Armor Frenzy

Chapter 710: Underground Pier

The closer you get to the dark hole, the lower the seabed, and the seabed near the dark hole drops abruptly, forming a trench that leads directly to the dark hole.

The trench is about 20 meters deep, and the two sides are irregular. It doesn't look like a natural formation.

Turning off the propeller, Ye Han slowly fell to the **** of the ditch. The sea sand under his feet was extremely hard, not as soft as it should be. Obviously, the slopes on both sides were reinforced. This ditch was dug by Maozi to facilitate the entry and exit of submarines. of.

Xiao Yuan fell to Ye Han, looked at the dark hole and praised: "It's really big enough."

With the addition of the trench, the depth of the seawater at the dark cave is probably not less than 50 meters; the width of the dark cave itself is similar to that of the trench, which is about 20 meters; the height of the cave is about 30 meters, which is higher than a ten-story building. Some.

"Can the submarine come out?" Ye Han responded casually, jumped into the trench lightly, and slowly swam into the dark cave along the bottom of the trench.

The dark hole is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, and the shape is very irregular. It looks like a natural formation, but after crossing the entrance, there are more and more traces of manual repairs, and after tens of meters, it simply becomes flat concrete.

At this time, a little accident happened. Several sharks that appeared out of nowhere followed the team and got into the dark hole, shaking their heads and waving their tails over the heads of everyone.

Everyone was a little stunned, but quickly put the matter aside.

After diving for more than 100 meters, many metal parts of different sizes and shapes appeared on the bottom of the water where there were only some debris. I don’t know how long these things have been soaked in sea water, and the surface has already become mottled and lost its original appearance. .

Looking up, the stone wall above my head began to extend diagonally upward, and after swimming for another fifty or sixty meters, the stone wall disappeared. Ye Han understood that it was the stone wall protruding out of the water, and it should be the underground dock where the submarine was docked!

It was probably Maozi and aliens who had fought here. There were some dead bodies of Maozi soldiers floating on the water, and several sharks were fighting for food.

A little farther on the water surface, there was still a mass of thing emitting a faint blue light. That thing occupied a piece of the water surface, and countless white silk tentacles protruded into the water, dancing slowly with the current like a curtain.

A shark competing for food strayed into it and was entangled by many tentacles. It struggled violently and tore off countless tentacles. However, more tentacles entangled in it and quickly wrapped the shark tightly. The burly shark stopped struggling weakly, only the occasional twitching body showed that it was still alive.

"I'm going, what is this?" Liu Bin whispered in surprise.

"It should be a jellyfish." Xue Ju said softly.

"The jellyfish is this big?" Liu Bin asked in disbelief.

"Uh, the maximum is nearly three meters. This may be a mutation."

The puffing virus spreads all over the world, and it is strange that something has become smaller, but it is not news that the body size suddenly becomes larger.

"Do jellyfish glow?" Liu Bin asked again.

"Sometimes, sometimes when you go to the beach at night, you can see a large area on the sea." Xue Ju said.

Liu Bin breathed a sigh of relief: "Mummy, I thought this thing was made by aliens."

Xiao Yuan said badly: "This is not necessarily true, maybe this thing is a jellyfish transformed by aliens!"

Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth: "Okay, get ready to float!"

Several people immediately became serious. Under the command of Ye Han, the two squadrons swam to both sides of the waterway respectively. Everyone stuck to the wall and controlled the propellers to slowly float up.

When there were more than ten meters away from the water, Ye Han ordered to stop.

There is no human pollution, the sea water here is still clear, the night vision device can clearly see the rough dome above the pier through the sea water.

After careful observation for a while, no abnormality was found, and Ye Han made a few gestures at Liu Bin, and at the same time sent the same message to Xiao Yuan on the other side.

Liu Bin sent a confirmation signal, and led a group of people to speed up and emerge from the water quietly against the wall, but they did not look to the shore, but turned their backs to the wall to observe the other side of the pier. The height difference of about five meters can reduce the probability of being discovered by the enemy.

The eyes of the two groups of people crossed in the air, and after confirming that there was no danger on both sides of the pier, they issued safety signals one after another.

The others floated up quickly, but all slowed down when they approached the water surface and slowly got out of the water.

Nothing like an iron ladder was found nearby, but the pier was in disrepair, and the stone walls were covered with clumps of unnamed parasites.

Liu Bin asked in a low voice, "Old Xue, what is this thing called?"

"Ma Ya." Xue Ju said, "The scientific name seems to be called barnacles and not rattan cups. The taste is very good."

Ye Han grabbed a bunch of barnacles and tried: "Yes, it's quite strong, climb!"

Everyone spread their arms and looked for the barnacles that fit their hands to settle down. Soon there were dozens of dark shadows slowly climbing on the wall.

Everyone quickly climbed onto the pier, and after drying the seawater in the barrels, they formed a defensive formation in groups.

Half of the aliens could not be seen silently on the dock, but there were a few pools of bloodstains. Other than that, there were piles of boxes in random Mao Ziwen, who couldn't see what was inside.

In addition, there are many warehouses on the wharf, some old vehicles are parked, and there are several small gantry cranes with rough shapes across the two banks.

Xiao Yuan asked in a low voice, "Captain, where are we going?"

"Search the dock first, feel the surrounding situation, and pry open all the warehouses to see what is inside, and mark the dangerous points!" Ye Han said.

"Yes!" Xiao Yuan agreed and arranged the task immediately. Except for the two groups of people who kept vigilance, the others spread out immediately. The lockpicker picked the lock, the box opened the box, and a few soldiers Check out those old cars.

Most of the warehouses are empty, and only one warehouse has found abandoned torpedoes, and not just one, but a set of four!

Ye Han, who received the news, was extremely painful. The diameter of those torpedoes was more than fifty centimeters, which was a proper heavy torpedo. Although Ye Han is not familiar with this thing and can't name the specific model, he knows that the warhead of a heavy torpedo is very heavy, and it is trivial to hold two or three hundred kilograms. the world's first.

If these are the legendary Type 65, then the explosives in the warhead alone will be three and a half tons. If these torpedoes are detonated, the underground dock will not be as strong as the paper paste, and it will be easy to blow up the dome. Half of the base will be affected by the explosion.

Ye Han slapped a red cross on the map, which represents danger, and after thinking for a moment, he ordered: "Liu Bin, stay with your team. Before the big team comes back, you must guard the pier no matter what, especially these big guys, clearly No?"

"Clear!" Liu Bin replied solemnly, "Guard the pier and watch the torpedoes."

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