Arms Dealer Dad, Yang Mi Comes To Visit With Her Baby At The Beginning

Chapter 108 Witness History! Dragon Kingdom Becomes Number One! The Whole World Kneels Down And The

Dragon Kingdom made a huge profit this time.

It also shocked the whole world.

Many media platforms around the world rushed to report on this matter.

They marveled at Longguo's methods.

This is the operation of shearing wool.

It's really wonderful.

They even made a classic business case about this matter.

Perform analysis.

Xiaoli, Kimchi Country, these little brothers of Eagle Sauce.

After learning that Big Brother Yingjiang actually lost trillions because of oil.

They were all marveling at Long Guo's methods.

He also developed a deep fear of the Dragon Kingdom.

Long Guo’s operation this time.

Not only did Yingjiang suffer heavy losses.

He even slapped Yingjiang hard on the face.

Because the eagle sauce comes before.

And they have been bragging about it all over the world.

What huge oil reserves they have.

their oil production.

It is the first in the world.

They even announced it to the world.

They can control the price of oil.

But what about the result?

But they lost trillions because of oil.

This is undoubtedly a huge joke.

Xiaori and the senior officials of Kimchi Country discussed this matter one after another.

They all know it.

The reason why Long Guo dared to do this.

It is because of their strong strength.

And enough confidence.

Such confidence.

This is something small countries like them simply don’t have.

If they dare to play like this.

I'm afraid it will be destroyed directly by Yingjiang.

And Long Guo’s operation this time.

It also gave them a wake-up call.

That was when dealing with the Dragon Kingdom.

Be careful.


It will probably be like Eagle Sauce.

He was severely cheated by Long Guo.


The Dragon Kingdom may rise even more.

And they are small countries.

It is also destined to be used further and further by the Dragon Kingdom.

They began to think about it one after another.

Do you want to change your attitude towards Dragon Kingdom?

After all, the current strength of the Dragon Kingdom.

It has become stronger and stronger.

If you offend the Dragon Kingdom again.

I'm afraid it will end in a tragic way.

As for the Dragon Kingdom.

Then he let out a fierce breath of anger.

Previously, Yingjiang had been arrogant and domineering all over the world.

Relying on his own strength.

Bullying other countries everywhere.

Longguo has been suppressed by Yingjiang many times before.

This time.

They finally let out a fierce sigh of relief.

Not only made money.

It even made Yingjiang lose face.

This is for the Dragon Kingdom.

Definitely a huge win.

And all this.

All thanks to Su Ze.

Su Ze's operation this time.

It also shocked the senior officials of Longguo.

They didn't expect it.

Su Ze was able to use such means.

Come and collect the wool from Eagle Sauce.

And use this thing.

He slapped Yingjiang hard on the face.

Dragon Kingdom proved a point to the world.

That is their Dragon Kingdom.

It is the real oil power in the world.

Not only can they guarantee their own domestic oil supply.

They even sell oil domestically at extremely low prices.

With this hand operation.

It has created a strong sense of presence internationally.

Not only did it let the whole world see the strength of the Dragon Kingdom.

It also gave Longguo its international status.

has been further improved.

It's simply breathtaking.

It also made Xiaori and Kimchi Country doubt their big brother's ability.

Also deeply worried.

Their big brother can't survive this.

But they don't really care about their big brother either.

But they are concerned about the tens of billions of funds they previously supported for Eagle Sauce.

If the Eagle Sauce can't afford it.

So wouldn’t it mean that all their money would be lost?

Think of this.

Faced with further demands from Yingjiang behind.

They simply pretended not to see it.

No one cares.

And the Eagle Sauce side.

Long Guo’s operation this time.

It can be called a textbook level of wool harvesting.

After Yingjiang Commander Bai Deng learned the news.

He was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

He originally thought that Longguo could only receive part of the oil.

The result was unexpected.

The Dragon Kingdom actually took over all the oil.

And they were sold to the public at extremely low prices.


Longguo not only made huge profits.

And it also won the hearts and minds of the people.

And he Eagle Sauce.

But it was a heavy loss.

Not only did they lose trillions.

And it also made Long Guo famous.

This is simply losing his wife and losing his troops.

Commander Ying Jiang was so defeated that he almost fainted.

There is a gloomy atmosphere in Yingjiang.

Ever since the Dragon Kingdom sold oil at extremely low prices.

The economy of Eagle Sauce has suffered an unprecedented impact.

There is a serious crisis in the country.

A large number of people who lost their jobs took to the streets.

parade to protest

Angrily scolding Ying Jiang for his defeat.

"Get off!"

"This irresponsible leader does not deserve to sit in this position!"

"Tell him to get off the stage immediately and not appear in front of our eyes.

"With this person here, Yingjiang is finished!"

These people demonstrating.

They are all victims of this economic fluctuation.

They lost their jobs.

Now I can only survive by receiving the official subsistence allowance from Yingjiang.

But even so, Yingjiang also suffered from its own economic downturn.

And their relief funds have been reduced again and again.

These people are doing it because they really have no other options.

That's why we came to the streets to demonstrate.


If there is no solution for Eagle Sauce official day.

They will all go hungry from now on.

Some may even starve to death.

Do you think they are in such an embarrassing situation?

Everything was caused by the defeat of their commander Ying Deng.

If it weren't for the fact that he lost the trade war.

The entire country will not fall into an economic downturn.

Their Eagle Sauce can also continue its past glory.

Standing at the top of the world.

But now.

Everybody knows.

The glory of Eagle Sauce is gone.

From now on, even food and drink will be a problem for their own citizens.

And how to solve it.

Even their Eagle Sauce officials don’t know.

There is no way to guarantee the interests of these people.

We can only watch helplessly as people like them have their money locked up.

Some people even incurred huge debts for no apparent reason.

It's because of that ridiculous crude oil treasure.

This caused a lot of sighs in the country.

The entire society fell into malaise.

On the other hand, look at the Dragon Kingdom.

The people of Dragon Kingdom can be said to be the biggest beneficiaries this time.

Domestic oil prices fell to 2 yuan.

Let them no longer have to worry about oil.

You can save thousands of dollars every month to supplement your living expenses.

Not only that.

Oil is originally the most important resource.

The country also spends a lot of money every year to buy oil.

Now all this money can be saved.

Not only that.

The Dragon Kingdom will also use the saved money to subsidize people's livelihood.

A lot of money ended up being used to benefit the people.


The people of the Dragon Kingdom are getting better and better.

Daily videos of daily life are also posted online every day.

All of them are happy and happy.

And these videos.

Many of them can also be seen by people abroad.

Especially after the people from Yingjiang saw it.

They were going crazy.

"Why can people in the Dragon Kingdom live so well?"

"And we're just going to go hungry?"

Many Yingjiang people are hungry.

Watching the happy life of the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

This made them even more jealous.

At the same time, their own Yingjiang commander was defeated.

Also full of resentment.

In their view.

The reason why they become like this.

It was all because of the defeat of their commander Ying Deng.

And Su Ze’s plan.

So far, everything has been successful.

economic aspect.

Let Eagle Sauce go directly back decades.

How glorious the Eagle Sauce used to be.

They have the largest overseas fleet.

Overseas bases all over the world.

And there is the world monetary system that occupies the top spot.

It can be said.

Once upon a time, Eagle Sauce was number one in the world.

All they have to do is think.

They can sanction the economy of any country at will.


Just adjust the economy on a few trading markets.

It can destroy a country's economy.

But now.

However, Yingjiang cannot even protect the most basic livelihood.

Their economic system collapsed completely.

Prices are skyrocketing.

Many people can't even afford food.

Many people even starved to death.

And they are proud of their overseas fleet.

Now I can't even add oil.

All docked on the coast.

Almost turned into scrap metal.

Eagle Sauce’s so-called hegemony.

Nature ceases to exist.

Because of the economic downturn.

Yingjiang can only continue to reduce the salaries of their people.

Everyone has to tighten their belts.

But this also caused dissatisfaction among many people.

Especially the upper class.

They themselves have lost money in this trading war.

And now the officials actually want to reduce their money.

Who would want to do such a thing?

And people in the upper classes are dissatisfied.

This has led to increasing domestic conflicts in Yingjiang.

Even Commander Ying Jiang, Bai Deng, can clearly feel that some people have become ready to take action.

This made Bai Deng, the commander of Yingjiang, curse.

"These guys are just useless people on weekdays, and they are of no use at all when we really need help.


"But now, they are finding fault with me."

"If they had been more useful, how could I be in this situation?"

"It's even less likely that Yingjiang will face the current predicament."

"And now that the domestic economy is so sluggish, they don't want to help, and they actually want to take money from the state."

"What a bunch of bitches!"

"We should arrest them first and kill them all."

Bai Deng, the commander of Yingjiang, was cursing.

He originally meant these words to the assistant behind him.

But at this time, even the assistant couldn't help but have other thoughts in his mind.

Because something big happened this time.

Even assistants' salaries have been cut.

The entire country is tightening its belt.

Not only that.

The assistant is still clear.

If it were in the past.

With Yingjiang's strength, this is not the case at all.

Even if they are facing an economic crisis.

They can also rely on the hegemony in their hands.

Start wars in other countries.

And then make a profit out of it.

After all, this is Yingjiang's usual method.

All they have to do is start wars in other countries.

Then they can take advantage of this opportunity to make a lot of money.

After all, Yingjiang has a large number of weapons and equipment in China.

If these weapons and equipment are left alone.

It also costs a lot of repair and maintenance fees.

And if it can be sold.

Not only can it be sold at a high price.

And you can even save a lot of money.

So let’s take the current situation.

They are now hurrying to start a war.

Then take advantage of the opportunity to make money.

Undoubtedly the best choice.

But the problem at the moment is.

Even if they have this idea.

But their fleet can't move either.

It’s not just that insiders are reluctant to act because they don’t have the money.

At the same time, it’s because they don’t even have crude oil in the country now.

In the crude oil treasure liquidation incident.

Yingjiang has sold a large amount of its domestic oil to Longguo at a low price.

No, it can't even be said to be low price.

Instead, it was handed over to Long Guo.

This has led to a severe oil shortage in their own country.

It’s not just domestic crude prices that are rising.

Our own citizens are in this environment of falling oil prices.

Not enjoying the benefits of oil prices at all.

Instead, they still have to buy high-priced oil.

And their fleet did not swim away.

There are so many large fleets in the sky.

But in the end, they didn't even have gas, let alone the money to drive.

Even the ship cannot leave its own port.

Under such circumstances, how can they show their hegemony to the world?

If there is no way to do this.

How can anyone believe them?

not to mention.

Now the whole world has witnessed this economic war.

And they all know it very well.

Eagle Sauce's hegemony can't last long.

Now Eagle Sauce is also going backwards.

And after something like this happens.

Countries no longer respect Eagle Sauce as they used to.

And they also know that Yingjiang can no longer threaten them before or after.

I would say it is the most powerful country in the world right now.

Then there is only the Dragon Kingdom.

Forget about other countries.

Even the small days and kimchi country.

These have always been the little brothers of Eagle Sauce.

But now even their younger brother is not very obedient.

Faced with Yingjiang's request for them to increase military spending.

These guys didn't even pay attention.

In the past, they would not have dared to do this.

Don't say that.

Even if they are helpless.

At least I will find various reasons to beg.

He even cried and knelt down to beg them.

But in the end.

Xiaori and Kimchiguo chose to ignore it.

Commander Ying Jiang was so angry that he was defeated.

"These idiots don't even dare to ignore my orders."

"Are they really not afraid if I drop a big mushroom on their heads again?"

"We really need to deal with these people!"

However, the defeat of Commander Eagle Sauce can only be said in words.

In fact, there is nothing that Yingjiang Commander can do to defeat Dengna Xiaoli and Kimchi Country.

After something like this happened.

Now Yingjiang's status has plummeted.

Even the economy instantly went back 20 years.

This is in sharp contrast to the Dragon Kingdom.

The Dragon Kingdom's economy grew rapidly.

Trillions of dollars in extra money for no reason!

This money is enough for Long Guo to do many things.

Especially this crisis affects more than just Eagle Sauce.

At the same time, many Western countries are implicated.

And precisely for this reason.

The Dragon Kingdom suddenly became the world's largest economic power.

The whole country celebrates March!.

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