Armor Frenzy

Chapter 719: new appointment

719 New appointments


The long whistle sounded, and the naval task force slowly left the dock. On the side of the ship on the side of the port, the well-dressed sailors lined up in divisions, watching the crowd attending the farewell ceremony at the dock.

A minute later, the whistle ended, and the formation leaving the pier gradually accelerated and entered the ocean where the sea and the sky were the same color.

The sailors evacuated the deck and returned to their respective positions. Ye Han, who had been cat in the cabin, walked off the deck, took a deep breath of the sea breeze that was blowing in front of him, and looked at the sparkling sea in the distance, but his heart was a little dazed.

This is not the first time he has taken a naval warship, but in the past it was a short voyage, but this time it was a long voyage, and the destination of the voyage was far away North Africa.

A few days ago, Huo Qiang called him into the office, looked at Ye Han with scrutiny eyes, and said calmly, "Ye Han, your appointment has been made."

Ye Han's heart thumped unsatisfactorily, with both anticipation and apprehension in his eyes: "Chief, how to arrange the level?"

Huo Qiang was silent for a moment before answering: "Your new position is the Marine Corps Commander of the North African Task Force..."

Ye Han was dumbfounded: "Chief, what kind of fleet is the North African Fleet?" I have only heard of the three major fleets in the North Sea, the East and the South China Sea. It is clear that the eight poles can't be hit, so how come there is a North African fleet?

Huo Qiang looked like "I know you want to ask" and explained: "The North African Fleet is a new fleet formed to destroy the African worm nest. Beidu attaches great importance to this fleet and has adjusted an entire route battle group... You did not Did you find so many warships parked at the dock?"

"Am I transferred to the Navy?" Ye Han was very surprised.

He is familiar with the Air Force and the Army, and the Space Fleet is no stranger to it, but he is not familiar with the Navy.

Huo Qiang's expression was very strange: "Secondment, the Marine Corps has no power armor, so borrow some people from us to support the scene."

The backbone of the space fleet is all drawn from the navy. The space fleet was once under the direct command of the naval command. It was only separated from the navy last year. The space fleet has the shadow of the navy from establishment to etiquette. It can be said that the bones are broken. It's not a problem at all to adjust several people's hands to each other.

"Oh!" Ye Han still didn't straighten out the cause and effect, but the appointment was made. No matter what, he agreed to do it first.

"Go back and prepare, go to report today, and quickly familiarize yourself with the situation. The fleet will set sail in a few days." Huo Qiang said again.

"Set sail?" Ye Han suddenly realized what Huo Qiang just said, "Go to North Africa?"

Huo Qiang nodded: "North Africa task force, of course to North Africa."

I... rely!

Ye Han almost yelled, what's up with this motherfucker? Why did you go to North Africa all of a sudden?

His only impression of North Africa is the North African campaign and the vast Sahara Desert. If he wants to get a share of the African issues, can't he choose a better place?

"Is there any problem?" Huo Qiang asked Ye Han's eyes.

Ye Hanma replied: "What about the equipment? Should the navy solve it or bring it with you?"

"Bring your own, I have already signed the order, and I will send it to you directly when the army passes by."

Ye Han's eyes lit up: "Who else is there besides me?"

"The training base will draw you a team."

"Only one team? Is it too few?"

"Our goal is not to occupy Africa. I don't know the specifics. If you have any questions about the mission, you can communicate with the fleet. Go ahead."

"Yes!" Ye Han left with a salute full of doubts.

He is now in a mess and can't figure out the clues. As a commander, it has become his instinct to grasp the mission information as much as possible. This feeling of losing control makes him very uneasy.

Returning to the dormitory to pack up the simple luggage, Ye Han took the off-road vehicle dispatched by the base to the fleet. Ten minutes later, the off-road vehicle was parked at the dock, and not far away was a giant aircraft carrier.

At this time, Ye Han was wearing a pure white space fleet uniform and strode towards the aircraft carrier with luggage. When he was about to step on the gangway, Ye Han faced the island of the aircraft carrier and raised his right hand to salute the national flag hanging high on the mast.

After the ceremony, Ye Han stepped on the gangway, and the captain blew the sailor's whistle, and a loud long sound resounded, and the sentry beside the captain gave a gun salute.

This is a tribute to the captain of the boarding ship - the shift commander did not know Ye Han's position, but the two cents on Ye Han's shoulder just stepped into the whistle qualification line.

Until Ye Han walked into the cabin, he played two short tones representing the completion of the ceremony.

The navy is the military service with the most etiquette and the most complicated. When the ship leaves the ship, it must salute the military flag at the stern. When the flag is hung on the mast, salute the national flag.

This is Ye Han's most rigid naval etiquette.

It is said that the space fleet was born out of the naval fleet, and the corresponding etiquette is not bad. Ye Han should be very familiar with the etiquette of the navy. However, because of the special environment in which the space fleet is located, the fleet cancels many unnecessary etiquettes due to weightlessness. For example, the space battleship has no place to hang the national flag at all, and there is no place to salute when the ship leaves the ship, so this etiquette does not exist in the space fleet.

If Ye Han hadn't heard about it from the naval officer on the same ship, he wouldn't necessarily know that the navy still has such rules.

However, Ye Han, who walked into the cabin, withdrew again and asked embarrassedly, "Comrade, how can I find Commander Zhuang?"

Geng Zhang was stunned for a moment, and pointed to the island behind him: "It should be on the bridge."

"Oh - thank you!" Ye Han nodded, "How do I get to the bridge?"

The shift commander was in bad shape. He pointed to the hatch just now and said, "Enter that door and turn right, the second gangway goes to the left, and there is a road sign at the third fork!"

Ye Han almost didn't faint. He repeated this twice before writing down this sentence. After politely thanking him, he hurried into the cabin door.

Although he acted calmly, he was really embarrassed to death.

When the footsteps were far the sentinel asked in surprise: "Squad leader, this is the first time ship, right?"

"Didn't you see that he was wearing the armband of the Space Fleet?"

The sentry chuckled: "No wonder."

Anyone who knows an aircraft carrier knows that the structure of an aircraft carrier is very complicated. Walking into an aircraft carrier is like walking into an underground labyrinth. The first thing a recruit should do is to be familiar with the location of the cabins and make sure not to get lost.

The aircraft carrier even has an assessment in this regard. The crew must find ten cabins distributed in different positions throughout the ship within half an hour.

Very good and powerful, Ye Han is under a lot of pressure.

According to the guidance of the captain, Ye Han successfully found the bridge.

The bridge door was open, but he didn't know the rules for the Navy to enter and exit the bridge. He hesitated for a while and wanted to call the report according to the Army's rules. He felt embarrassed when he saw the full bridge, and was wondering if he should knock. The door, a lieutenant in the bridge had noticed a colonel standing outside the door.

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