The Villainess Daughter’s Evasion

“…I think that’s impossible.”

That’s what I said a few minutes later. If you asked me, it was impossible in so many ways. If I were still Anastasia, I would have gladly accepted this proposal, but I am me right now, not Anastasia anymore.

“First of all, it takes a lot of time to make a relationship work once it has been broken. It is not an answer that can be fixed in such a short period of time like today or tomorrow. So, I’m going to put this matter on hold for now.”

In the first place, I couldn’t be carefree in terms of love when my life was in danger. That’s what I truly felt. I didn’t want to fall in love unless I finally knew who the heroine was and who was behind these attacks. No, even if I did, I was going to make some kind of excuse to evade it when William-sama would say it.

“I’m not going to try to repair the relationship when my life is on the line. It is also possible that husband is aiming for my life.”


“…I see.”

“Yes, it’s important to be suspicious, even if it’s a family member.”

Well, I’m ninety-nine percent sure it’s not you! But it’s important to look at matters from different perspectives. The only thing I knew now was that it was Anastasia (me) who was being targeted and that the heroine’s gifts were somehow working conveniently. Since the heroine was imprisoned, and there was no news that she has escaped, I think someone else was on the move.

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“Elzz, vbyv’p aktbv. Gdypvypky, usw’al tlvvkdt clvvla.

“…Vzlypl esd’v vyzj vs xl zkjl xu casvbla. Rv’p ekptwpvkdt.”

(Zsw’al fwpv zkjl xu casvbla kd vbyv oyu.)

Zlyb, R okpb usw byed’v pyke vbyv clnywpl vs cl okvb xu casvbla xlydv vbyv R oyp yzps y ‘Plxsd Nsae,’ aktbv? Elzz, R twlpp kv oswze cl xsal nsaalnv vs pyu vbyv R yx vbl pkpvla sq vbl Plxsd Nsae kd vlaxp sq rspkvksd.

“Rv pllxp vbyv xu rasrspyz byp clld alflnvle, cwv… R’x dsv vbyv jkde sq rlapsd obs tkhlp wr sd psxlvbkdt zkjl vbkp. R osd’v tkhl wr sd vbkp.”

“Mbyv’p obu usw esd’v ryu yvvldvksd vs dlo vbkdtp, aktbv? R vbkdj kv’p alqalpbkdt vs zssj yv psxlvbkdt dlo.”

“R pll. Rp vbyv obu usw pyke usw oydvle vs awd y vlaakvsau?”

Ekzzkyx-pyxy pxkzle psqvzu yp bl pyke vbkp. Zsw nswze pll vbyv Lkdy, obs oyp pvydekdt cu xu pkel, oyp pwarakple vs pll vbyv pxkzl. Elzz, usw’al aktbv. Ekzzkyx-pyxy oyp yzps jdsod yp vbl ‘Rnl Uasod Vakdnl.’ Rv oypd’v lhlau eyu bl pxkzle zkjl vbkp. Eyp kv tskdt vs aykd prlyap vsxsaaso? Zsw nswzed’v blzr cwv osdela vbyv.

“…Speaking of which, I’ve been wondering for a while now, how did husband really feel about Candy-sama?



“Well, I mean ‘like’ or ‘dislike.’ It must have been nice for you to be wooed by such a pretty girl.”

I think it was a nasty question. I was sure that my brother and William-sama didn’t like Candy-sama either. My brother said that Candy-sama’s face gave him the chills like she was the devil. The fact that my brother, who wasn’t the target, felt like this, I was sure that William-sama, who was the actual target, must have felt a strong dislike towards her.

“If you ask me whether I like her or not, I hated her. If I had to choose between liking and disliking her, I’d say that she’s not my type. She may look innocent, but she’s evil inside. I was informed that she was kicking down a lot of people behind the scenes… In the first place, I’m not interested in pretty girls.”

“Well, I’m surprised you don’t prefer pretty girls.”

“If anything, I like beautiful women. To begin with, the first one I fell in love with was Anastasia when she was young, so that much is to be expected.”

…Oh, that’s right. It was too inconvenient for me, so I just casually erased it from my mind.

But what about the otome game? Did luck play a role here too? If I were lucky, William-sama liked pretty girls, and if I were unlucky, William-sama liked beautiful girls… Impossible. It was too much of a burden for the creators in that case. If I were to make a project, it would be rejected immediately.

“The depths of that woman’s eyes were filled with feelings of calculation and desire. That’s why she was not chosen as a saint. Well, it’s only natural if the other saints hated her so much.”

Yes, that’s true too. It seemed that she behaved arrogantly to the other saints as well. There was a sense of seniority in the profession of the saints. Newcomers were supposed to do chores quietly. It was like an athletic club in my previous life.

“…Oh, I’d better get back. I can’t take too much time from someone who’s too sick. I’m… afraid of your brother.”

It was at this time that William-sama looked at his watch and said this. This was the end of the conversation with William-sama. The last thing I saw was a hint of real feelings, but I was conveniently pretending not to listen.


“So long, Anastasia… I’ll be talking to you more often from now on. See you tomorrow.”


I don’t really want to see you though. In fact, it would be better if we only met once a month. This was why I stared at William’s back as I thought about it. I pretended that it was just my imagination that his back looked somewhat lonely.

(But, I was too busy with myself right now. I have to succeed in managing the territory first and find out what the heroine was up to.)

I gathered my thoughts in my mind and wrapped myself in a blanket on my bed. For now, let’s get some sleep.

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