Arms Dealer Dad, Yang Mi Comes To Visit With Her Baby At The Beginning

Chapter 92 Join Forces With The Dragon Kingdom To Pit The Eagle Sauce Consortium! A Low-Level Wester

The senior officials of Long Kingdom all said with excitement.

They all know it.

Those arms resources in Su Ze's hands.

How important is it to the Dragon Kingdom?

As long as they can get these arms resources.

Then the Dragon Kingdom can completely rise.

Become a true power in this world.

There is no need to look at other countries’ faces anymore.

Not to mention being threatened by other countries.

After all, in this world.

Strength is always respected.

Whose fist is strong.

Who is the boss.

And arms.

That's the most important factor in having a hard fist.

to this end.

Long Guo has decided to send people to protect Su Ze.

Absolutely no one from abroad.

To harm this cornucopia of them.

Su Ze naturally knew the official thoughts of the Dragon Kingdom.

After all, he has a large amount of arms resources in his hands.

As long as he wants.

Then a powerful army can be formed at any time.

Such great strength.

Naturally, every country wants to win over them.

Naturally, he would not refuse.

After all, it's for both parties.

All a good thing.

Su Ze can also draw on the power of the Dragon Kingdom.

To better protect yourself and Chuchu.

Although Su Ze herself is enough.

But who wouldn't want that.

One more safeguard.

And Su Ze's current thoughts.

You can put those away first.

Foreign capital has penetrated into Long's country.

But Su Ze was in no hurry to take action.

Because he knows.

These foreign capitals are the consortium of Eagle Country.

It's a huge piece of fat.

This fat.

As long as he wants to harvest.

Then it can be harvested easily at any time.

The reason why Su Ze hasn't taken action yet.

It's because Su Ze is not completely ready yet.

On the other hand, because.

These meats are in Su Ze's opinion.

Not fat enough.

Su Ze naturally has to wait until these all turn into a big piece of fat.

He reaps again.

Think of this.

Su Ze still decided.

Let’s not take action against these people for now.

It’s better to look further back.

Su Ze is not in a hurry anyway.

If Su Ze doesn't take action against these people for a day.

I'm afraid these people should be more anxious.

Live in worry all day long.

in this matter.

Su Ze will only always take the initiative.

And Su Ze.

I won’t go abroad for now.

He suspended his plans to go abroad.

But stay in the country.

Take your time and play with these consortiums.

In order to make this game more enjoyable.

Su Ze also made a lot of preparations.

The first is to unite the Dragon Kingdom officials.

Naturally, the senior officials of Longguo also knew what Su Ze was thinking.

They all expressed their opinions one after another.

As long as Su Ze is willing to cooperate with them.

Then they are Dragon Kingdom official.

I will definitely cooperate with Su Ze fully.

A group of people band together.

A large network has been quietly established in Longguo.

Just waiting for the capital that has already been invested in Dragon Country.

Throw yourself into a trap.

Su Ze was not in a hurry.

Instead, he continued to wait patiently.

Waiting for the prey to jump into his trap.

Su Ze also prepared a lot of means.

Prepare for these foreign capitals.

Hit hard.

After all, Su Ze also knows.

these foreign capitals.

The reason why I came to Longguo to invest.

Naturally, they all have their own purposes.

They are all here to make money.

Now Su Ze naturally wants to let these people.

Know well know.

This dragon country.

But they don't just come when they want.

A place where you can go whenever you want.

If we unite with the Dragon Kingdom.

It also means that they have absolutely no chance of escaping.

Su Ze must let them.

This time I lost all my money.

Harvest the wool of these consortiums.

But Su Ze wants more than that.

These are added to domestic capital.

They are just relying on the backing of foreign financial groups.

But this time.

Su Ze wants to take action on these consortiums.

Retaining foreign capital in the country is a secondary purpose.


Su Ze still wants to kill several foreign consortiums.

As long as we can bring down all those foreign consortiums.

So these capitals in Dragon Kingdom.

Naturally, everything will fall apart.

Without the support of these foreign capitals.

Naturally, they no longer dare to do anything to the Dragon Kingdom.

They would even flee the Dragon Kingdom one after another.

After all, they all know it.

The Dragon Kingdom is not something they can afford to offend.

Of course, this is just an idea at the moment.

But wait until the day it comes true.

Not too long ago.

It won't take long for Su Ze's plan to be realized.

But kill a few consortiums first.

It's just an appetizer.

Su Ze’s true purpose.

Of course, there are also the big financial groups behind it.

I hope the big financial groups behind them know these things.

Be able to understand one thing clearly in your heart.

That means Su Ze will kill them sooner or later.

They just wash their own necks and wait.

Su Ze will now play with the foreign capital that has provoked the Dragon Kingdom entertainment industry.

It can be regarded as a pre-dinner dessert that kills foreign consortiums.

Get rid of these people.

It is really a very simple thing.

On the contrary, it was the other party.

Maybe I really thought so.

How powerful you are.

They think they rely on their own financial resources and influence.

You can do whatever you want in the Dragon Kingdom.

But don't know.

Su Ze has a foundation and power that they can't imagine.

Su Ze was not in a hurry to take action.

He wanted to see how these guys could play.

After all, this is a game.

And he is the master of this game.

He will wait patiently.

Waiting for the prey to jump into his trap.

Foreign capital soon became unable to hold back.

They began to continue to increase investment domestically.

Many domestic entertainment companies have been invested by them.

Wait until they feel their power is strong enough.

It’s time to reshuffle the Dragon Kingdom entertainment circle.

Those who disobey.

Or they are unwilling to surrender to their entertainment companies.

Replace them all.

Let Longguo's entertainment circle completely become their money-making tool.

And they found out too.

It seems like they have taken action now.

Still no one stood up to stop them.

What Su Ze.

It didn't appear from beginning to end.

But they don't know.

all of these.

They are all just traps set by Su Ze and Longguo officials.

Just wait for them to jump deeper.

Wait until they can't get away.

Let’s catch them all again.

And they found out too.

It seems like they have taken action now.

Still no one stood up to stop them.

What Su Ze.

Those foreign capitals also started to get excited.

They all thought that their plan would be successful this time.

Su Ze was naturally prepared.


He is waiting for these foreign capitals to jump deeper.

Just let them jump deeper.

Only then can we catch them all in one fell swoop.

if not.

If we attack them now.

It will inevitably make them alert.

So as to escape early.

As long as they run away.

I want to attack them again.

It's not that simple anymore.

After all, these foreign capitals also have some means.

But what Su Ze didn't expect was.

these foreign capitals.

Although there are some means.

But their methods.

But Su Ze couldn't help but laugh.

Because of their methods.

It seems familiar.

The first thing is nothing more than spreading rumors.

Leverage the domestic entertainment companies they have acquired.

There are a lot of rumors spread on the Internet.

say what.

Yang Mi rose to the top by relying on unspoken rules.

Not only that.

They even uncovered Yang Mi's past.

Then add oil and vinegar.

Or make up facts.

Discredit Yang Mi.

He wanted to ruin Yang Mi's reputation.

have to say.

These foreign capitals do have some means.

they know.

The Dragon Kingdom is a country that pays attention to benevolence, righteousness and morality.

If Yang Mi's reputation is ruined.

Then she would be completely finished.

At that time, the Dragon Kingdom entertainment industry will be in full swing.

It will also become their bag.

They just need to work a little bit.

You can completely control the Dragon Kingdom entertainment industry.

Thus attracting money like crazy.

at the same time.

They also spread rumors.

It is said that Yang Mi’s company has various problems.

For example.

Tax evasion.

What else to say.

Yang Mi's company has various financial problems.

all in all.

Just to completely discredit Yang Mi and her company.

After Yang Mi was spread rumors.

Although I felt very unhappy.

But I didn’t pay too much attention to it.

After all, she has long been used to it.

After all, he is a star in the entertainment industry.

It is normal to be spread rumors.

She has been around for so many years.

I have long been used to this.

Just ignore it.

Moreover, this is not the first time these rumors have appeared.

There was a time when Yang Mi was targeted by so many people in the entertainment industry.

I haven't seen anyone really do anything to her.

She has someone behind her.

And she believed it too.

Those who are clean will be clean by themselves.

Her company will not go bankrupt because of these rumors.


What Yang Mi didn't expect was.

This time.

Things are a little different.

Those foreign capitals.

It seemed that he had no intention of letting her go.

After spreading rumors for a while.

Those foreign capitals.

Take action again.

They began to use their own methods.

Let Longguo officials investigate Yang Mi's company.

They even bribed some officials from the Dragon Kingdom.

I want Yang Mi's company to be investigated.

But this is just a rumor that spreads out.

The official of the Dragon Kingdom has long been from Su Ze's side.

How could they dare to confront Yang?

Honey company investigation.

So in the end it was just a farce.

But this was enough to trouble Yang Mi's heart.

She found out.

Why this day.

There are always troubles around her.

There were so many people in Beijing who caused trouble for her before.

As a result, everyone from the Beijing area has finally gotten in.

in the end.

But there were so many rumors.

It's really annoying to call Yang Mi.

After hearing this, Su Ze.

But he just smiled faintly.

Assistant Lin Qinglan was a little worried.

"Mr. Su, do we really not want to help Miss Yang Mi deal with it this time?"

Lin Qinglan knew it very well.

Now how much Su Ze is interested in Yang Mi.

Logically speaking.

Yang Mi should have been in trouble.

Su Ze was already ready to help Yang Mi deal with the problems and troubles.

As a result, there is still no movement from Su Ze until now.

It couldn't help but arouse her curiosity.

Su Ze shook his head slightly.

A sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth.

"`~The methods of these foreign capitals are too naive.

"Even if we fight them now."

"I just feel bored."

When Lin Qinglan heard this, she couldn't help but feel shocked.

She knows Su Ze's methods.

I know even more about the calculations in his heart.

But every time I hear him say these words so calmly.

Everyone around her can't help but feel terrified.

"Mr. Su, what are you going to do?"

she asked cautiously.

Su Ze said lightly.

"It's ridiculous for these foreign capitals to think that they can shake Yang Mi's status with some rumors and tricks."

"Let them dance for a while, and when they think they have a chance to win, we will give them a surprise.

When Lin Qinglan heard this, her heart palpitated.

She knows.

Su Ze's feelings for Yang Mi are not generally good.

The capital that had tried to attack Yang Mi before.

What happened next?

It is also something that is obvious to all.

"Mr. Su, when do you plan to take action?"

Su Ze turned around, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Wait until they are dancing their best."

"At that time, I will let them know what true despair is.

at the same time.

Those foreign capitals.

After learning that the Dragon Kingdom officials did not take action against them.

I was also a little surprised.

They originally thought.

He bribed the official people of the Dragon Kingdom.

This will allow Longguo officials to take action against Yang Mi's company.


In the end nothing happened.

This can't help but make them feel a little disappointed.


They didn't give up just yet.

After all, they have invested so much money and resources.

If you just give up.

Then their losses would be too great.


They decided to go ahead and take action.

This time.

They intend to use their influence.

Let other entertainment companies in Long Kingdom unite.

Let’s boycott Yang Mi’s company together.

They believe it.

As long as they join forces.

It will definitely put Yang Mi's company into dire straits.

After receiving the news, Yang Mi.

I became even more upset.

These people constantly target her (Nuo Zhao Zhao) company.

Jiahang Media doesn’t know how many such blows it has suffered now.

This is not only annoying to Yang Mi.

At the same time, the development of her Jiahang Media.

It is also an influence.

Especially when seeing his Jiahang Media being framed like that.

Yang Mi was even more anxious.

She immediately went to find Su Ze.

I want to ask Su Ze to help her deal with these criminals like mosquitoes.

And when Su Ze finds out.

He just told Yang Mi with a faint smile.

"Don't be anxious, stay calm, there will be good shows later."

Now just let these people play their part.

Su Ze didn't mean to make Yang Mi suffer.

But with the mentality of a cat catching a mouse.

The cat knows that no matter how hard the mouse jumps, it will eventually be slapped to death.

And Su Ze is now watching how those foreign capitals perform.

Anyway, Yang Mi will not be harmed by these things.

At most, I'm just in a bad mood.

And wait until these foreign capitals are most excited.

Su Ze will give them a fatal blow.

By then, they will know what true despair is.

After hearing Su Ze's words, Yang Mi still felt a little uncomfortable.

But he didn't say anything more.

She knows what Su Ze is capable of.

Since he said there was a good show to watch.

Then there must be.

Therefore, she waited with peace of mind.

And at this time.

These rumors have spread wildly on the Internet.

For melon-eating netizens.

In fact, they have long been tired of these rumors.

After all, the past time.

They have seen this kind of rumor service many times on the Internet.

What is the final result?

Everyone knows it.

Yang Mi has a very powerful husband, Su Ze.

Not only have all those rumors been clarified.

And he even used his hands to deal with those who were spreading rumors behind the scenes.

What will happen to those people?

They know it too.

Therefore, these netizens are just watching it as a joke.

Not many people actually believe these rumors. .

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