Arms Dealer Dad, Yang Mi Comes To Visit With Her Baby At The Beginning

Chapter 79 Su Ze’S Terrifying Power Rivals Bai Deng! (Please Order In Full)

To prevent this balance from suddenly being destroyed.

But here we are.

Su Ze no longer intends to wait any longer.

Su Ze has decided to shift his focus domestically.

As for these foreign businesses.

Of course he still had to keep doing it.

It's just that the method is different from before.

Because Su Ze wants to take it out alone and start the stove by herself.

No longer limited to others.

So Su Ze directly called a few of his confidants.

and gave them orders.

"Take action immediately and kill all the informants lurking in the company."

Su Ze's eyes flashed with a cold light.

Revealing a fierce murderous intent.

Many of the subordinates were stunned for a moment.

They all understand what Su Ze means by issuing such an order?

This means that Su Ze will completely break up with those big consortiums from now on.

I am also preparing hard steel to the end.

After all, those eyeliners Su Ze mentioned.

In fact, major consortiums are placed in Su Ze's company.

The purpose is to monitor Su Ze.

Treat Su Ze as your own puppet.

But now Su Ze is obviously not willing to continue to be regarded as a puppet by these people.

Faced with this order from Su Ze.

Many of his subordinates did not hesitate at all.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with Su Ze’s order.

They are not afraid to go head-to-head with these big conglomerates.

Because each of them is loyal to Su Ze.

Even Su Ze told them to die.

They will also execute immediately without hesitation.

So now they don't have any hesitation anymore.

Su Ze's order must be implemented immediately.

These informants in Su Ze company.

In fact, Su Ze has been staring at them for a long time.

Those people don't know anything about it now.

I thought Su Ze didn't notice them at all.

Perhaps they themselves are secretly glad.

But on this day.

The butcher's knife fell on their heads.

Su Ze doesn't just want to kill them.

Moreover, the news of their death must be passed on to those big financial groups.

Tell those big financial groups openly what you think.

Just let these big financial groups know.

I have completely broken with them.

Su Ze didn't have any worries about this.

Since Su Ze can do such a thing today.

So naturally, we have already made preparations.

Su Ze never fights an unprepared battle.

Before breaking out, Su Ze must have already prepared all kinds of responses.

It's not like he was acting impulsively.

Then the next step is the most interesting time.

It depends on how those consortia plan to deal with it in the future.

News about Su Ze477's action.

The major consortiums in Eagle Sauce soon learned about it.

And the news made them furious.

Always in the past.

in their eyes.

Su Ze is just a little guy who is at their mercy.

If there weren't big consortiums like them.

How could Su Ze be in the position she is today?

So Su Ze can rise.

Isn’t it mainly because of them?

But that's exactly why.

These large financial groups also understand very well.

Su Ze this devil.

It was shaped by them.

And the reason why this situation is happening today.

It also has an inseparable relationship with them.

But things have happened.

Everyone knows it too.

Even if they regretted it, it was already too late.

And they had already expected this day.

After all, Su Ze's ambition is getting bigger day by day.

They had already noticed it.

But they really didn't expect it.

Su Ze's speed is so fast.

Action has already been taken today.

They even pulled out all the spies they had installed in Su Ze Company.


They have no way to monitor Su Ze anymore.

And now Su Ze's wings are becoming more and more full.

Everyone knows it too.

They will try to restrain Su Ze later.

But it’s difficult.

Su Ze has become a tiger that has left the cage.

It is almost completely out of their control.

to this end.

People from these large consortiums held a meeting.

specifically to discuss this matter.

The person who called this meeting.

He is the second young master of the Rothschild family.

This second young master’s name is Allen.

With a cynical smile, he looked at the other representatives of the consortium.

Each of these consortiums has a controlling position in Eagle Sauce.

It's just that these consortiums are still slightly inferior to the Rothschild family.

So even though it is only a second young master who is here today.

But everyone still respected him somewhat.

The second young master of the Rothschild family.

Today, of course, I want to tell everyone about Su Ze.


The second young master Allen snorted coldly.

But of course he wasn't talking about these people.

Instead, he snorted at Su Ze out of thin air.

"This Su Ze, do you really think you can get rid of our control by pulling out those eyeliners?"

"Since we can lift him up, we can naturally throw him down again!"

Someone on the scene immediately echoed.

"The second young master of the Rothschild family is right."

"This kind of little guy, once he has some strength, he will become a whole person."

"With his little background, how can he fight with us?"

These large financial groups are present.

Almost all ancestors are nobles.

Their ancestors relied on many methods.

But most of them are through looting.

Only then did he achieve his current status.

and wealth.

Later, with the last global war.

They moved to Yingjiang one by one.

And then they were still dishonest after they arrived.

Still doing this bandit business.

Incite war, and then make a fortune from the war.

Selling arms.

Therefore, they will not take anyone like Su Ze seriously, who has no family background.

in their eyes.

Su Ze just relied on them to get up.

"Although I, the Rothschild family, are low-key."

"But no one has ever dared to challenge us like this."

"Su Ze this piece of shit."

"He's dead!"

Listen to the people from these consortiums shouting one by one.

A smile finally appeared on Allen's face.

Of course he knows.

Su Ze is difficult to deal with.

if not.

They won't hold this meeting either.

Instead, he sent people directly to deal with Su Ze.


The foundation of these financial groups is really deep.

I want to deal with a little guy like Su Ze.

Isn’t that already within reach?

Su Ze really thought he had some money.

A little bit stronger.

Can you compete with them?

It’s simply overestimating one’s capabilities!

Everyone at the scene thought this way.

There is only Allen, the second young master of the Rothschild family.

He looked at everyone.

Then he spoke calmly.

"Su Ze is indeed not a simple person."

“We are where we are today just with our help.”

"And the methods are ruthless."

"Originally, I wanted to slowly corrode the little power he had in his hands."

When Allen said this.

A cold light flashed in his eyes.

Then he continued to speak.

"His rise has been so rapid."

"And this time it was actually out of our control."

"You even attacked us? Caught us by surprise?"

When Alan mentioned this.

The anger in everyone's hearts burned again.

"If he is allowed to continue to develop."

"I'm afraid we really won't be able to suppress him."

After everyone heard what Allen said.

They all looked at each other.

Then someone asked: "What does Master Allen mean?"

Allen said calmly: "Since he wants to get rid of our control."

"Then we will fulfill him!"

"starting today.""

"We will no longer provide him with any help!"

"I'd like to see."

"How much ability does he have?"

When Allen said this.

There was a hint of cruelty in his eyes.

It seems that he has completely made up his mind.

I have to give up Su Ze completely.

Not only that.

Su Ze will eventually usher in their revenge.

They will never swallow this breath.

in the end.

Must make Su Ze look good!

And at the same time on the other side.

Commander Ying Jiang, Bai Deng, has also passed through his intelligence department.

Got this information.

And after knowing this.

Bai Deng's reaction was mediocre.

I even wanted to laugh a little.

"Okay, okay, hurry up and start fighting. This kind of fighting in the nest is the most interesting."

Bai Deng's old face was almost bursting with joy.

“This group of people is really interesting.

“I originally had a dog and wanted to guard my home.

"In the end, the dog's claws are sharpened (aeca) and it becomes disobedient to discipline."

"Instead, I'm going to bite them back."

"Then it seems I don't have to worry anymore."

"Just wait until they're done fighting."

"I'll just keep reaping the benefits, hahaha!"

the other side.

Su Ze had already planned this.

He has prepared everything.

But compared to my original plan.

He just acted a little ahead of time.

But he doesn't need to worry so much.

Because he makes plans.

There is never just one set of plans.

Having a backup plan for everything is Su Ze's consistent style.

Su Ze is no exception in this matter.

He had already left himself a backup plan.

So the back.

He only needs to follow his own back-up plan.

Just start gradually.

on the other hand.

Su Ze's one-step plan is.

He had dug many holes for Commander Yingjiang and the consortium in the past.

These pits are hidden within the Yingjiang Commandery and the consortium.

Usually they can't find it at all.

But as long as Su Ze moves his hands and feet a little bit.

Just make sure you let them.

Even while walking.

They may suddenly fall into a pit.

Su Ze couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he thought of this.


All this is based on Su Ze

With enough strength.

If Su Ze does not have enough strength.

Then even if he wants to cheat these consortiums again.

That's just a worm shaking a tree.

It has no effect at all.

but now.

Su Ze already has enough strength.

Then you can follow his ideas.

He wants the people in the consortium to fall into the trap.

Then the people in the consortium must fall into the trap.


Su Ze also contacted Longguo.

Previously he was involved in the arms business.

He has already accumulated a lot of goodwill in Longguo.

Plus this time.

Su Ze helped Long Guo solve a lot of problems again.

Even before, the Dragon Kingdom was in the hands of Commander Yingjiang.

Obtained several obsolete aircraft carriers.

It was all brought here by Su Ze.

Although it looks like an expired aircraft carrier, it is nothing more than scrap metal.

But for Longguo, whose research and knowledge in this area is still weak.

Broken iron knots are also a treasure.

So you can imagine.

Su Ze, this is a big help to Longguo.

It can be said.

Now Long Guo's favor towards Su Ze has reached a peak.

If Su Ze wants to ask Long Guo for help now.

Then Long Guo will definitely agree without hesitation.

After Su Ze contacted Long Guo.

He directly stated his plan.

After hearing Su Ze's plan, Long Guo.

Everyone's eyes widened.

They didn't expect it.

Su Ze can be so generous.

He even wanted to trick Commander Yingjiang and the consortium.

have to say.

Su Ze is really brave.

But this kind of plan.

But it also made Long Guo feel a little excited.

after all.

Between them and Commander Yingjiang.

That is quite a contradiction.

If you can trick Yingjiang into taking charge.

Of course they will not miss this opportunity.

not to mention.

This time Su Ze's plan.

It's obviously well thought out too.

But as for whether Long Guo is willing to do it.

It depends on whether Long Guo wants it or not.

Anyway, in Su Ze's opinion.

This is a yes.

Severely from the Eagle Sauce Commander and the Eagle Sauce Consortium.

The perfect opportunity to tear off a chunk of meat.

on the other hand.

Although Su Ze planned to give up his business in Eagle Sauce.

After all, if he really did it.

Then then.

It’s not just the Eagle Sauce Zaibatsu.

And Commander Ying Jiang, Bai Deng, will regard him as an enemy in his eyes.

No matter what.

I can no longer hang out in Yingjiang.

But it doesn't matter.

Because Su Ze has established his own kingdom.

He knows that once his plan is launched.

He will face a crazy counterattack from the Eagle Sauce Commander and the consortium.

But he was not afraid.

Because he already has enough strength to deal with all this.

He doesn't just have to protect his family.

And to protect those who would follow him.

So Su Ze has already prepared for everything.

On a mysterious island.

There is more than just the military factory he carefully built.

There are also elite troops he secretly trained.

These are all for him to protect his family and men.

Prepared to fight against possible enemies.

And the other side.

On part of the Black State continent.

Su Ze's power is also quietly expanding.

He used his influence and financial resources.

Successfully established his own sphere of influence on this land.

Although the people here live in poverty.

But they were full of awe and gratitude to Su Ze.

Because he brought order and security to them.

And there are hundreds of such places.

The armed forces in the hands of Su Ze.

It seems no worse than any local separatist warlord in Heizhou.

As long as Su Ze wants.

He can raise a huge army at any time.

Used to resist any force.

I'm afraid even Commander Yingjiang will send troops.

It's really not cheap.

After all, Su Ze and Commander Ying Jiang have also cooperated for these years.

It is still very clear about the strength of Yingjiang.

He also understands Yingjiang's fighting style very well.

So knowing the opponent so well.

Su Ze wants to win.

The probability is even greater.

And Su Ze did all this.

Only he himself knows.

He didn't tell anyone.

Except for some of his very new subordinates.

Even among the forces under him.

They don't know each other's existence.

This also avoids the possibility of rebellion from within.

This will further ensure Su Ze's safety.

Also called Su Ze, rest assured.

It can be regarded as a retreat left by Su Ze for himself.

But other than that.

The force sent by Su Ze to capture Chen Arthur.

It is a force on the surface.

Su Ze after finishing everything.

Then came to Chen Arthur.

When Su Ze saw Arthur Chen.

Arthur Chen has been locked up in a dark room without light for several days.

A bit mentally broken.

His whole face turned pale.

When seeing Su Ze.

Arthur Chen was more like seeing a devil.

Trembling in horror.

"No, no, don't kill me. I'll give you whatever you want."

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