Armor Frenzy

Chapter 761: collapse

The American soldiers finally loaded the bullets, and the silent machine gun turrets fired again, and together with the flames that had not yet been extinguished, the ant colonies approaching the defense line were pushed back. (@¥)

Ye Han finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He has no obligation to help defend the airport, but if the defense line is breached by spider ants, spider ants will immediately rush into the airport. At the speed of spider ants, it will not take long to occupy the airport, and the plane that is about to land will definitely take off again.

Temporarily repelling the spider ants, the plane should land smoothly, but when Ye Han turned back, he only saw the figure of the transport plane soaring into the sky.

He was instantly furious, the gap was blocked, why didn't he land?

The few American soldiers who were feeding the machine gun tower suddenly stopped, and after a few seconds, they suddenly dropped the bullet box and ran back. Quick, rush straight to the helicopter dozens of meters away.

The soldiers looked at each other and stopped shooting, and although no one knew what was going on, everyone had a bad premonition.

Ye Han suddenly received an emergency communication: "671, hurry up, the north is broken!"

broken? Line of defense broken?

Ye Han suddenly made a clever call, and subconsciously shouted: "Evacuate, hurry to the plane!" No wonder the Yankees escaped, and the transport plane that was in a hurry to land went around, everything has an answer.

However, are so many American soldiers in the airport left unattended?

No one answered Ye Han's question, and the soldiers who received the order woke up from a dream, turned their heads and rushed towards the helicopter.

The two American soldiers had already rushed to the side of the helicopter and pulled open the hatch with the strength of their milk. However, a dark gun muzzle protruded from the door, and it was painful against the chests of the two.

The two American soldiers were stunned and broke out in a cold sweat.

Several soldiers also ran out of several nearby bunkers. While running in the direction of the plane, they threw away their equipment to lighten their load. Those with sharp eyes saw that something was wrong, leaving behind a rifle that was almost thrown away.

Ye Han ran dozens of meters in one breath, rushed to the helicopter, waved at the two American soldiers, and resolutely pointed to the other two planes.

The two soldiers knew that they couldn't take Ye Han, and they didn't dare to argue for the delay, and immediately ran to other planes.

Ye Han shouted loudly: "Quick, get on the plane—flame thrower, burn a circle to block the bugs—"

This is a nice saying, but the bug is still some distance away from the plane, and now it is not the bug at all, but the American soldier who is following.

As soon as the voice fell, the flamethrower running at the end stopped, and several fire dragons spewed out, and the flames rose between the plane and the defense line.

As soon as the wall of fire burned, Ye Han shouted loudly: "Come on, don't need the injector!"

A few Spitfires threw away the heavy fuel tanks without hesitation and ran to the helicopter, leaping into the plane like nimble monkeys.

When everyone arrived, Ye Han was the last to jump out of the plane: "Liu Bin, hold the door for me!"

"Yes!" Liu Bin agreed, Ma recalled that the pilot hadn't come back, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat, "Captain, there is no pilot..."

Everyone was stunned, the plane was ready to take off, but the pilot hadn't reversed.

"I'm coming!" Ye Han roared and started the release procedure without hesitation. All the locking mechanisms were released together, and the armor covering the whole body disintegrated and fell.

The cockpit of the helicopter is too narrow to get in while wearing power armor, and there is no way to control the plane while wearing the armor.

"And me!" Luo Qi also untied his armor and jumped into the cockpit behind Ye Han.

The armor of the two men was scattered in the cabin, and the soldiers gathered the scattered armor together to avoid parts being left behind.

Fortunately, the armor adopts a modular design, and it is divided into several large pieces after being released. There are no small parts that I love to lose, so there is no need to worry about defects.

Ye Han and Luo Qi jumped into the cockpit first. The two sat down wearing only tights. The first action was to buckle their helmets on their heads.

"Will it be open?" Ye Han asked in a deep voice.

"I've learned it, it's no problem to open the sky." Luo Qi's eyes swept his instrument, and his face immediately became ugly.

He is also from the special forces, and has been in contact with helicopter pilots, but the contact surface is very shallow, and he can also fly the plane, and it must be a model he is familiar with. No way!

Ye Han didn't pay attention to Luo Qi's abnormality at all. Outside the cabin, Liu Bin saw Ye Han's hands scrambling around like a gust of wind. He immediately heard the low noise of the engine, and then the rotor above his head began to rotate slowly, and Turn faster.

Liu Bin almost didn't stare out his eyes.

He and Luo Qi are both half-hearted people who can fly helicopters, but they are not very proficient. Ye Han is better.

How did Liu Bin know, Ye Han also let out a sigh of relief, secretly thankful that he didn't forget his old business.

The rotor turned faster and faster, and the strong downdraft blew the fire around the aircraft to the ground, as if coating the ground with a layer of fire film.

Not far from the defense line, the machine gun turret that had been shot out of bullets fell silent again, and the tide-like ant colony surged frantically, drowning the defense line in a blink of an eye.

The rotor speed has reached the standard, and the ant colonies that crossed the defense line flocked to the plane. Ye Han pulled the joystick in time, and the heavy helicopter with a total weight of more than 20 tons took off. Just after leaving the ground, the ant colony had already submerged the ground below the plane. The spider ants slammed into the bottom of the plane. If it wasn't for the downdraft generated by the rotors that pressed the spider ants to the ground, maybe some spider ants had already landed on the plane.

Another helicopter tens of meters away was not so lucky. The rotor speed of this plane was not enough, and it failed to take off in time. Dozens of spider ants rushed at the same time and crawled under the plane in a blink of an eye.

One of them climbed directly to the top of the The high-speed rotating blade swept the spider ant. The spider ant was instantly cut off by the blade, but the blade was also impacted and broken, and half of the blade was like a flying knife It flew out as far away, and when it landed, it cut off two spider ants.

If the plane driven by Ye Han had not taken off earlier, the broken blade might have destroyed the plane's tail rotor.

The warriors who witnessed this scene were all secretly shocked, and they were fortunate at the same time.

A few American soldiers who didn't catch the plane in the distance were furious, some ran away, some shot ant colonies in desperation, and another, who didn't know what to think, actually opened fire on the empty plane!

The bullets clanked at the bottom of the plane, Ye Han quickly pulled the plane up and flew away, and quickly flew out of the airport, out of the shooting range of the American soldiers.

Fortunately, this is a military helicopter, and the chassis armor blocks incoming bullets.

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