The old man was still alive, but he was still alive.


Looking at Wang Mian's devilish smile, Zhang Ao murmured dully.

After signing the transfer contract,

Zhang Ao seemed to be unable to feel the pain in his body, his heart kept twitching, and the feeling of having nothing in an instant made him want to die!

The night in the Magic City, under the moonlight and flowers, these entertainment venues in the Magic City,

bring him a net profit of hundreds of millions every year,

but now, everything is gone!

Take a deep breath, Zhang Ao looked at Wang Mian with a dead look and said:

"Now, can you let me go?"

Wang Mian nodded, thoughtfully:

"Letting you go, that's natural, I always keep my promises."

"But before you leave, you still have to pay some interest."

"You have to pay for arranging someone to splash Yang Mi with sulfuric acid."

Hearing this,

Zhang Ao, who was originally depressed, suddenly stared, looked at Wang Mian with some horror and said:

"What else do you want to do?!"

"I have signed the contract and given up all my property. Isn't it okay for me to have nothing?!"

Zhang Ao cried and shouted,

In this short hour, he had suffered too much grievance and pain, and he had already collapsed.

Seeing Zhang Ao's pitiful appearance,

Wang Mian didn't care at all. In his eyes,

People like Zhang Ao were just crocodile tears. He opened a nightclub and forced female college students to engage in... those gray industry methods. Zhang Ao never softened his heart when making money.

"Mr. Zhang, it's good that you are not dead."

Wang Mian said coldly.

As soon as the voice fell,

the two young men next to him moved, and they pressed Zhang Ao to the ground!

Then another younger brother came over, lifted Zhang Ao's hand, straightened it and held it tightly!

Then he took an axe and chopped it down heavily on Zhang Ao's wrist!


Blood splashed everywhere!

The knife fell cleanly and neatly, and Zhang Ao's right palm fell to the ground!


Zhang Ao widened his eyes, screamed inhumanly as if he was in a hurry, and then fainted!

Wang Mian waved his hand in disappointment:

"Stop the bleeding and bandage him, then send him to where I said."

The younger brother carried Zhang Ao to the side. There was a professional doctor on the scene who gave Zhang Ao a simple bandage, at least he couldn't die now.

After simply stopping the bleeding,

several younger brothers packed Zhang Ao into the car, and then drove away from the factory.

At this moment,

Sister Hong, who saw all this, was already scared to the point of her legs going limp, her face pale and covering her mouth,

In her beautiful eyes, tears kept rolling, full of fear!

She couldn't believe that

Wang Mian and his gang were so bold!

This is her boss, the boss of Magic City Night. He just cut off his hands and feet and crippled him, and took over all the nightclubs. Doesn't he really worry about the consequences at all? !

You know,

In the situation of modern society, everyone has rules for fighting openly and secretly, and no one dares to cross the red line so blatantly!

But the other party dared to do it!

Sister Hong's heart was trembling constantly.

She knew that this Li Qing was either a lunatic or had a very powerful background behind him!

"Your name is Sister Hong, right?"

Just as Sister Hong was immersed in fear,

Wang Mian's words frightened her.

"Ah... I... I am..."

Sister Hong, who had once been steady and had seen big scenes, became timid in front of Wang Mian:

"That... Brother, I'm just a worker, can you let me go?"

Sister Hong pleaded, she was really afraid that she would be tortured again...

Wang Mian smiled and said:

"Of course, I never make things difficult for women, sister, you can go."

Sister Hong looked at Wang Mian with a terrified face.

She really found it hard to believe what Wang Mian said.

But with the desire to survive, Sister Hong still took a difficult step and walked out of the factory.

Under the gaze of everyone,

Sister Hong was extremely nervous, her clothes were soaked with sweat, and she tiptoed out of the factory.

Looking at Sister Hong leaving,

Wang Mian smiled faintly, then took out his mobile phone, edited a message and sent it out.


Outside the factory,

After leaving everyone's sight,

Sister Hong could no longer bear the fear in her heart, took off her high heels and ran away, not caring about the stones or thorns under her feet.


Huff and puff,

In this way, Sister Hong kept panting and ran very far in one breath until she could no longer see the factory behind her, and then she stopped.

The tight string loosened, Sister Hong felt like she was exhausted, and she collapsed on the ground.

Her pair of jade feet had long been worn out by rocks and branches, her stockings were torn, and her flesh was bloody.

But she didn't care about the pain,

What she had to do now was to escape from here quickly. If Wang Mian regretted it, wouldn't she end up like Zhang Ao!

"Don't panic, don't be confused, don't call the police..."

Sister Hong trembled with her mobile phone, trying to keep her brain calm, and planned to contact a friend to pick her up.

And at this moment,

Not far away, three or four police cars flashed their lights and drove towards her quickly.

After a sudden brake,

The police car stopped in front of Sister Hong.

Four or five security guards came down and walked towards Sister Hong with serious expressions.

Seeing the security guards coming,

Sister Hong's face froze, but she was relieved, thinking that it must be Zhang Ao's brothers who called the police to rescue him.

But the next second, Sister Hong was confused.

"You are Liu Hong, right? Sister Hong from the Magic City Night Club."

The leading security guard came forward, showed his ID and said:

"We have received relevant reports and evidence information. You are suspected of organizing prostitution, forcing multiple underage girls... and a series of illegal and criminal activities!"

"We are arresting you now!"

"We have the relevant evidence at present, don't try to resist."

Hearing this,

Sister Hong, who was about to take a breath, looked at the other party in shock!

Things happened a little suddenly,

How did the Public Security Bureau suddenly know these things?

And they came... at the right time...

Thinking of this,

Sister Hong, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly showed a helpless smile,

No wonder Wang Mian let her go,

It turned out that the other party had arranged all this long ago.

Sister Hong did not struggle. After all, it was all in vain. She knew that what awaited her was the rest of her life, and she would never be able to get out.

"I'll go with you."

Sister Hong said weakly.

Compared with Zhang Ao, she was already good...


At this time,

The Internet was still mostly about the news of #Zhang Ao was acquitted#.

Especially when Zhang Ao left the Public Security Bureau and was interviewed by the media,

These news have caused a lot of repercussions on the Internet.

Many people think that,

As the boss of Magic City Night, how could he not have two brushes?

With Yang Mi's status and position, it is a fantasy to want to bring Zhang Ao down, even if she has someone behind her to support her.

As Yang Mi turned the table with the entertainment industry, the game between the two sides has extended to various forces.

More and more eyes have gathered.

There are Beijing circles, Shanghai circles, and even Hong Kong circles. Everyone is watching Yang Mi. How dare a small artist jump like this?

And the mysterious supporters behind Yang Mi are becoming more and more curious.

After all, in the struggle between Yang Mi and Chen Asher,

Yang Mi got the upper hand in the previous conflicts.


"Uncle Feng, Zhang Ao has been released this afternoon."

In the living room of Feng Kuazi's villa, Chen Asher sat on the sofa, holding a cigarette in his hand and smiled:

"It seems that the person behind Zhang Ao has intervened."

After Zhang Ao left the Public Security Bureau in the afternoon,

the news quickly spread throughout the entire Demon City and all circles.

This news is undoubtedly good news for Chen Asher and others.

As long as the person behind Zhang Ao takes action, the person behind Yang Mi will not be able to continue hiding in the dark!

Feng Kuazi was smoking as usual, and said calmly:

"Things have been developing in the direction we judged, which is a good thing."

"During this period, Li Bin and Wu Yufei, you have to shoot the new play well."

"This is a good opportunity to build momentum for us."

Li Wenwu nodded, and said with excitement in his eyes:

"Don't worry, Director Feng, the new play is going smoothly."

Wu Yufei was sitting on the sofa, and she was also in a happy mood.

During this period, because of her fight with Yang Mi, the popularity has been rising.

If I release the new play, I will definitely become famous!

The bright future and beautiful scenery are all waving to me!

At this time,

The housekeeper of the villa ran in from outside in a panic.

"Sixth Master, Sixth Master, something happened outside!"

The housekeeper's face was extremely panicked, and his body seemed to be trembling with fear:

"Just now a car came outside and threw a bloody person at the door. It seems... It seems to be a corpse!"

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