Armor Frenzy

Chapter 723: understand deeper

723 In-depth understanding

The old friends meet, but there is no surprise that they meet the old friends in a foreign land, and some are just silent and right.

In the end, Ye Han took the initiative to break the silence: "How did you get into the navy?"

The two had no friendship at first, and they haven't seen each other for many years. It's strange that they have something to say.

Qi Shutong said: "I originally transferred to the Navy, but I stayed in Fuyun for a while, and when the police turned to the Army, I was transferred back to the Navy... How about you?" She was very good, but in five or six years, how did Ye Han take it? to the rank of Colonel.

"Me, it was also when I was in Fuyun that people were brought into the army, and then they were fighting bugs from all over the world." Ye Han's answer was very general, "Where's 9527? Do you have any news about him?"

Qi Shutong's face flashed a trace of sadness: "Fuyun died when he was troubled by cockroaches."

Ye Han was stunned for a moment, and sighed helplessly.

He didn't have a deep friendship with Wu Dong, and it was because of the number 9527 that he remembered it for so many years. When Ye Han heard the news of Wu Dong's death, Ye Han couldn't do anything other than sigh.

Qi Shutong said again: "Everyone else is dead, only I have left Fuyun to live to this day... Those people who were in the train may be left with me and you still alive."

Ye Han was silent, not because he didn't want to say it, but because he really didn't know what to say. Qi Shutong also had nothing to say. After a moment of silence, Qi Shutong took the initiative to leave.

After Qi Shutong left, Ye Han stood alone in the evening wind, but his thoughts flew back to the long-lost Jingjiang. The experiences of these years flashed in front of his eyes like a revolving lantern. Those who had been buried in the depths of his memory and once entered his life quietly disappeared. The faces that left appeared one by one, adding a bit of vicissitudes to his not-old heart.

It turns out that there are so many people I have encountered in the past few years!

Many people's appearances are already blurred in memory, and their names have long been forgotten. For Ye Han, they are just passing by in a hurry. For them, Ye Han is also just a shadow that has long been blurred.

Even if they meet again one day, they may not recognize each other, just like Qi Shutong before.

With a feeling of loss, Ye Han returned to the dormitory.

For the next few days, Ye Han and his team members were busy installing equipment until the eve of the fleet's departure.

On December 6, the high-level officials of the Qiongzhou base headed by Huo Qiang gathered at the dock to see off the African task force together with the people who came voluntarily.

The task force consisted of one aircraft carrier, two destroyers, two frigates, two supply ships and one nuclear submarine. Eight warships swept across the waves, heading south to Malacca and crossing the Indian Ocean.

Ye Han and his team members gradually got used to the life of the ship. Like the crew members, they released the air on the deck on time every day, but Ye Han never met Qi Shutong again, and there were many small episodes along the way.

For example, on the way to meet several small islands that are completely occupied by giant insects, the insect colonies on each island are different, some rely on plants for food, and some fish for a living, and I saw the giant coconut crabs that are worthy of heavy tanks with my own eyes.

What's more, a giant insect with no name has learned to dive, and can actually dive into the sea to hunt giant shrimp. The battle between the insect and shrimp once became a hot topic of news on the ship, and some people took advantage of this shareholder to inquire about the sea Are there any insects?

There are no insect experts on the ship. Everyone only knows that there is no shortage of crustaceans in the sea, but no one knows whether there are insects in the sea.

During the period, the fleet also conducted a simulated attack on several small islands passing by. According to the exercise data, it only takes half an hour to forty minutes to eliminate the swarms of the islands. However, to completely occupy these islands, a strong fortress must be built on the islands, probably It takes about a week.

Ye Han feels that the fleet is definitely not only doing these exercises for training troops, but probably for the future.

After the fleet sailed into the Indian Ocean, Ye Han specifically asked Wei Chengfei to understand the fleet's combat plan, but Wei Chengfei actually said that there was no plan yet, and he had to wait for the fleet to arrive in Africa before making a plan based on the situation there.

As a result, Ye Han learned the destination of the fleet from Wei Chengfei, an African country called Djibouti.

When Ye Han heard the news, Ye Han almost didn't open his eyes: "Isn't Africa occupied by giant ants? Why is there still a country?"

"Who told you that Africa is completely occupied by giant ants?"

"That's what they say!"

"That's a rumor!"

"Is that so?" Ye Han was still dubious.

"Of course it is." Wei Chengfei said sternly, "African giant ants are not desert insects, they will die of thirst if they enter the desert."

Ye Han understood a little: "Djibouti is in the desert?"

"Forget it, that place is in northeastern Africa. Except for the deserts and volcanoes in the territory, the environment is very unsuitable for giant ants to survive. Until now, only half of them have been taken up by giant ants." Wei Chengfei said, "That place is now counterattacking Africa. Base camp, we have a military base there, before the plague."

"I remembered it!" Ye Han suddenly said, "I heard it before, it is by the Gulf of Aden, and it is a neighbor to Somalia!"

"Yes, it is there." Wei Chengfei nodded, "After arriving in Africa, the Djibouti base is the home port of the fleet."

The so-called home port is not a port where warships often dock, but a military port where aircraft carriers can be parked. In other words, the base in Djibouti already has the facilities and capabilities to maintain and support the aircraft carrier battle group, and the task force will be stationed at the base during its stay in Africa.

Ye Han smiled embarrassedly: "I still think that Africa has nothing but giant ants."

"Except for the Sahara." Wei Chengfei twitched the corners of his mouth. "Giant ants prefer rain forests, and deserts are not their food... You can look at the map of Africa when you have time, and it will be good for you to know more about the situation there."

After Ye Han left, Ma found the map of Africa and found that what Wei Chengfei said was not accurate.

The location of Djibouti is very delicate, basically flush with the southern border of the Sahara There seems to be some special strategic significance for the base to be built in this place.

However, Ye Han had a new question. The Sahara Desert occupies almost the entire North Africa, and the Suez Canal is located in the northeast corner of the desert. No matter how you look at it, the ant colonies running across Africa have no ability to cross the desert and reach the banks of the canal.

He soon discovered that the meandering Nile stretched north from southern Sudan and eventually reached northern Egypt. There's a fan-shaped green area, the east of which is exactly the northern section of the Suez Canal!

The African giant ant is likely to travel north along the river, eventually reaching northern Egypt, where it threatens the Suez Canal.

After crossing the canal, it is a large desert, and the ant colony is afraid that it can only go north along the coast... No wonder the Europeans have not paid much attention to the Suez line of defense. Even if the giant ants broke through the blockade of the Suez Canal, European countries still have enough. To build a defensive line in a strategic depth, there is absolutely no need to overwhelm the environment.

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