Armor Frenzy

Chapter 735: move me away

The bite force of insects is notoriously strong, and the giant ant is world-famous for its supersonic bite. The African giant ant is not a giant ant, and it is not too bad. ..

The co-pilot was terrified: "Can the glass block the ants?"

The captain's eyes were straight: "I don't know!" He didn't even remember, he just asked this question just now.

The co-pilot became more and more uneasy: "Both of us better get out of here!"

"I agree!" The captain unfastened his seat belt without a word, and the two quickly left the cockpit, closing the door with a bang.

The atmosphere in the cabin was originally very tense. The sudden loud noise shocked the nerves of the soldiers. More than two dozen rifles turned around together, and the black muzzles were aimed at the two pilots.

If it weren't for the fact that all the veterans who participated in the mission were all senior veterans, maybe one of them would directly give Yishuo the fire.

The two pilots raised their hands subconsciously, and the captain shouted, "Hey, soldier, be careful!"

"Put down the gun!" the leading officer yelled, and the crowd walked out to the captain and saluted, "Sir, don't blame them, my boys are too nervous."

The captain put down his hands: "I can understand, today is really bad." Then he suddenly raised his tone, "Guys, may God bless you!"

"God bless you too, sir!" replied a young man.

"Hey, Wei, you know what? Those chops outside are eating my plane!"

"Sorry, sir, there's nothing I can do," Wei replied.

"Good appetite to them!" cried an American soldier.

The captain rolled his eyes involuntarily, when a soldier pointed to the runway outside the porthole and shouted, "Look, another one!"

"How many?"

"The fourth, if not the fifth!"

No one cares about how many planes landed, they are more concerned about how to deal with the bugs outside.

The transport plane that was about to land slowly descended, but the plane's descending speed was a little slower, missing the position of the previous planes when they landed, and the touchdown position moved forward by several tens of meters.

The wheel just touched the ground when a loud noise was heard, and a wheel on the right side suddenly collapsed, and the plane that had not yet landed was clearly deviated to the right.

The pilot of the plane was taken aback, and immediately increased the power and tried to fly again, but all in vain, the plane began to tilt to the right, and the accident was inevitable.

Despite the pilot's best efforts to remedy the situation, the plane still slanted towards the tarmac on the right. The right wing touched the ground first. The wing broke off and exploded suddenly, and the blazing fire engulfed the plane in an instant.

Then the fuselage hit the ground, the huge plane broke off, and the people and vehicles it carried flew out of the cabin, and it was thrown everywhere.

"My God!"

"Shit!" The gasping sound resounded through 056, and the exclamations and curses of the American soldiers mingled together.

This scene also stunned the rear command center in Djibouti. James' eyes were dull: "General, the wreckage of the transport plane blocks the runway, and the remaining planes cannot land!"

"Then find a way to move it away!" Thomas, who was furious, slammed his fist on the table.

"Move it away?" James was dumbfounded, and countless thoughts popped into his mind, but no matter which one, they couldn't clear the runway when giant ants were everywhere.

Thomas' face was gloomy: "How many planes have landed?"

"Four," James said without thinking.

"There are at least 80 people at the airport, and there are eight armored vehicles. They are ordered to clear the runway at any cost!" Thomas will say fiercely.

James's heart trembled, but he didn't dare to refute Thomas' order. He was worried that Thomas would get angry at him, so he hurriedly used the pretext of conveying the order to escape.

Not long after, the crew received orders from Thomas, and none of the planes except the crashed transport plane was an exception.

There was silence in several planes, and even if I was reluctant in my heart, I still silently made preparations.

They are all battle-hardened veterans. Even if they receive extremely dangerous missions, no one is like a new recruit.

Inside the No. 056 transport plane, the captain who was ready for battle saluted the captain: "Sir, you'd better go back to the cockpit, you can't come out no matter what."

The captain and co-pilot looked at each other and saw the hesitation in each other's eyes.

The captain gritted his teeth: "Wei, you'd better bring two young men to help me cover."

Wei nodded, called two American soldiers, and nodded to the captain after getting ready for battle.

The captain suddenly opened the cockpit, and the soldier with the rifle put down the gun at the same time, Wei shrugged: "There is no problem in the cockpit."

The captain just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Wei ask suspiciously, "Why is the windshield broken?"

The captain's pupils shrank, and instinct dictated that he immediately closed the cabin door. He never thought that a giant ant would suddenly burst out of the cockpit, just caught in the cabin door. .

"Fire!" Wei roared, and the two soldiers opened fire immediately. The two rifles almost pressed against the giant ant's head, and the dense bullets shattered the ant's head in a blink of an eye.

"Seizefire!" Wei yelled and ordered the soldiers to stop shooting, then rushed forward with a stride, kicking the giant ants away.

Wei looked through the crack of the door and saw several giant ants rushing to the windshield, Ma Neng got in, he quickly closed the hatch: "Sir, you must go with us!"

The American soldiers are about to set off. Once the tailgate door is opened, the ant colony will enter the cabin. There is no cab to act as a shelter, and there is only a dead end in the cabin.

Follow the soldiers away, at least hide in armored vehicles.

"Okay." The captain agreed reluctantly, "We'd better hurry up!"

Wei shouted: "Cach, get ready for action!"

The soldiers boarded the armored vehicles one after another, and the giant ants in the cockpit kept hitting the door The captain held up the door and signaled the captain and co-pilot to go too.

The captain and co-pilot boarded the armored vehicle without hesitation. The captain took a deep breath and shouted on the public channel: "Company D is ready!"

The commander's voice immediately came over the radio: "Action!"

"Copy!" Wei suddenly jumped out, rushed to the tail of the aircraft at a sprint speed of 100 meters, and slapped the button that opened the tailgate.

At the same time as the hatch was slowly opened, the cockpit door was also squeezed open by the giant ants. Yu rushed to the armored vehicle with a single stride, lying on the roof of the vehicle and shouting: "Get ready for action!"

The engine suddenly burst into a low and powerful roar, and the two armored vehicles, like giant steel beasts about to run away, let out a threatening low roar at the swarming ant colony.

The tailgate was put down, and countless giant ants who could not get in through the door found a breakthrough and rushed out of the cabin in an instant.

Wei quickly retracted into the car and slapped the wall of the car: "Gogogo!"

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