groups, back to back, firing their guns while retreating the way they came.

There are worms in the front and back, and the taste of the sandwich biscuits is extremely uncomfortable. Relatively speaking, because there is a vertical rock wall on the other side of the cave, the pressure is lower, but Ye Han does not dare to bring the team into that. In death, he could only fight to the death with the swarm of insects rushing over under the pressure, trying his best to kill a **** path.

The roads leading to the underground lake are all caves with limited width. A large number of wolves are crowded into a limited space. Each shot can kill a few wolves. As long as the firepower of the team can keep up, it is difficult for the wolves to break through the fire blockade. .

However, many corpses piled up in the cave, and it was close to blocking the cave. The layers of corpses even formed a corpse wall several meters thick, blocking the swarm from outside.

Blocking the wolves is a good thing, but it's not a good thing to have a group of wolves chasing after them.

But Ye Han didn't have the ability to move the corpse wall, but the corpse wall gave him an idea, and he asked a few people to walk a few steps in the direction of the cave to establish a blocking line, and he just took the time to kill a bunch of wolves. The corpse blocked the way to the cave.

Both ends were blocked by insect corpses, and this section of the cave became an unthreatening safety island, which at least guaranteed temporary safety.

"Check the ammunition!" Ye Han gave the first order after the battle.

The soldiers immediately counted the remaining ammunition and reported the number of ammunition remaining.

Two-thirds of the ammunition had been used in the previous battle, and only four grenades remained. After all the ammo was redistributed, each was divided into three and a half magazines, about seventy rounds.

Ouyang Ping put the magazine back on the gun and asked worriedly, "Chief of Staff, what should we do?"

Ye Han was silent for a moment and said, "Wait!"

His answer shocked all the Everyone looked at Ye Han with puzzled eyes.

Ye Han explained: "When we came, there were no bugs in this hole. It can be seen that they usually don't live here at all. Now both ends are blocked. Let's wait for a while. If the bugs retreat, let's go quickly."

"Why don't you go back?"

"If you don't retreat, think of a way. Let's take a break and think of a way. Don't expect me to think it out by myself. I'm not as powerful as you think." Ye Han said.

Everyone wanted to laugh but couldn't, so they simply sat down and rested with their backs to the stone wall. As for the way to break out of the encirclement... whoever has the ability, who wants to go!

As time passed by, Ye Han didn't even have a clue, let alone the heartless warriors, and the wolf bugs outside the corpse wall always lingered, like a layer of dark clouds always covering everyone's hearts.

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