Armor Frenzy

Chapter 690: track

When Ye Han arrived at the bottom of the cliff, Ouyang Ping et al. had already climbed to a height of more than 20 meters. A soldier moved to the entrance of a cave and suddenly pointed at the stone wall and shouted, "Chief of Staff, here is a mark!"


"What mark?"


"One arrow, one entry, and one Liu."


"Report location!"


A soldier hanging on the rock wall immediately raised his right hand.


Ye Han climbed up the rock wall with both hands and feet, and soon climbed to the soldier's side. He saw the arrow and the characters, and the extremely scribbled Liu character.


Looking further into the hole, there are many shell casings piled up on the ground near the entrance of the hole, and some scattered shell casings extend into the hole a little further away.


Ye Han stepped into the cave: "With me as the center, gather all!"


"Chief of Staff, do you have a clue?" Bi Min asked in surprise.


"Well, come here."


The soldiers quickly gathered around Ye Han. Ye Han clung to his rifle and walked into the depths of the cave first: "Let's go!"


Bi Min took a few steps to get close to Ye Han, and asked suspiciously, "Chief of Staff, this is not right!"


"What's wrong?"


"I saw it just now. There are bullet casings and bullet marks, but what about the bugs? Where did the bugs go?"


The traces of the battle at the entrance of the cave are very obvious, and there are also bullet casings left in the cave, but fighting is a two-sided matter, how could there be no corpses of insects?


Ye Han Ye Han said without turning his head, "Ants have a habit of collecting corpses."


Bi Min was shocked: "Wolf worms evolved from ants?" This guess is not a secret, but no evidence has been found.


"Don't you think that wolves and ants are very similar? They live in groups, live in holes, and collect corpses for their companions... Is it a coincidence that they are the same. Is it a coincidence that so many are added together?"


Bi Min hesitated for a moment and said, "I never found a wolf worm collecting corpses before."


"That's because the wolves killed us... No, ants move by smell, and the battlefield is full of gunpowder smoke. Where do you ask the worms to collect the corpses... It's also possible that all the worms died and the corpses were confiscated. manpower."


Bi Min nodded silently, although she still felt that Ye Han's conclusion was too subjective and arbitrary, but after thinking about it, she couldn't say it was unreasonable.


However, he quickly put these thoughts behind him. The soldier is not a scientist. He only needs to know where the enemy is, and he doesn't need to know what the ancestor of the wolf worm is.


However, as he was walking, an idea suddenly entered Bi Min's mind - Chinese giant ants, African giant ants, South American giant ants, North American termites, some of the world's most serious insect disasters can all be related to ants.


A few years ago, the plague of insects was a situation in which all kinds of giant insects emerged one after another, and different types went hand in hand. Nowadays, those giant insects fighting alone are rare. Only giant ants are developing wildly. The main force of the three three insect nests are ant colonies.


The ant tribe is now the absolute main force of the insect plague. Among the known giant ant species, only the North American termite is ill-fated, and it went extinct under the full pressure of the US military. The other giant ants are all alive and well.


If this trend continues, what will happen in the future? Giant ants sweeping the world?


No, no, at least the possibility of the Chinese giant ant getting out of control is extremely small. Although the development is good, if it is not deliberately condoned by Beidu for the sake of interests, I am afraid that before the American termite appears, the Chinese giant ant will become the first. A giant ant that was extinct by humans.


From another perspective, the domestic Chinese giant ant population is equivalent to the biological shield of the entire country. Once the giant worm fully erupts or something else happens, Beidu can cultivate a large number of Chinese giant ants just like dealing with insect trees.


Using technological weapons to deal with the swarm is the standard to kill a thousand enemies and lose 800, but to fight the swarm with Chinese giant ants is to fight for war...


Bi Min's thoughts scattered completely, thinking about whether it was useful or not, and it was not his turn to worry about problems.


The troops continued to move forward, and when they reached a fork in the road, bullet casings left over from the battle were found in both directions, and Ye Han's bad feeling became clearer.


Liu Bin only had a few people in his hands, and it was absolutely impossible to divide the troops unless the situation was critical.


Ye Han was reluctant to divide the reinforcements he had finally hoped for into two, but the sound of gunshots could not be heard on either side of the road. , more likely to increase the firing rate to lure wolves away.


The consequences of dividing troops are unpredictable. If you concentrate your troops, you will not give up a fork in the road, but the soldiers in the fork.


Ye Han hesitated again and again, and felt uncertain about dividing the troops, and finally gritted his teeth: "Bi Min, I'll take someone to the left, you take two people to stay here, wait for the reinforcements to come and go to the right!"


"Yes!" Bi Min agreed subconsciously. After the voice came out, he realized what Ye Han was talking about, and his face changed, "Chief of Staff, are there fewer people? If the bugs come, the three of them can't stand it. stay!"


Ye Han was angry: "Can't stand it, you won't run? If you take someone away, I'll stay!"


The most important feature of the army is the prohibition of orders. Bi Min's words are usually nothing at all, but now is the time when time is racing, and delaying one more second may cause unpredictable and serious consequences.


Ye Han was so anxious in his heart that Bi Min not only did not execute the order after receiving the order, but instead talked about the conditions, how could he not make Ye Han angry?


Speaking of home, there is basically no fork in the section from the underground lake to the fork in the The possibility of encountering wolves is not high. On the contrary, there is a very high possibility that the missing person is still entangled with the wolf worm. In other words, finding the missing person is equivalent to meeting the wolf worm, and the possibility of encountering the worm swarm is almost 100%.


Bi Min made a sharp call: "I didn't mean that, I'll take someone to stay!"


This statement is one of the common ways in the military to express dissatisfaction to the lower levels, and Bi Min dared not agree to it.


Ye Han didn't have time to grumble with Bi Min, and led the team to the left side of the road first.


Bi Min led the two warriors to guard the fork in the road, and kept her eyes on the advancing army until the last warrior disappeared, and then she took back her resentful gaze.


The same rice raises a hundred different people, Ye Han never imagined that a seed of resentment had already taken root in Bi Min's heart.


Less than a minute after Ye Han left, the reinforcements led by Xiao Yuan met with the three-person team that placed the signal repeater. After knowing that the porridge had been placed along the way, Xiao Yuan immediately shouted on the radio: "I received the request. Reply!"


Ye Han, who received the communication, was ecstatic: "I'm 601, please tell me!"


There are two soldiers in the team who are specially responsible for placing repeaters. Every time they walk a distance, they will pull out a button-sized repeater and nail it to the wall.


Although this thing is small, the signal strength is not low. The signal transmission radius of each repeater in the cave is more than 100 meters.



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