Armor Frenzy

Chapter 697: destroy

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697 Destroyed

The armored car stopped at the bridge head, and Ye Han jumped out of the car and walked a few steps to observe the situation of the bridge up close.

Xiao Yuan quickly followed, standing beside Ye Han, his eyes were as alert as radar.

The situation of the bridge was even more serious than expected. The cracks in the concrete bridge deck turned the entire bridge deck into an irregular concrete puzzle.

Some of the cracks were as wide as a palm, the rusted steel bars were exposed, and the concrete on the edge of the bridge deck even fell off.

Ye Han was horrified, the bridge has become like this, can the armored car drive past it?

The power armor leaves the armored support vehicle like a bird with a broken wing, and he will never give up the armored vehicle unless it is absolutely necessary.

Time was running out, and Ye Han was running out of time. He took out the rope, fastened one end to himself, and handed the other end to Xiao Yuan: "Hold on, I'll go take a look."

"Captain, let me go!" Xiao Yuan said anxiously.

"No, I'll see it myself." Ye Han said.

Only by seeing it with your own eyes can you get first-hand information.

Xiao Yuan hurriedly fastened the rope to his body, feeling unsafe and called two soldiers over.

Ye Han walked along the approach bridge. Although the approach bridge had some cracks, the deck was much worse and could definitely withstand the weight of armored vehicles.

After stepping on the bridge deck, Ye Han stepped on it a few times, and the cracked bridge deck didn't move at all.

This discovery made him feel a little more at ease. He took a few steps forward, and his feet were still as steady as Mount Tai.

Ye Han suddenly remembered something, took a few steps to the side of the bridge, leaned on the side of the bridge and looked down, and was relieved to see that the steel beams under the concrete deck were still intact.

Maozi is Maozi, this bridge looks inconspicuous, but the materials are really solid, the steel beams under the bridge are wide and thick, not to mention a few cracks in the road surface, even if all the concrete falls off, only the steel beams below can be used as a bridge. bridge over.

The time of the explosion was getting closer and closer, Ye Han didn't dare to waste time, and stood up with his arms up: "Quick, everyone gets off the bus, the armored vehicles pass quickly, hurry up!" If time permits, he will definitely take the entire bridge to the ground. Go through it and decide whether to pass or not.

The soldiers who were still in the car received an order to jump out of the car like dumplings. The armored car, which weighed nearly 20 tons, was lightly loaded and opened the approach bridge with the roar of the engine.

Ye Han pointed at the bridge and shouted, "Come on, drive over in one go!"

The armored vehicle at the head suddenly accelerated, suddenly jumped over the bridge deck, and galloped toward the opposite bank.

Ye Han secretly prayed, hoping that nothing would go wrong.

The length of the bridge is about 300 meters. The armored vehicle moving at full speed only needs a few breaths to pass through. However, the more afraid of something, the rushing armored vehicle suddenly made a sharp turn, and the heavy armored vehicle just drove out of the bridge deck. It simply drifted neatly, looking to hit the railing, then suddenly turned back and continued to move forward.

Ye Han yelled on the radio, "What's the situation?"

The driver immediately replied: "The bridge deck has fallen off, it is recommended to drive on the right!"

"Got it!" Ye Han waved his hand after saying that, "Follow, the car leaves and everyone leaves, and the formation spreads out a bit!"

Several armored vehicles set off one after another at a distance of 30 meters, and dozens of soldiers spread their footsteps and followed behind like Fei.

More than 300 meters is just a sprint. It took only 30 seconds, and everyone reached the other side.

It was not until he set foot on the land on the north bank of the river valley that Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look back at the south bank of the river valley.

The valley is very deep, with a drop of no less than 100 meters, and the cliffs on both sides are steep and almost cliffs.

But what is surprising is that several small waterfalls are actually located at the half waist of the cliff on the south bank, spewing out from the pores of the cliff, and the amount of water is not small.

When the team heard that the worm's nest was opened, the sun was setting in the west, and now half of the sun had sunk into the horizon, and the only remaining ray of sunlight was shining on the cascades of waterfalls, giving it a sense of fantasy.

The soldiers who witnessed this scene all tutted their tongues, and only one pouted in disapproval: "What's the matter, there are so many things in my family, it's not uncommon at all."

When everyone heard it, they were immediately interested, and they all said that they must go to see it in the future.

At this time, Ouyang Ping looked at the time, got close to Xue Ju and said a word, Xue Juma got close to Ye Han: "Chief of Staff, the time is almost up, do you want to go further?"

Ye Han glanced at the time subconsciously, nodded and said, "Go forward, keep me away from the river valley!"

Everyone acted as ordered. After advancing more than 100 meters, Ye Han ordered the troops to stop advancing and prepare for the impact.

In fact, there is nothing to prepare. Armored vehicles and power armor have good electromagnetic shielding, and the electromagnetic pulse generated by the air explosion of nuclear bombs can also withstand the electromagnetic pulse, not to mention the underground nuclear explosion without pulse.

With only a few seconds left, Ouyang Ping looked at the time and counted down subconsciously: "Ten, nine...three, two, one!"

Everyone unknowingly followed Ouyang Ping in the countdown, and at the end, it was already the common countdown of everyone.

After the last count, everyone invariably turned their eyes to the cascading mountains in the east.

There seemed to be a sudden tremor between the peaks, and then countless earths suddenly rushed into the sky, the earth undulated like a turbulent sea, the iron bridge more than a hundred meters away was shaking violently, twisting and twisting, and the small waterfalls in the river valley suddenly seemed to be Floods generally burst into large streams of water, and the rapids even sprayed all the way to the rock walls on the north shore.

The ground beneath the soldiers' feet trembled obviously, but it wasn't until the mud in the sky began to fall that everyone heard an unusually low roar.

Because of the distance the soldiers observed only so much.

However, the warships in outer orbit have always monitored the situation in the No. 1 area and recorded the entire process.

Looking down from the sky, the location of the worm nest suddenly sank, and a large amount of gas gushed out from the outlets distributed everywhere at the same time, and then the sunken ground suddenly swelled at an extremely fast speed, suddenly throwing a large amount of soil and stones into the air, and the projectile area was as high as Seven square kilometers!

Within the projectile range, several hills collapsed instantly and turned into scattered mud.

There was an earthquake-like violent shaking outside the projectile range. The debris on the ground was bounced up to a person's height by the undulating ground. The shaking lasted for more than a second and then quickly subsided.

The earth fell back in the sky, but the flying dust drifted away with the evening wind. When all the soil fell back, several hills in the projectile area had disappeared, and the entire projectile area had become a crater-like depression.

A few kilometers away, Ye Han and the others watched the soil fall. Xiao Yuan said softly, "No bugs can survive, right?" With such a strong explosion, the underground karst cave must have been completely destroyed, and the hole that was not affected by the explosion, It also collapses due to violent vibrations.

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