Arms Dealer Dad, Yang Mi Comes To Visit With Her Baby At The Beginning

Chapter 68 The Atmosphere In The Entertainment Industry Is Purified! Yang Mi Is The Most Popular Cof

Just what they heard.

For example, big stars like Song Jie'er.

They have all been arrested.

Song Qier tried his best inside.

But no one could be found to fish her out.

I'm afraid that Song Qier will burst into tears inside now.

And some other stars.

Even if they were not caught.

Basically, he was sentenced to a lot of fines.

Those fines almost wiped out ten years of their savings.

But at least I didn’t go in and step on the sewing machine.

This situation is already considered the best.

At least they just want the person to be okay.

Money can be earned slowly.

Therefore, those celebrities who were exposed.

Each one becomes more honest.

They want a better ending for themselves.

Choose not to run away anymore.

Take the initiative to hand over the fine.

Basically everyone who has ever bullied Yang Mi.

They are in this great purge.

No one was spared.

Especially those celebrities who are closer to Arthur Chen.

They are even more cared for.

Basically there is no escape.

But apart from these people.

There are also people who hide very deeply.

After all, not everyone is like Arthur Chen and his cronies.

He was so stupid that he openly felt sorry for Yang Mi.

Some people are obviously jealous of Yang Mi.

But they only do dirty tricks behind the scenes.

On the surface, she and Yang Mi are getting along well.

Such people are the most scheming.

Su Ze looked at the list of celebrities who had evaded taxes compiled by the tax department.

He couldn't help but sneer.

"In addition to these people, there are others who have not been dealt with. These people cannot be forgiven either."

Lin Qinglan on the side nodded.

She understood what Su Ze meant.

after all.

Not all celebrities evade taxes.

There are some stars.

They do not evade taxes.

But he also insulted Yang Mi.

Some of them don’t even show up in person.

They are just slandering people behind their backs.

Then indirectly incite your fans.

Or contact other celebrities behind the scenes.

Targeting Yang Mi.

These people thought their names were not on the list of tax evaders.

You can escape with this.

Then they are overthinking it.

Su Ze always has to solve this kind of thing.

Then it will be solved completely.

You will never let a fish slip through the net!

In a bar in Kyoto.

Under the dim light here.

A group of well-dressed men and women sat around the bar.

Their topic was nothing more than the recent earthquake in the entertainment industry.

"Have you heard? This time the tax department has been very cruel, and many celebrities have fallen into trouble."

"Hmph, those celebrities are usually glamorous, but there are so many shameful things behind them."

"That's right, this time it's a lesson to them."

"But speaking of it, Song Qier is the worst affected by this earthquake in the entertainment industry."

"Yes, Song Qie'er is a very popular star. I didn't expect that she would be in trouble this time."

"I heard that Song Qier was already crying in tears inside."

"She deserves it, who made her so arrogant and domineering.

The group of people talked a lot.

They didn't have much sympathy for Song Qie'er's experience.

after all.

Song Qier's reputation in the entertainment industry is not very good.

She relied on the capital behind her.

Show off your power in the entertainment industry.

Offended a lot of people.

This time Song Qier failed.

For many people.

That’s just so satisfying!

But someone also said it at this time.

"Please keep your voice down, don't let the people in the room hear you."

The person speaking was mysterious.

Also revealed a little caution.

It's like being afraid of offending someone.

The man continued.

"There are several big stars in the box in the room.

The relationship between celebrities is pretty good.

You should be careful if you offend others again because of your words.

There is no place for people to get angry in the first place, so when the time comes, they will vent their anger on you!"

Upon hearing this, everyone realized the problem.

They immediately had good believers.


"Brother, who is the person inside?"

The man sneered.

"Xiao Zhan, didn't you see it just now?"

Everyone was stunned.

There's so much chaos in this bar.

Plus there are a lot of people here.

The lights are dim.

And because it's a high-end bar.

Celebrities often come here.

So no one deliberately paid attention to any celebrities coming here.

No one expected that Xiao Zhan would be here tonight.

Xiao Zhan is also a frequent visitor here.

But he hasn't been here for a while.

Since the big earthquake in the Beijing area.

No one in this bar has seen Xiao Zhan.

Everyone thought Xiao Zhan was also implicated.

So I hid at home and didn't come out.

Now it seems that this is obviously not the case.

But although everyone didn't understand why Xiao Zhan was here.

But they thought that Xiao Zhan would get angry.

With Xiao Zhan’s energy in the entertainment industry and even the Beijing industry.

In addition, his relationship with Feng Xiaogang is still very small.

If it was because of something they said about the entertainment industry that offended him.

This price is beyond their ability to bear.

So everyone simply kept their mouths shut.

And in the luxurious box inside.

Xiao Zhan and a group of other 18th-tier starlets.

Men and women gather here.

Swallowing clouds and puffing out mist.

The entire room was filled with smoke.

on the table in front of them.

A pile of white powder is scattered messily.

There are also various absorbers placed haphazardly on the table.

Many people have become blurred.

The women were dressed very revealingly.

Even if the man next to him touched his body, he didn't care at all.

Xiao Zhan even hugged him from left to right.

And Xiao Zhan is still sober at the moment.

He seemed to be thinking about something in his mind.

Suddenly, maybe it was the effect of the medicine.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he suddenly roared.

"Damn it, Yang Mi, this stinky cousin, caused me to lose almost 100 million!"

"One hundred million, that's a whole hundred million!"

Xiao Zhan seemed to be in a daze.

He kept repeating this sentence.

It was as if this number had been deeply engraved in his mind.

When his friends saw Xiao Zhan's appearance, no one tried to persuade him.

On the contrary, he also joined in with it.

"Young Master Wu, what happened this time was indeed that bitch Yang Mi who went too far.

"Yes, Mr. Wu, you must think of a way and not just take advantage of her.

"Yes, Yang Mi must pay the price!"

The crowd started to boo.

Although they are all 18th-tier starlets.

Usually in the entertainment industry, I don’t even count as shit.

But they all know it.

Xiao Zhan’s energy in the entertainment industry.

Xiao Zhan’s godfather is Feng Xiaogang.

And Feng Xiaogang is a big shot in the entertainment industry.

Just one word from Xiao Zhan.

Feng Xiaogang can make it difficult for Yang Mi to survive in the entertainment industry.

This is why.

The reason why they are very willing to follow Xiao Zhan.

But they also discovered it.

In this contest.

Xiao Zhan's godfather Feng Xiaogang seems to be having trouble doing it too.

Feng Xiaogang was even arrested once before.

Although it came out later.

But there was no movement after that.

But this is for these 18th-tier starlets.

Doesn't matter.

They all wanted to hug Xiao Zhan's lap.

I want to use Xiao Zhan's energy to become successful in the entertainment industry.

So for now.

They all sided with Xiao Zhan.

Follow Xiao Zhan and scold Yang Mi.

Xiao Zhan heard what they said.

I felt somewhat relieved.

He puffed on the white powder on the table.

Suddenly his eyes became more blurred.

Next to her was an 18th-tier female star with a hot figure.

Lying on Xiao Zhan's body tenderly.

She said against Xiao Zhan's ear.

"Master Wu, how do you want to deal with Yang Mi?"

Xiao Zhan smiled coldly.

His eyes were fixed on the female star's deep hook.

"Hasn't Yang Mi always claimed to be a clean figure in the entertainment industry? Hasn't she always said that she relied on her strength to get where she is today?"

"I will ruin her reputation this time!"

"I want to see if her so-called Qingliu and her so-called strength can defeat me!"

A trace of evil flashed in Xiao Zhan's eyes.

It was as if he had seen Yang Mi crying bitterly in front of him.

The image of begging him for mercy.

At this time, Xiaozhan was under the influence of drugs.

Maybe he has lost his mind.

Xiao Zhan felt relieved for a while.

The people next to him heard Xiao Zhan's words.

Everyone became excited immediately.

"Master Wu, what do you plan to do?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Xiao Zhan's mouth.

"Don't she, Yang Mi, like to hype? Don't she like to market herself?"

"I'll let her get enough hype this time!"

"You guys go contact the media and expose all the dirty stuff about Yang Mi in the past!"

"Also, find some trolls to smear Yang Mi crazily on the Internet!"

"I want everyone to know what kind of person Yang Mi is!"

Xiao Zhan said, a trace of madness flashed in his eyes.

It seems that Yang Mi has been ruined and can no longer survive in the entertainment industry.

And others heard Xiao Zhan's words.

Everyone also agreed.

"Wu Shaoyingming!"

"We must make Yang Mi look good this time!"

Everyone was gearing up.

It seems that Yang Mi has been seen under their joint attack.

A scene of complete collapse!

But this group of people was actually completely over the moon.

They were completely unaware.

What you said was ridiculous.

Anything they can think of.

Someone has already tried it.

And there is nothing you can do about Yang Mi.

They are just under the influence of drugs.

I don't even know what I'm talking about.

Even after saying these words.

A group of people were completely confused.

Everyone's hands and feet are out of control.

The whole person fell directly on the sofa.

Judging from their expressions, they all looked like they were enjoying themselves.

The scene in the box once seemed to turn into a group of demons

Dance wildly.

Suddenly, the door to the box was violently kicked open.

But no one in the room, including Xiao Zhan, responded at all.

The people who came in took cameras and pointed them at Xiao Zhan and kept filming them.

Xiao Zhan seemed to realize something.

He reached out to stop the group from filming.

But my body couldn't exert any strength at all.

You can only hear those people talking.

“I didn’t expect this report to be true.

"Big star Xiao Zhan actually smoked white powder in a bar."

"Are these girls underage?"

"It seems that the behavior of copying fans is also true?"

"`~This is big news!"

"Whether our media company can become popular depends on Xiao Zhan's news!"

Xiao Zhan was confused.

He didn't even realize it at this time.

My own end has come.

Shortly afterwards.

Law enforcement is here.

Take Xiao Zhan and others away.

And after investigation.

Some of the girls were even minors.

They were tricked into coming here without knowing it.

Xiao Zhan was also fed white powder.

After investigating this clearly.

Even law enforcement officers couldn't help but be outraged.

This little fight.

On the surface, he looks like a dog.

He is such a beast behind his back!

They even attack minors!

And this news.

It was soon exposed on the Internet.

Cause an uproar!

Public opinion on the Internet exploded instantly.

Everyone couldn't believe it.

A small battle between their ideal idols.

He would do such a heartless thing.

Even minors are not spared.

Simply scum!

Everyone is denouncing Xiao Zhan.

Demand that he be brought to justice.

At this time, there was a small battle.

Already put in a detention center.

Only then did he finally wake up.

Realize what a stupid thing you did.

But he is not afraid.

They even shouted at the law enforcement officers inside.

"Let me out quickly. My godfather is Feng Xiaogang. No one in Beijing can touch me!"

But the law enforcement officials didn't take him seriously at all.

Just after Xiao Zhan's lawyer arrived.

The lawyer even told him some desperate news.

"Mr. Wu, I'm sorry, I really can't help you this time."

"Now in the Beijing circle, you are not the only one who has been found to be sucking white powder, there are also people copying powder."

"Many celebrities have also been arrested. Maybe you can meet them later."

"I believe you will understand after hearing this."

"This is not targeting you alone, but a sweep of the entire entertainment industry."

"The person behind him has a lot of energy, and we can't help you."

Xiao Zhan was confused.

But he still had a glimmer of hope.

"What about my godfather? My godfather Feng Xiaogang can definitely save me in this Beijing circle!"

The lawyer smiled helplessly.

"Mr. Wu, before I came to you, I went to see Mr. Feng Xiaogang first.

(Nuo De Zhao) If he wanted to save you, he wouldn't have asked me to tell you the news. ’

Xiao Zhan's eyes were empty and he gradually became desperate.

He knelt on the ground.

Kowtow constantly.

"Please, let me out."

"I know it's wrong, I really know it's wrong."

"I will never dare to do it again..."

However, no one believed him anymore.

his career.

His reputation.

Everything about him.

All destroyed!

As the lawyer said.

This is another big purge in the entertainment industry.

It's the end of the world for those in their circle.

But netizens are very happy because Su Ze's move has undoubtedly purified the entire entertainment industry.

The rest of the people in the entertainment industry also understood.

Celebrities who were caught.

Whether it's tax evasion or tax evasion.

Still attracting fans and copying fans.

The reason why their deeds were exposed.

Without exception, it's all for the same reason.

That means offending Yang Mi!

That is because of what happened at the entertainment feast before.

That's why these people encounter this.

And this undoubtedly ruined these people's careers.

But why they encountered this.

No one else is to blame.

Who told them to provoke someone?

People they can't afford to offend.

This also makes many celebrities in the entertainment industry suddenly think of it.

What Su Ze said at the entertainment feast.

Everyone is still impressed.

"You are all trash."

They still felt it at first.

Su Ze is just arrogant.

Talking nonsense.

The result is now waiting for everything to happen.

Only then did they see it.

It turns out that Su Ze is not an exaggeration.

In Su Ze's eyes.

Maybe they really are all rubbish.

At least now, there is no one who can fight against Su Ze.

And after seeing Su Ze's strength.

Anyone who has offended Yang Mi in the past.

Everyone got scared.

Fear all day long.

For fear that Su Ze’s judgment would come to them one day. .

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