Armor Frenzy

Chapter 721: in place

With the help of Zhang Di, Ye Han simply packed his luggage, and when it was time for dinner, Zhang Di sent Ye Han to the officer's restaurant and left alone.

There are more than a dozen restaurants in the whole ship. This is a restaurant dedicated to serving senior officers. Zhang Di is just a trainee officer, and he is not qualified to dine here, which makes Ye Han very unaccustomed.

Ye Han is used to the atmosphere where no matter how big the official is, he and the soldier have a buffet in the same restaurant. The navy's class-clear rules make him feel wrong, and he really wants to chase Zhang Di back and find another place with him. Eat together at a restaurant.

However, since the navy has regulations in this regard, and there are reasons for such regulations, in which round is it possible to get an outsider like him to make a mess?

The lunch was very rich, Ye Han glanced at it casually, and there were a total of more than a dozen dishes that he knew and did not know, including dishes such as stir-fried vegetables and braised pork, and foreign goods such as fried chicken and fries. The space fleet was even better.

Ye Han couldn't help his appetite. He lined up to get a stainless steel buffet plate that was splendid.

Wanting to have a relationship with Wei Chengfei, and by the way to inquire about the situation, Ye Han walked over with a dinner plate.

Wei Chengfei also saw Ye Han, smiled and nodded at Ye Han.

The person sitting opposite Wei Chengfei originally turned his back to Ye Han, but suddenly turned his head after seeing Wei Chengfei's movements, and the star on his shoulder immediately caught Ye Han's eyes.

Ye Han immediately realized the identity of this person - Zhuang Bo, the commander of the fleet!

Ye Han walked over without hesitation: "Commander Zhuang, I'm Ye Han."

Zhuang Bo nodded: "Wei Chengfei told you just now, don't stand, just sit."

"Yes!" Ye Han sat beside Wei Chengfei.

Zhuang stuffed a piece of braised pork into his mouth and raised his eyes while chewing: "Ye Han."

"Here!" Ye Han quickly put down his chopsticks.

"You don't need to be so nervous, just order whatever you want." Zhuang Bo put another mouthful of rice in his mouth, "Have you been to an aircraft carrier before?"

"Once again, the time is very short." Ye Han took a bite of the dish after speaking, so as not to slur his words.

Zhuang Bo said again: "Ye Han, the fleet has two days to set off. It is planned to arrive at port on the 14th, and there are only ten days left. You and your team members do not need to be as familiar with the aircraft carrier as the crew members. The requirement is to know the location of dormitories, warehouses, dining rooms and other key cabins, you know what I mean?"

"Understood." Ye Han nodded.

"Understood." Zhuang Bo ate another piece of braised pork, "It's hard to say the details right now, you have to be mentally prepared."

"Resolutely complete the task!"

"Don't shout slogans to me, I don't like listening to this, show me some practical actions." Zhuang Bo continued to eat, "I won't say any extras, I don't know much about power armor, and the work in this area is entirely up to you. ."

"Yes, I will try my best." Ye Han said.

"Okay." Zhuang Bo nodded, "Eating and eating, people are iron rice or steel, so fill up your belly first."

When Zhuang Bo did not speak, Wei Chengfei and Ye Han naturally did not speak.

The soldier's meal was fast. After a while, the three of them finished the meal. Zhuang Bo told Ye Han to hurry up to prepare, and then left with Wei Chengfei.

Ye Han promised happily in his mouth, but he was full of slander in his heart.

The team members and equipment are not in place, and he is alone. What should he prepare?

But he couldn't say these words in front of Zhuang Bo, he could only agree, and then went back to the dormitory to idle in a daze, until Zhang Di came over to show him about the battleship, and then he found something serious.

I thought that the personnel and equipment would be in place in the afternoon, but there was no movement until dinner time. When Ye Han arrived at the restaurant, he found that there was still a braised pork for dinner!

Anyone who is familiar with the army knows that the army's recipes are changed every day, and it is the basic foundation not to repeat it for a week. If the same dish can be eaten twice a week, it must be the chief secretary and the cooking class who are lazy.

The treatment of the navy and the army is much better, how can a braised pork be eaten at noon and continue to eat at night? Is it the leftovers from lunch?

Just when the idea came up, Ye Han saw Zhuang Bo scooping a spoonful of braised pork into the plate.

At this time, Ye Han didn't realize at all what Zhuang Bo's action represented. It was not until a few days later that he gradually realized that braised pork was Zhuang Bo's favorite. Except for breakfast, he had at least every meal. Take a spoonful.

Whatever is good, it must be followed. The commander is good at this, and it is no wonder that the cook is inseparable from the braised pork.

This thing is so oily and watery, can't you get tired of eating it every day?

It took a long time for Ye Han to find out that Zhuang Bo only likes braised braised meat. It doesn't matter what kind of meat he is cooking, beef, mutton and chicken, or even a few sea fish or a few giant shrimps can be braised.

Think about it, although the current material supply is not as tight as in previous years, the severe winter of animal husbandry has not yet passed, even if the army cannot supply unlimited pork, it is a dream to want to eat braised **.

In addition, Ye Han also found that the recipes in the officer's restaurant and other restaurants are actually the same. If there is a difference, it is that the chefs in the officer's restaurant are more refined.

This discovery made him feel much better.

After dinner, Ye Han had just returned to the dormitory, and Zhang Di ran over panting: "The chief, the people, the people and the equipment have all arrived, and it's time to load the ship!"

Ye Han jumped down from the bed: "Go, have a look!"

Zhang Di agreed and took Ye Han around for a few turns. Suddenly, he saw the brightly lit port in front of him.

Taking a closer look, the top of the head is a thick and stocky flight deck, and Ye Han realized that this is the side of the ship below the deck.

Zhang Di pointed to the aircraft carrier section: "Commander, look at there!"

Ye Han looked in the direction Zhang Di pointed to, and immediately saw several armored vehicles parked at the dock. The crane at the dock had already pulled one armored vehicle into the air, and was swaying and pulling it up. After the height exceeded the deck, the armored vehicle was placed on the deck.

"Go, go and have a look!" Ye Han said.

This time, Zhang Di didn't need to lead the way. Ye Han found a gangway to climb the flight deck, and walked more than 100 meters to the ground.

The armored vehicles on the hanging deck were placed near the island. When Ye Han arrived, two armored vehicles had already been parked there, and dozens of idle crew members were pointing around to watch the excitement.

It’s not surprising to supply food, harvest vegetables, fresh water, oil, or weapons and ammunition, but sending armored vehicles to an aircraft carrier is the first time in history!

Ye Han saw a few familiar figures on the gangway not far away, and took a few steps to greet him. When he saw the person leading the team at the front, he immediately called out in surprise: "Liu Bin!"

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