Armor Frenzy

Chapter 806: mosquito legs

On May 31, 2027, the Third Fleet of the Expeditionary Force.

More than a dozen warships of various types headed by the Nanzhou passed through the asteroid belt silently. Not far from the outer side of the fleet's orbit, it was Io Zero, which was parallel to the ship.

From the star map, the small celestial bodies in the asteroid belt are very dense, giving people the illusion that once they enter the asteroid belt, they will hit asteroids sooner or later. The actual distance between asteroids is very far, and the possibility of hitting asteroids is very low. .

Moreover, the radar of the warship is not a decoration, and it always monitors the airspace near the fleet. Even if an asteroid is approaching, there is no chance of hitting the warship.

Yushan, Ye Han's eyes are looking through the porthole, falling to the distant Jupiter.

Today is the third day after the release of hibernation. Three days ago, Io was only a small bright spot. Now the moon is two laps larger. At most, there are two more days before the fleet should encounter Io.

The current Io is not what Ye Han has seen before. The front of Io is full of large and small explosions, and its several giant explosions are as eye-catching as the craters of the moon. He found the Penglai at a glance. The crater left behind.

At the beginning, this blasting crater was the only giant blasting crater on the front of Iowei Zero, but now several blasting craters are intertwined, and half of the Penglai blasting crater has been occupied by other blasting craters.

As for the small explosion craters left by the nuclear bomb, the large and small explosion craters have completely turned the front of the moon into a pockmarked face, and it looks like a leprosy head covered with bald spots.

Although the moon is also in this shape, Ye Han thinks that the moon is a thousand times ugly.

Io is not only densely populated with craters on the front, but also not as strong on the back, but the back can remain ice-white, and the closer to the planetary engine, the fewer craters, the planetary engine is simply surrounded by a snowy field, a crater Can't find it either.

Obviously, the aliens have completely abandoned the front of Io, and no matter how human beings are, they can't penetrate Io. On the contrary, the planetary engine must be the focus of the alien's defense. Judging from the number of craters, the alien's defense is very successful.

Ye Han felt that it was necessary to understand the arrangement of the aliens, so he put out the power armor, activated the telephoto function of the armor, and continuously zoomed in on Io. Ice-like white highlights.

Every bright spot is an alien warship, and we continue to zoom in on the picture, and soon we can see the appearance of the alien warship.

Ye Han probably counted, and there were about three or four hundred alien warships hovering near Io Zero.

The strength of the alien fleet is extraordinary. Even if the Beiyuezhou fleet and the international fleet are tied together, there are not so many warships, but Io is not small, hundreds of warships are scattered in the low-altitude orbit near Io, and the density of warships is very low. Poor, a handful of sand is thrown into the sea, and the density is higher than that of the alien fleet.

However, Ye Han is very clear that the account is not calculated like this. If the alien fleet is so easy to deal with, the international fleet will not be able to deal with Io Zero for such a long time.

Thinking of the International Fleet, Ye Han deliberately looked for it. He turned his eyes around Io Ling for a few laps and couldn't find the shadow of the International Fleet. He couldn't help wondering, did the International Fleet know that the Third Fleet was coming and deliberately avoided it?

While thinking about it, Ye Han suddenly found that there was an asteroid directly in front of Io, and it was hitting Io head-on.

The alien fleet also found an asteroid blocking the way. More than a dozen alien warships rushed forward at the same time and crossed the orbit of the asteroid. The layers were peeled off, and after a while, the good asteroid was cut into a pile of pieces by the aliens.

After the alien battleship chopped up the asteroid, the horse retreated to its original position. After a while, Io flew over, and most of the fragments fell into Io's atmosphere, turning into a falling fiery meteor in the atmosphere, and soon Burned up in the atmosphere, not a single meteorite that fell to the ground was seen.

Ye Han felt that the aliens were very skilled in dealing with asteroids, and an idea suddenly popped into his mind: This asteroid was not brought over by the international fleet, right? Could it be that the international fleet always does this, and the aliens have such a high level of proficiency?

But no matter how he looked, he couldn't find the shadow of the International Fleet. After a while, another asteroid appeared directly in front of Io Zero!

Ye Han's good intentions are so great that he simply wants to communicate with the Nanzhou and apply for the right to use the optical equipment. No optical observation equipment!

Ye Han's application was quickly replied, and Ye Han, who got the right to use it, used the data link to control the telescope to observe the situation in front of Io Zero.

The sky-class telescope is really extraordinary. After a while, Ye Han discovered anomalies in the depths of the asteroid belt, but what he found was not the international fleet, but hundreds of alien warships!

These alien warships are scattered near the orbit in front of Io, or in groups of three, or in groups of five, sending nearby asteroids to Io's orbit one by one!

Ye Han couldn't believe his eyes. It was normal for the International Fleet to do this. Using an asteroid to hit a target was a simple space tactic. But what if the aliens themselves stumbled on Io below zero?

He couldn't turn the corner for a while, but after a while, a thought popped into his mind: Could the aliens do this to make up for Io Ling?

Io was not only repeatedly attacked by the human expeditionary force, but also almost fell into Jupiter when it was near Jupiter. At that time, the surface of Io was peeled off by Jupiter's gravity and lost a lot of quality.

Ye Han still remembers when the First Fleet approached and discovered that the alien fleet sent the captured asteroid to Jupiter. At that time, no one knew what the aliens wanted to do, and no one went deep Think, in retrospect, the aliens seem to have planned to replenish Jupiter with zero mass since that time.

He vaguely remembered that when Io left Jupiter, he seemed to laugh at a few small satellites.

As for the reasons, there are also a lot of thoughts, such as too much mass loss, the planet's gravitational force drops; another example is the asteroid that contains certain substances that aliens need; and there is a planetary engine, it is impossible to generate thrust out of thin air, and it consumes every day. The combustion of the planetary engine is a number of days, and the combustion used by the planetary engine must come from Io itself...

Think about it, it is possible to push such a large planet away, not to mention how much burning it consumes every day, I am afraid that every second requires tens of millions of tons of fuel.

Mosquito legs are also meat, and although the asteroid is small, it is more or less a supplement.

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