Arms Dealer Dad, Yang Mi Comes To Visit With Her Baby At The Beginning

Chapter 85 Guessing Su Ze’S Identity! The Final Reckoning In Beijing Circle! (Please Order In Full)

"Yes, if the Dragon Kingdom hadn't taken action, I'm afraid other countries wouldn't be so honest.

"And Sister Mi, have you noticed?"

"This incident has caused such a big fuss, but no information about the armed force has been leaked.

"So it means that this might really be a secret force of our Dragon Kingdom."

Su Ze is nearby.

Listen to these two people discussing this topic seriously.

I couldn't help but hold back the laughter in my heart.

Of course they don't know.

In fact, the forces behind what they discussed.

That’s Su Ze.


At their level.

If Su Ze doesn't talk to them.

Then they will never know the truth in this life.

Su Ze didn't intend to tell them the truth.

After all, there is no point in telling them.

But Su Ze wanted to satisfy a little bit of their curiosity.

Still couldn't help but said quietly.

"According to my information."

"This time, people from the Beijing circle were also involved."


"Many scams in northern Myanmar are controlled by people from Beijing circles."

"So these people from Beijing are the main culprits who have caused disaster to the people of Longguo."

Su Ze's words shocked both Yang Mi and Reba.

If it were someone else who said this to them.

It is said that the people in the Beijing circle are the masterminds behind the scenes.

Yang Mi and Reba would not believe it.

But these words came out of Su Ze's mouth.

Then they believe it.

This must be true.

What surprised them even more was.

People from the Beijing circle would actually do such a thing.

This is too disgusting!

"These people in Beijing are so abominable!"

Reba said through gritted teeth.

"To actually do such a heartless thing."

“Fortunately, Sister Mi, you have never cooperated with them.

Yang Mi also nodded.

Although she has had some cooperation with people in the Beijing circle.

But it's just cooperation.

Compared with that kind of unscrupulous thing, "three-nine-three".

Yang Mi felt that she was simply too clean.

This was the Beijing circle she once wanted to squeeze into.

He would actually do such a heartless thing.

They are completely taking advantage of the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

Lie to them and then commit the fraud.

The people they victimized were ordinary people.

In the end, they were all killed.

The thought of this.

Yang Mi felt extremely angry.

And at the same time.

She couldn't help feeling afraid.

If I had further contact with people in the Beijing circle.

If you fully integrate into the Beijing circle.

Will I join them one day?

Yang Mi knows it well.

If you really have too much contact with them.

Then it will definitely be contaminated with these.

Just a little bit of contamination when the time comes.

You will completely fall into this pit.

It's hard to escape.

Just think about it.

Yang Mi couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

But Yang Mi also knew.

Now she has Su Ze to rely on.

So she doesn't need to worry about those things at all.

Su Ze will definitely protect her.

But here comes the thought.

Yang Mi suddenly reacted to another question.

Such a thing.

How did Su Ze know?

The composition of those people in the Beijing circle is very complex.

And very powerful.

In addition, he still harmed the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

He is involved in fraud in northern Myanmar.

Such a confidential thing.

Even if you have the intention to inquire.

It's hard to know.

But how did Su Ze know?

Yang Mi really couldn't contain her curiosity.

She simply asked: "How do you know this kind of thing?"

Su Ze smiled.

But there was no explanation.

And looking at Su Ze's mysterious look.

Yang Mi was even more certain that she had just started.

An idea suddenly emerged in my mind.

That is.

Su Ze must have been involved in this matter.

Oh no, not participation to be precise.


Su Ze caused the collapse of Beijing Circle.

To wipe out the local forces in northern Myanmar,

The mastermind behind the scenes!

He is also the boss behind that powerful mysterious armed force.

When I think of this.

Yang Mi suddenly understood.

Su Ze did everything for her before.

Why can Su Ze suppress the entire Beijing circle?

Why he can make his career soar.

Become the queen of the entertainment industry.

It turns out that behind all this.

It is all supported by the strong strength of Su Ze.

What kind of identity and background does Su Ze have?

It can make the whole world respect and fear him.

Yang Mi was shocked beyond measure.

She had only vaguely guessed that Su Ze's identity was by no means simple.

But I never expected that Su Ze’s identity would be so terrifying!

Able to suppress the entire Beijing circle.

Able to wipe out local forces in northern Myanmar.

It can even affect the pattern of the whole world.

Such an identity has exceeded her imagination.

No wonder every time I see Su Ze dealing with problems.

He always looks confident.

When Yang Mi thought of this.

Even a little frustrated.

They are obviously going to get married.

In the end, Su Ze’s true identity was not known.

Yang Mi was so shocked that she couldn't speak for a long time.

Reba is a curious baby who can't contain her inner curiosity.

I stopped guessing when I saw her Sister Mi.

She simply took the initiative to guess.

"Brother-in-law, let me guess who you are!"

Su Ze nodded with a smile.

"Okay, then take a guess.

Su Ze knew that Regu would definitely be unfaithful.

It's better to play with her.

Reba thought carefully.

"Brother-in-law, are you... a high-ranking official in the Dragon Kingdom?"

This was the first thing Reba thought of.

After all, the senior leaders of Dragon Kingdom should be the most influential in Dragon Kingdom.

So whether it is to help Yang Mi.

Or do other things later.

It's all a piece of cake.

But Su Ze shook his head.

"You are thinking too much. Do you think the senior officials of Dragon Kingdom will do things as openly as I do?"

Reba slapped her head, "Yes.

"To put it this way, it really doesn't sound like someone from the top of the Dragon Kingdom.


"A certain thousand-year-old family? A big family?"

Su Ze couldn't help but smile again.

"Have you ever seen anyone from other families in my house?"

Reba was told that she didn't know what to say for a moment.

But it is exactly what Su Ze said.

Is such that.

In Su Ze's manor.

There is always only Su Ze.

All that was left was them and the servants.

Yang Mi started to think in surprise.

If it is not the case.

Doesn't that mean?

Is Su Ze's identity more powerful than the senior officials of Dragon Kingdom or the children of big families?

Su Ze looked at her like this.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Why, are you scared by my identity?"

Yang Mi came back to her senses.

He lowered his head in embarrassment.

She was indeed frightened.

But she also knew it.

The reason why Su Ze didn't tell her this.

It must be because he wants to protect her.

I don't want her to get involved in these dangerous things.

At least.

Now Yang Mi can only explain it this way.

Yang Mi did not continue to ask any more questions.

Since it is Su Ze’s secret.

Then there was no point in her continuing to ask.

Su Ze took the initiative to tell her.

"Now is not the right time."

"I will make it clear to you later."

"No matter what problem you have, I will tell you everything."


After saying that, Su Ze also rubbed Yang Mi's head.

Hearing this, Yang Mi raised her head slightly and looked at Su Ze.

Although Su Ze didn't say it clearly.

But Yang Mi knew.

Su Ze is making a promise to her.

Wait until the right time.

He would definitely confess everything to her without reservation.

Yang Mi nodded slightly.

Nothing more was said.

She believes in Su Ze.

I am also willing to wait for the right time.

Now that Su Ze has said so.

Then she wouldn't have much to think about.

The two chatted for a while.

Then we went to see Chuchu together.

Since the last engagement ended.

It seems that he has mastered the ability to speak at the beginning.

But it’s still limited to simple words like mom and dad.

But it was enough to make two people happy.

Su Ze and Yang Mi just came to Chuchu.

Enjoy this family time.

I heard Chuchu making a childish but vague voice happily.

"Dad, Mom!"

Although the pronunciation is not very accurate.

But Su Ze and Yang Mi were still able to tell the difference.

Chuchu was calling them.

Both of them suddenly became excited.

Yang Mi knelt down and hugged Chuchu into her arms.

Chuchu also stretched out her little hands and hugged Yang Mi's neck tightly.

Although I can't speak yet.

But Chuchu could feel the love from his parents for him.

This feeling of blood connection.

Make Chuchu feel very happy.

Yang Mi hugged Chuchu and kissed her again and again.

Suddenly Chuchu began to make a babble.

Yang Mi was stunned for a moment.

I thought it was because I hurt Chuchu somewhere.

But Su Ze on the side said.

"It's probably time to change diapers again, let me do it."

With that said, Su Ze took the initiative to take over Chuchu.

Yang Mi watched Su Ze skillfully change Chuchu's diaper.

I couldn't help but feel a little touched in my heart.

In fact, he is a father.

Changing a child's diaper is an ordinary and trivial matter.

But what kind of person is Su Ze?

There were so many nannies in his home.

Everyone can do this for him.

But Su Ze is still doing his father's work wholeheartedly.

This is enough to see.

Su Ze's strong love for Chuchu.

Yang Mi suddenly thought.

She couldn't let Su Ze do this alone.

She is Chuchu's mother.

Of course there is also a responsibility to do this.

"Wait, let me do it."

Su Ze looked at Yang Mi in surprise.

It's been a long time since Yang Mi took care of her personally.

After all, after arriving at Su Ze's house.

Of course there are servants to do these things.

Su Ze would not let his woman do such a small thing.

Yang Mi said.

"Chuchu is my daughter, so I naturally have to change her diapers.

"And in the past, I did all these things for Chuchu myself.

"Also, I want to take care of Chuchu personally."

Saying that, Yang Mi took the diaper from Su Ze's hand...

Then put it on Chuchu carefully.

Although Chuchu was still young, he didn’t understand anything.

But Yang Mi is very attentive.

Chuchu immediately burst into giggles.

Yang Mi looked at Chuchu's cute appearance.

I feel even more in my heart.

This is what you should do.

As a mother.

Children should be given adequate care and companionship.

Even if it’s something as small as changing a diaper.

You should also do it yourself.

She shouldn't miss out on any of her first growing experiences.

Su Ze looked at Yang Mi seriously.

I couldn't help but feel a little moved.

he knows.

The reason why Yang Mi did this.

It’s because of my 100% love for Chu Chu.

I am also willing to pay more for Chuchu.

Su Ze walked over and hugged Yang Mi gently from behind.

Yang Mi did not resist.

Instead, he rested his head on Su Ze's chest.

The two of them just hugged Chuchu quietly.

Enjoy this rare warm time.

this moment.

Yang Mi suddenly felt.

In fact, even if you don’t know Su Ze’s true identity.

No big deal.

As long as I can be with Su Ze.

As long as I can be with Chuchu.

Then the others.

It doesn't matter anymore.

People in the Beijing circle are dumbfounded now.

They have been setting up operations in northern Myanmar for so many years.

Now it has finally taken shape.

It took them countless efforts and energy.

A lot of wealth has also been invested.

Originally this was also their secret asset.

No one knows.

Why was it suddenly uprooted?

And the most important thing is.

They don't even know who did these things.

They don't know yet.

There is no way to check it at all.

After all, all their men in northern Myanmar were also dead.

And those countries that are originally dissatisfied with northern Myanmar.

They are also blocking the news.

Their country has been cheated by the northern Myanmar region to some extent.

But because it belongs to a foreign power.

So there is nothing that countries can do.

Now I see this place being trashed.

Of course they are eager to do so.

And they can still get through this place.

to seek many benefits.

After all, northern Myanmar has dispersed.

But there is still a lot of property left in northern Myanmar.

These properties are very large in amount.

That's all over the years.

The northern Myanmar region was defrauded from the Dragon Kingdom and many other countries.

Now these properties have turned into an unknown amount of money.

Of course it depends on who moves faster.

Who gets the money first.

Whose money is this?

So people in Beijing are also panicking now.

They all know it.

The Dragon Kingdom will definitely also participate in this liquidation of northern Myanmar.

And because it happened suddenly.

They still have a lot of properties in northern Myanmar that have not been dealt with.

If these properties are discovered by Dragon Kingdom officials.

Then we will definitely be able to follow the clues and find them.

When the time comes.

They're going to be in trouble.

After all, they have been doing business in northern Myanmar over the years.

That's not exactly a clean business.

Human trafficking, flour trading, and national fire smuggling.

They have done many of these things.

Now if it is found out by the Dragon Kingdom official.

That awaits them.

But it's not as simple as being in jail.

So people in Beijing are very anxious now.

They are all trying to figure it out.

See if you can suppress this matter.

But here's the thing.

Now the northern Myanmar region is completely in chaos.

Even if they have the intention to deal with it.

But there is no such ability at all.

He can only be beaten passively.

Look at the power that you have worked so hard to build.

in a short period of time.

It was completely destroyed by people.

And it has to be divided up and cleaned at will.

This feeling.

It is undoubtedly very disappointing.

And just when people in the Beijing circle were in a state of panic.

Dragon Kingdom officials finally started to take action.

Dragon Kingdom officially released a message directly.

Because there are a lot of illegal activities in northern Myanmar.

The Dragon Kingdom will impose a complete blockade on northern Myanmar.

Any person or business.

They are no longer allowed to have any economic exchanges with northern Myanmar.

Once discovered.

Will be severely punished.

And all those who committed crimes in northern Myanmar.

All will be punished by law.

As soon as this news was released.

There was an immediate uproar.

To know.

Northern Myanmar over the years.

But he defrauded Long Guo of a lot of money.

Now the Dragon Kingdom officials directly announced the blockade of northern Myanmar.

This means.

They have economic exchanges between these people in the Beijing Circle and northern Myanmar.

They will also be completely cut off.

They also have no way to contact people in northern Myanmar.

Come and find a way to transfer your assets.

Or clearing evidence.

Moreover, Longguo officials also stated.

They will cooperate with other countries.

Let’s carry out liquidation of northern Myanmar together.

As soon as the news came out.

It immediately caused an uproar.

To know.

The northern part of Myanmar is not a matter for the Dragon Kingdom alone.

Instead, it involves multiple countries. .

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