Armor Frenzy

Chapter 699: tip of the iceberg

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699 Tip of the Iceberg

"It's impossible to say. Maozi's urination is unreasonable and depends on three points, not to mention that we are crossing the border this time."

"Lend the courage of the two of them, dare to stab Siberia directly!" Gao Kai's tone was extremely arrogant, "Don't worry, if Maozi dared to come out, he would definitely deal with it without discussing it."

Ye Han blinked suspiciously: "Why do I think you have something to say?"

"What do you think?" Gao Kai asked back.

"Don't tell me, what are you talking about, don't let me guess, I don't have enough brains."

"You don't have enough brains?" Gao Kai expressed contempt for Ye Han, "Our actions this time are not chaotic, the United States and Europe are all supporting it."

"What else is going on?" Ye Han's heart skipped a beat, "What's the situation? What did you use to get it back?"

Neither the United States nor Europa is a good bird. If you want to gain support from those shameless politicians who can't make a profit, how can you get the support of those black-hearted politicians if there is not enough price?

"Nothing in exchange, they beg us to come."

Ye Han was stunned: "How is it possible? Why in the end? You shouldn't sell it, okay?"

"Do you know the three sources of insects?"

"Does that even need to be said?"

"Let's talk about Africa first. That place is the world's largest source of insects. The Europeans have always wanted to eliminate the African giant ants, but they have never been able to do it. The Europeans and the North have been in contact many times, and I always hope that we will send someone to help."

The situation in Europe is very complicated. There are many countries that compete with each other and cooperate with each other. The combat effectiveness of the militaries of various countries is uneven. It is easy to make a decision to counterattack Africa, but it is difficult to organize the troops of various countries to carry out a counterattack.

Moreover, nuclear weapons are the only weapon against giant insects. There are many nuclear-armed countries in Europe, but only John Bull and Gallic Chicken are legally owned.

But the nuclear forces of these two companies have come back so clearly. They gave up land-based nuclear weapons 800 years ago, leaving only sea-based nuclear weapons. Not only are there very few warheads, but the country is even exhausted by the tossing of bugs. That point of nuclear force defense is enough. Now, counterattack on Africa? just forget it.

These two companies have a lot of ideas to explode, but unfortunately the weak national strength is difficult to support, and in the end they can only let it go. If it hadn't been with the United States to join the base group and took the last train to the moon, it would have been uncertain what it would have been like.

"He's so beautiful!" Ye Han was instantly furious. "You want us to go to Africa and go all out? Why are they so bad? Let's return the things that robbed us first."

"Of course it's not that easy. Although I don't know the detailed exchange conditions, I know that supporting Beidu's attack on Siberia is only one of the conditions... Don't worry about this, Beidu thinks that you and I are comprehensive."

"Where's the Yankees? Ask us for help too?"

"That's not true, but the meaning is similar." Gao Kai said, "Let's put it this way, Africa and South America are located in the tropics, and the resource-rich insect swarms are also large. Even if the international community works together, it is impossible to eliminate these two species in a short period of time. But Siberia is different. This is the worst environment among the three major insect sources. It has a short period of time for insect growth and development, and the scale of the insect colony is also small. It is currently the only insect source that may be completely destroyed. "

"That's right, if it wasn't for Maozi's connivance, how could this place become a source of insects?" Ye Han said, "I understand a little bit, those Western countries must want to support us in pacifying Siberia first, and then take action. Help them level South America and Africa."

"That's what it means, but Beidu can't easily agree to it. I think Beidu also has this cross-border operation because there are aliens in Siberia."

"Hehe, even your chief of staff doesn't know the inside story?"

"I'm the chief of staff of the Beiyuezhou fleet, not the chief of staff."

Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth: "I didn't use people as guns... Hey, there are aliens in Africa and South America, right?"

"Yes, there are more in Africa and less in South America."

"That's right. The situation in Africa and South America is complicated. It's not that easy to figure out the situation of aliens. Siberia is much simpler... Mian definitely wants to know what the aliens are doing hiding in Siberia. Rabbit, flatten the nest of Siberia."

"Oh, I didn't say anything."

"Okay, I know what's going on." Ye Han said.

Gao Kai's laughter has already explained the problem, some words don't need to be said so clearly, everyone knows it well.

"Don't mess around, let alone spread it."

"I don't even know this? You think I'm learning the secrecy regulations every year for nothing?"

"Okay, you get it, take a rest, don't worry about Maozi's satellite." Gao Kai said.

"Understood." At the end of the communication, Ye Han sat by the bonfire, full of thoughts.

Gao Kai's words made Ye Han figure out some things, but more of them were still puzzles.

Things at the political level are too complicated and weird, Ye Han can't understand, he only knows that Yankees do not want to see a powerful country, and Siberia becomes a source of insects and can consume a lot of power, which is very in line with Yankees' interests.

You must know that the land connection between Europe, Africa, and North and South America is either separated by the sea or cut off by the canal. You only need to hold the line of the canal to keep the swarms out.

Fang has a long land border with Siberia, and the swarm can cross the border no matter where they go. Fang’s manpower and material resources to build the northern defense line are enough to build more than a dozen Suez defense lines or Panama defense lines.

Under this premise Siberia remains as it is, and it is in the interests of the United States that Fang and the swarm are involved in a tug-of-war. What is the reason for the Americans to support the Northern Capital?

Just to know why aliens landed on Earth? Impossible.

Gaining experience in sweeping the African and South American swarms? This is even worse.

Otherwise, the aliens put too much pressure on the base group. The Yankees and the Europeans plan to clear the swarm before the aliens arrive, and then the world will fight against the aliens... This reason also sounds unreliable. But the first two reasons are much better.

Or the Yankees and Europeans found that the rapid development of the side could not be contained, and they simply gave up the antagonistic sentiment of the hostile side and instead sought cooperation and development.

With the practical and realistic character of Westerners, it is not surprising to make such a shameless choice.

At this time, Ye Han didn't even know what conditions were exchanged between Beidu and the United States and Europe, but he had already put a shameless label on the United States and Europe.

As for the demands of the Northlanders and Europeans, Ye Han believes that the North will not agree to any conditions easily.

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