The first time, the second time, the second time.

"I know, boss, I guarantee that everything will be safe, and I will kill them with one shot at the critical moment."

The little man couldn't let go of the sniper rifle. This sniper rifle is not a civilian version, so the accuracy is extremely high!

After packing up the equipment, the bearded man drove the car and said:

"Okay, find an opportunity to act."

"Remember, this action can only succeed and not fail."

After the three of them discussed it, they drove away on the street.


At ten o'clock in the morning,

After Yang Mi left Huazhou Junting, accompanied by Li Xiaoyu, she came to Jiaxing Entertainment Company.

Because he decided to invest, the chairman of Jiaxing decided to hold a press conference!

At this time,

Jiaxing Entertainment Company was extremely lively.

A group of executives and artists from the company stood in the conference hall on the eighth floor, talking about it!

In addition to the company's internal personnel, other top stars in the entertainment industry also arrived one after another.

The entrance and the conference hall were full of reporters!

The reason why it was so lively was because last night, Jiaxing Entertainment Company announced that Yang Mi officially became the company's second largest shareholder,

and specially held a press conference!

"Yang Mi is really on the rise now, the number one in the domestic entertainment industry!"

"Haha, she has completely turned over, from an artist to a capital, we have to call her Director Yang from now on!"

Some celebrities and artists were standing aside and discussing:

"I really didn't expect that Yang Mi could actually win this turnaround battle!"

"Who let her be lucky and marry into a wealthy family."

"Come on, being able to marry into a wealthy family is also a skill, we will not be bad if we just follow Sister Mi in the future."


Amid the discussion,

A group of young men in suits walked into the conference room and began to tidy up the tables and chairs,

And a few people directly replaced all the glass in the conference room with new ones!

It can be seen how much Jiaxing attaches importance to this press conference!

After a while,

All the senior executives of Jiaxing arrived, and Yang Mi slowly walked in from the door.

Unlike in the past, Yang Mi today did not wear a dazzling evening dress, but a suit, looking extremely capable and dashing!

As Yang Mi sat down, the noisy scene suddenly became silent. Everyone looked at Yang Mi, the protagonist of today. Then, Liu Yanbin also walked in from outside. Standing on the podium, Liu Yanbin smiled and said: "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. I feel very honored to welcome everyone to Jiaxing Entertainment!" "I think everyone knows why I suddenly held a press conference. That's because Miss Yang will officially become the second largest shareholder of Jiaxing Entertainment from today!" "Yesterday, all the executives of Jiaxing unanimously decided to invite Miss Yang to invest in the company, so let us congratulate Miss Yang first!" After the voice fell, Yang Mi slowly stood up and greeted everyone in a low-key and humble manner. The audience applauded like thunder, and everyone was congratulating Yang Mi. Looking at the executives and shareholders who were not friendly in the past, their faces are now filled with warm and happy smiles. Yang Mi knew that most of these people were just superficial, but it didn't matter. As long as you succeed, there will be good people around you who treat you with courtesy. "Thank you for your support, thank you!" Yang Mi nodded slightly and showed respect to everyone. Liu Yanbin stood on the podium, feeling very happy! Yang Mi got the shares and became the second largest shareholder, so she was in semi-retirement! Liu Yanbin no longer had to escort Yang Mi, and the task assigned to him by Wang Mian was basically completed. As for the largest shareholder, Liu Yanbin had not planned to tell Yang Mi yet. After all, the largest shareholder was Yang Mi's daughter Li Xuan, so it was more appropriate for Li Qing to tell her. "Then let's welcome Miss Yang to the stage with warm applause!" Liu Yanbin clapped his hands excitedly, driving the atmosphere on the scene to be extremely hot! Yang Mi slowly walked to the podium, and she could clearly see the faces of everyone in the audience standing on the stage. There were only smiles on their faces. The previous slander, ridicule, and insidiousness disappeared completely. Yang Mi held the microphone, feeling a little excited, but still calmly said:

"Thank you all for coming to the press conference today, and thank you all for your support and love for me."

"Also thank you to all shareholders, thank you Mr. Liu..."

Yang Mi spoke the polite words calmly and generously.

Offstage, everyone's eyes were all focused on her.

Yang Mi is the brilliance of the entertainment industry!

Yang Mi's vivid speech gradually quieted the venue, and everyone listened attentively unconsciously, solemnly.

This scene is a big news for the entertainment industry!

Many reporters directly started live broadcasting on the spot. Yang Mi announced the news of her investment in Jiaxing and broadcast it live on the entire network, and her popularity immediately ranked first!


And at this moment, suddenly!

There was a loud noise from the window of the conference hall!

Everyone was startled, and then everyone saw that there was a deep dent on the window, and spider web cracks appeared, as if it was hit by something!

Seeing this scene,

Li Xiaoyu's face suddenly changed. Without any hesitation, he stood up and rushed to the podium, pulled Yang Mi down, and hid on the side of the table!

"It's a gunshot, be careful of the gunshot!" Li Xiaoyu shouted!

At the same time,


The window suddenly shattered!

Several tea cups in the conference room were smashed by bullets!


Instantly, the crowd in the entire conference room panicked, like a flock of sheep that were scared away!

Many reporters were also frightened, and the bullets passed by them!

But there were also a few brave and dedicated reporters,

still holding their equipment, shouting nervously and excitedly:

"Emergency! Emergency! Yang Mi was shot at the press conference, shot!"

The netizens in the live broadcast room, facing this sudden scene, all exploded instantly!


"Don't panic, everyone, lie down, everyone lie down!"

Next to the podium, Liu Yanbin shouted urgently:

"Hurry up, protect Miss Yang!"

Yang Mi, who was hiding on the side of the table, was not hurt at all under the protection of Li Xiaoyu, and she was already wearing a bulletproof vest!

"Sister-in-law, are you okay?"

Li Xiaoyu was extremely calm and pressed Yang Mi down with his body.

At the same time, Sun Yang and many bodyguards surrounded the two and quickly moved them to a safe corner!

And everyone in the conference room was lying on the ground, with panic on their faces!

No one expected that a celebrity press conference would be assassinated by a gunman!

Those who didn't know thought that a foreign president was assassinated during a speech!

Several reporters who were still broadcasting live were extremely excited after experiencing death:

"Oh my God, this kind of thing actually happened. I have been broadcasting live just now. This time it will be a big hit and will definitely be the first on the hot search list!"

"Hurry up, hurry up to see if Miss Yang is injured and get the first-hand news!"

Several reporters, like war correspondents, hunched over and carried equipment and ran out!


At this time, on the roof of the office building opposite the Jiaxing Building, a short man with a terrified face cursed into the headset:

"Damn! That glass is actually bulletproof!"

"I told you this assassination plan is unreliable. Now one of the targets has completely disappeared!"

In the headset, the bearded man said:

"Don't panic yet. There are two more targets downstairs. The man named Wang Mian and Li Qing are downstairs. You can still get money if you kill them!"

"I'll go over first, and you continue to look for opportunities to shoot up there!"

The short man snorted coldly: "Got it, I'll move to another place first."

After that, he picked up the sniper rifle, picked up the shell and went down the roof. From the window on another floor, he aimed at Li Qing and Wang Mian downstairs!

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