Armor Frenzy

Chapter 712: Enemy Road is Narrow (2)

Ye Han and the others turned pale in shock, and when they lowered their guns, they hit the ground randomly. Several aliens were shot and fell to the ground.

But these aliens ignored the firepower from the left bank, and they were knocked to the ground by Xiao Yuan and others before they shot a few thin rays.

At the beginning of the gunfire, the smoke of gunpowder did not dissipate, and a dozen soldiers were sacrificed in the short and fierce battle. Even though the corpses on the ground were vividly visible, the soldiers still felt that everything was like a nightmare.

The battle happened too quickly and suddenly, and in a fierce battle measured in seconds, only instinct dominated the actions of the warriors, and many did not realize what had happened until the battle was over.

Ye Han's brain was dizzy, his chest was so suffocated, he opened his mouth to say something, but his throat seemed to be blocked, and he couldn't say a word.

A weak voice suddenly used all his strength to shout: "Enemy attack—"

The sound came from the seriously injured infantry gunner, who was still lying on the ground and was the only team member who could clearly see the inside of the passage.

Everyone woke up like a dream, and the soldiers' first reaction was to drag their seriously injured comrades away.

Ye Han's brain was like a supercomputer with full power, and suddenly shouted: "Retreat, step back, stay away from the passage!"

The soldiers immediately carried their seriously wounded comrades away from the passage, and everyone subconsciously avoided the front of the passage to avoid being exposed to the sight of aliens.

The underground pier was no more than 100 meters wide, but not less than 300 meters long. The team retreated more than 100 meters in one go, and then re-established the defense line under Ye Han's order.

This time, no one dared to support him, some hid behind boxes, and some used old cars as cover, but after seeing Ye Han kicked the warehouse and hid in, everyone avoided the warehouse in unison.

No one knows what these warehouses on the dock originally contained, but Maozi is willing to pay for the cost. The construction standards of all warehouses are exceedingly high, and the walls are at least one meter thick reinforced concrete, although the strength of concrete is not comparable to that of composite armor. On a par, but the thickness makes up for the lack of strength, and there is no problem in blocking the mercerized light!

As soon as the soldiers took cover, a string of aliens flew out of the passage, and the total number was no less than forty.

After these aliens flew out of the passage without stopping, they exploded like fireworks, flying under the dome at a very fast speed, flying up and down, left and right, seemingly chaotic, but in fact, there were hidden rules.

At the same time, a group of aliens also flew out of the passage on the right bank. The total number of aliens on the pier was approaching the 100-person mark, and the aliens seemed to know that Congman was hiding in the warehouse and sprinkled on the warehouse as soon as they appeared. Under the large mercerized.

Ye Han couldn't help but stunned secretly, unable to understand how many aliens were hidden in this ghost place, but he did not flinch because the aliens were powerful, but aimed at an alien, and shouted at the same time as he shot: " beat!"

With an order, more than 30 people on both sides of the strait opened fire together.

Suddenly, the aliens in the air were shot, and seven or eight aliens fell from the sky on the spot, some hit the shore with a muffled sound, and some fell into the water with a thud, splashing the boss. splash.

The flight speed of the aliens is not slow. If this confrontation takes place in the wild, it is not so easy for the team members to hit the aliens. But the underground dock is an underground space with limited volume. The height of the dome limits the flying height of the aliens, and the walls on the four sides limit the movement range and speed of the aliens. Coupled with the assistance of the fire control system of the power armor, Hitting aliens is not as difficult as you might think.

The human side is hiding in the warehouse, and only a few bodies are exposed.

Silk light does not have the ability to cut through the warehouse. If aliens want to hit humans, they must use silk light to cut the little bit of human body exposed by the door.

An irritable alien suddenly flew towards the warehouse door, and seemed to have the idea of ​​rushing into the warehouse to start killing. After seven or eight laps, it didn't stop until it hit the outer wall of the warehouse.

Another alien flew straight along the pier, swept past the warehouse door at a high speed and accurately shot the mercerized light into the warehouse. One of the team members was pierced by the mercerized light. The shells that came out hit the alien's belly and cut off the alien's midsection.

The two sides are coming and going, and the battle has just begun to heat up, but the human side has a concrete wall as a bunker, which seems to be completely suppressed by the aliens, but in fact has an absolute advantage on the battlefield!

The aliens were shot one by one, and as long as they were shot, at least they were the result of being slandered and falling to the ground.

Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief, secretly glad that the armored rifle was replaced with an armored gun before the mission, otherwise this battle would definitely not have been so easy, or it would have ended up being taken away by one after another After shooting down more than a dozen aliens, the rest of the aliens also realized that the consequences of continuing to fight are worrying, they no longer take the initiative to attack, but hide in a position where humans can't see a temporary truce.

There was an indescribable unease in Ye Han's heart.

When he could see aliens, no matter how vicious the aliens were, he was not so nervous, but after seeing aliens, he always felt that these big men were planning some shady conspiracy.

Under Ye Han's suggestion, several mechanical spiders climbed out of the warehouse, but as soon as they left the warehouse door, they were cut in half by the silk light that fell from the sky.

Ye Han secretly scratched his head, unable to think of a way to deal with the situation in front of him.

The enemy is strong and I am weak, and there is only one way to die. He can't help but start to reflect on whether it is really necessary to venture into this base, and is it not good to bomb this **** base with a nuclear bomb?

While thinking about it, an alien who fell into the water just happened to float near the jellyfish. I saw countless tentacles suddenly protruding from the water, wrapping the alien in clusters, and then dragging it into the water and disappearing.

This phenomenon didn't attract Ye Han's attention at first, but after the jellyfish captured the alien, the originally dark blue light became brighter and brighter, and after a while it became as dazzling as the sun.

Although the brightness of the jellyfish only looks so high in the night vision device, according to the experience of Ye Han and others, even if the night vision device is turned off, the brightness of the jellyfish will not be too low.

Ye Han, who witnessed this scene, looked thoughtful: "What's wrong with this jellyfish? It caught an alien in heat? Why wasn't there such a big movement when the shark was caught?"

"It's more than that." A soldier continued, "When the aliens approached, the jellyfish flickered."

Ye Han was stunned when he heard the words: "No way, is this thing really related to aliens?"

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