Armor Frenzy

Chapter 704: latest news

Gao Kai on the radio suddenly fell silent, and then Ye Han heard a sigh: "At present, we have very little information, that place has been abandoned for a long time, let alone our people, even Maozi himself knows a few. There's nothing to say about that place."

Ye Han couldn't help laughing bitterly: "Then know how much to say, you have to let us know something useful, right?"

"You know the location, you can find the satellite map by yourself, and if you want to know anything else, you can contact 401 directly."

"Isn't it? When such a big thing happened, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs didn't ask Maozi?"

"I'm asking, not only is the foreign affairs department communicating with Maozi, anyone who can say a few words is looking for trouble with Maozi, but so far Maozi hasn't moved."

"Is Moscow dead?"

"Don't ask me, it would be nice if my mother-in-law knew."

"Understood, let me know as soon as possible if anything happens."

"Do you still need to tell me? If there is a situation, can you hide it from you and not notify you?"

At the end of the communication, Gao Kai curled the corners of his mouth awkwardly, feeling awkward, as if Ye Han was the chief of staff of the fleet.

Ye Han didn't think much of it at all. After the communication ended, the real-time satellite image of the target point was called up as soon as possible... Unfortunately, the weather at the target was not very good, and the clouds blocked the satellite's line of sight. .

Unable to get the real-time image, Ye Han could only contact Tiangong again and asked for a high-definition bird's-eye view taken two hours ago, which is much clearer than the one that Gao Kai sent him.

From the picture, the target is only a small city close to the coast. The city is very dilapidated and outdated, with a large number of collapsed houses, the roads are covered with weeds, and there are only some buildings near the coast.

There is too little information at present, and there is nothing wrong with the map. Ye Han can only reluctantly turn off the map, reconnect with the satellite, and find the airport that has been abandoned for decades.

Sure enough, as Gao Kai said, the situation at the airport is not bad, and the runway that has been abandoned for decades is very clear.

After passing the coordinates of the airport to several drivers, Ye Han found a comfortable position and closed his eyes. After more than an hour, the convoy arrived at the airport smoothly.

Ye Han was very surprised. The situation here is not as bad as imagined. Although the buildings in the airport are broken and broken, none of them collapsed. Withered grass grows on the tarmac, and a few rust marks can be seen in the grass. Spotted old plane.

The airport runways in the former Soviet Union appear to be made of square prefabricated concrete slabs, with straight seams overgrown with low weeds, dividing the flat runway into many boxy lattices.

Twelve minutes after the convoy arrived at the airport, a large transport plane flew from the south. The two sides communicated a few words on the radio. After confirming the identity of the other party, the transport plane landed lightly on the runway, watching the huge wheels crush the dead grass and leaves. Han has a feeling that he can't bear to look directly.

The troops quickly boarded the plane under Ye Han's order, and after everyone boarded the plane, the transport plane took off at an accelerated rate.

From landing to take-off, the whole process did not take ten minutes.

What followed was a full-speed flight for more than an hour. Ye Han found a suitable place to lie down and continued to close his eyes and rest.

The same goes for the soldiers who have been running around for a few days. After a while, the cabin is full of people lying all over the place.

Ye Han's consciousness soon fell into a blur, and after an unknown amount of time, a voice that seemed to be far away gradually awakened his mind: "Tiangong called 601, please answer if you receive it; Tiangong called 601. Please answer when you reach it! "

Ye Han suddenly sat up smartly: "601 received, please tell."

"I'm 104, 601, the latest situation, Mao Zi's clothes have softened!"

"Ah? Take it soft?" Ye Han's still-unclear brain immediately woke up, "What did Maozi say?"

"The place is called Vishwarshesk, and the name is too confusing to explain. There is a submarine base left by the former Soviet Union. The urban area was abandoned more than ten years ago, but the submarine base has always been under Maozi's control. , the submarine base was not abandoned until Maozi evacuated Siberia a few years ago."

Ye Han keenly grasped the point: "What's in the submarine base?"

"Abandoned submarine."

"Regular or..."

"There are, there is a lot of nuclear waste, and there is a nuclear submarine waiting to be scrapped."

Ye Han's whole person is not good: "What did you say? Maozi throws the nuclear submarine there and doesn't care?"

"It's not the first time Maozi has done this. There are various submarine bases on the seabed. I don't know how many scrapped submarines are thrown. Maybe one day the nuclear waste will leak." Gao Kai said.

Ye Han subconsciously swallowed: "The alien's target is a nuclear submarine?"

"According to Maozi, there is still a bit of value for nuclear submarines in that place. Could it be that the aliens are running for nuclear waste?"

"What do the aliens want to do?" Ye Han panicked inexplicably.

He thought of many answers in an instant, such as dumping nuclear waste into the sea, understanding the human technology tree through nuclear submarines, and occupying the submarine base by occupying a nest of Not only you want to know, I want to know, know this Everyone wants to know. "

"What does that mean?"

"Start reconnaissance as soon as possible, find out the purpose of the aliens, no matter what they want to do, completely destroy and destroy, it is best to catch a few live ones."

"Catch it alive..." Ye Han's mouth twitched, "How can aliens be so easy to catch? You better not expect anything."

"Do your best." Gao Kai said, "If you have a chance to seize it, forget it if you don't."

There are not one or two countries that want to capture aliens, but aliens have a very strong fighting capacity and will to fight. No matter the Chinese side, the US side or any other side, no country has ever caught them.

Several countries came close, but the aliens about to be arrested all committed suicide without hesitation.

It is said that Yankee broke the limbs of an alien in order to get a live one, hoping to use this method to capture, but the alien died a few hours later on the way to the laboratory.

In the end, the corpse was still sent to the laboratory. Experts dissected the corpse of the alien, and finally found that the blood of the alien had become a paradise for earth microorganisms, and the original blood components were completely destroyed.

Experts believe that the exposure of the severed limbs of aliens to the air is the direct cause of the alien infection.

Through dissection, it was found that the circulatory system of aliens is very complex, with only one-third of the blood vessels flowing blood, and the other two-thirds have unknown functions.

Experts speculate that the blood circulation of aliens is likely to have only a single transport function, and immunity is achieved by other means. Therefore, nutrient-rich alien blood is an excellent culture medium for microorganisms. Once its blood contacts earth microorganisms, Infected and died in a very short period of time.

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