Armor Frenzy

Chapter 757: go deep alone

Hearing the name, everyone was stunned.

Everyone is familiar with microwave ovens, and many people have heard of microwave guns, but it is the first time to witness the real thing.

To put it simply, the principle of this thing is no different from that of a microwave oven. The difference is that the energy of the microwave oven is concentrated inside the stove, while the microwave cannon is released outward.

The steam was coming out of the spider ant because it was being microwaved, or to put it bluntly, it was being microwaved.

No matter what the multinational troops encountered in the cave, they had microwave guns to protect themselves, regardless of giant ants or spider ants, don't even think about getting close to these armored vehicles. Unless they encountered aliens, it would be difficult to encounter danger.

Knowing this, everyone couldn't help but look forward to this team.

Thomas watched the Chinese team enter the cave, and couldn't help but feel that this team was really prepared.

He was right on this point. The Chinese troops suffered a lot in the Siberia operation. After the operation, the military made a comprehensive summary of the experience and lessons of the operation, digging deep into the defects of equipment, and researching and developing them in a targeted manner. new equipment.

The microwave cannon is a new equipment that was just finalized not long ago and is specially used to deal with giant insects. Speaking of which, the task force is still the first military unit equipped with microwave cannons.

Neither the R&D personnel of the microwave gun nor the military equipment department would have thought that the microwave gun would come in handy at such a juncture, and it seems that it is about to turn the tide.

The Chinese armored vehicle relied on microwave cannons to illuminate the cave, driving away the spider ants in the cave, and drove into the cave unscathed.

If it is said that the mentality of the multinational troops when they entered the cave was cautious, the attitude of this army under Ye Han was that four vehicles lined up in a row, four microwave guns covered all directions, front, back, left and right, and high-power microwaves flooded the cave. , if the spider ants are directly exposed to the microwave radiation, it is no different from the barbecue on the stove.

Wherever the convoy went, countless spider ants retreated.

Spider ants can also rely on instinct to escape. Some common insects that hide in shallow soil or simply live in caves are not so lucky. Even if they are touched by microwaves for a moment, they are at least half cooked.

The journey went smoothly. The convoy moved along the main hole for a few hundred meters before encountering the first fork in the road. Ye Han did not hesitate to look at the one that was actually dug out by car bugs on both sides. It looked exactly the same. There is no difference at all, the so-called pleasing to the eye is just a psychological effect.

But this is obviously not the road that the multinational army encountered spider ants. The convoy continued to move forward, and passed through more than ten forks on the way. It was not until about three kilometers that they found that there were several armored vehicles parked in front of them.

Look at the logo and see the model, and it is actually the earliest Italian army with longevity!

"Steal!" Ye Han gave an order, and the convoy stopped moving.

Due to being driven away by the microwave cannon, half of the spider ants could not be seen nearby, but there were a lot of Italian soldiers lying around the armored vehicle. No damage was seen on their armor, but everyone's masks were shattered, and the masks were everywhere inside and outside. All splattered blood.

Among the dead bodies of Italians, poisonous smoke bombs can be seen everywhere.

Because of the effect of microwaves, there is a faint mist in the mask. Unless it is the space armor, the armor of any country cannot be completely sealed. As long as there is a long gap on the armor, the microwave It can get into the armor and achieve the purpose of killing people.

Those armored masks were all damaged, and it was strange that the microwave could not get in.

Ye Han stared at the screen for a while, and then said unsurely, "I didn't see any cutting marks, it's not like aliens did it."

"I didn't watch it either," Liu Bin said.

"Go slowly, everyone pay attention!"

The convoy restarted, but the speed was very slow. Everyone concentrated their attention and looked around, but until the convoy drove out of the battlefield, there was no trace of cutting.

After confirming that the attack on the Italians had nothing to do with aliens, Ye Han felt much lower.

The purpose of coming here is to find the aliens. If there are only spider ants in this hole, wouldn’t it be a waste of time to find them?

The troops continued to move forward. After a while, the team had already penetrated ten kilometers deep into the cave. Ye Han couldn't bear it. The strength of the aliens was really not small. To dig such a large hole, the amount of work must not be small. If there are no car bugs to help out , Exhausted those aliens, but also can not dig such a huge underground project.

Having said that, if you can domesticate car bugs, it will be much easier to dig an underground bunker and start a subway project in the future.

Although Ye Han had realized that this cave network was unusually large, he still underestimated the scale of the cave. It was not until he drove more than 20 kilometers that he gradually realized that this was no longer a simple cave. But a real underground labyrinth!

It seems that the known areas of are just the tip of the iceberg.

Ye Han was not sure if there were aliens in the hole, but then again, if the aliens weren't here, why would they dig so many holes in the ground?

Therefore, Ye Han judged that aliens are likely to hide in the depths of the cave, even if there are no aliens, this place must be one of the strongholds of aliens!

Just thinking about how to get the aliens out, the convoy suddenly drove into a cave. The situation here is very strange. The ground and the dome are covered with white vines. They are knotted like tree roots, like mycelium. Spread like the same, and tangled like blood vessels.

Countless vines hang down from the dome to the ground, and there are huge tree sacs scattered about in the mid-air banner. Some of them have been broken open, but most of them are still intact, and the bulging ones don’t know what is inside.

The high-power microwave scorched the vines, and they shrank and retreated like they were alive. Ye Han and others immediately realized that these things were not tree roots, but more like animals.

And this thing is definitely not native to the earth, no matter how you think or look at it, it has nothing to do with aliens.

Thinking of this, the more Ye Han looked at, the more he felt that those tree sacs were not pleasing to the eye. He was about to order the armored vehicles to open a few to see what was inside. A tree sac near the convoy had been automatically broken open, and the other was covered with mucus, lying softly. Lying gray spider ants fall out of the sac.

Its worm shell is very soft, and it has no resistance at all under the irradiation of **, and the joints and worm mouths of the whole body soon emit a stream of heat.

This time, it didn't run away. The situation couldn't be more obvious. This is where the aliens cultivated spider ants. Depending on the scale, there are no five thousand or three thousand spider ants still hanging in the tree sac.

Ye Han said with a sullen face: "You can't stay in this ghost place, give me a good roast!"

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