Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 386 Today Wasn't A Good Day For This

Richard Racked his brain as quickly as he could. Finding out that the original reason he wanted to come turned out to be a fact didn't help. It would've gone over better if he hadn't had to get into with Jovani. Damn it. He needed the Vedova Nera boss to get his ass back to life so they could talk about whatever was happening.

"Richard, is there something about this connected with what is going on with Lena?" Samuel's question came as Richard began to pace. The mafioso couldn't bite back the urge to move any longer. Food would've been the preferable distraction, except that there was no one around to cook them anything.

"Cain, take that away from him." Richard didn't stop as he ordered the mercenary about. Sam didn't need any more than he'd already had. Certainly not if they were going to have to think about leaving soon. The merc gave a low grumble as he motioned for the young man to hand it over. Cain would take it for his enjoyment, seeing as Richard already made it clear he wouldn't want it back. No sense in letting it go to waste. Samuel, however, didn't give it up. He chose instead to pull away from Cain's grabbing hand.

"Is it Richard? I know that there has been a lot going on. The least you could do is tell me what it is about." First, the older cousin, now the younger one. Maybe the cigar hadn't been the best choice.

"Samuel. The only things these events have in common are Jovani and your family. Outside of that, there is no connection between them." Richard's curt response was met with a low, huffing laugh from Cain, who shook his head as he pushed Samuel to give the cigar up.
"Are you the person in the place to be saying that thought? You and you somehow managed to get ahold of some solid evidence, eh?" The mocking words and cocky, crooked smirk made Richard's blood boil. The Merc finally managed to get the cigar away from Samuel when he got distracted by Richard's quick advance.

"Easy now. You know that what I'm saying is nothing short of the truth. Without evidence, there is no way to say anything as facts." Cain puffed the smoke out in the other' face. A silent dare for Richard to make the next move.

The merch may have already known he would be no match against the Mafioso. That wouldn't stop him, however, from picking a fight, especially since he and Emily hadn't had their chance yet, thanks to Jovani.

"I would rather Samuel not know about that until everything else is sorted out. Jovani needs to be the one to talk about that with him." Richard swiped at the other, causing Cain to back up only to realize that the other had gone for the cigar.

"You don't' need to be having any more of this either." He needed not to be the only one with a clear head at the current moment.

Would he be able to go and see Jovani if he pushed his way about it, or would that leave too much of a problem from the other side? Richard didn't even know where Marcus was at the current moment.

The thought alone was enough to give the other a pounding headache. The kind that made him forget about the ache in his hand from hitting Jovani. n0veluSb.c0M

"We also hadn't come here to talk about all of this other stuff right now anyways. The important point of discussion was your relationship." Richard stopped pacing long enough to stand next to Samuel's chair. The other looked up at him; clouded eyes made it hard to read the other's expression.

"I don't' think that there is much else for us to talk about in that matter until Lena contacts me. I told you everything that I know about." Samuel shrugged his shoulders, moving to get up from the chair until Richard pushed him back.

"Be that as it may, there are still some more aspects of that I want to clarify with you." Richard couldn't tell Samuel that he was better off not going anywhere. Marcus wasn't something that could be explained in five minutes or less.The complicated man needed a whole novel written about him if anyone outside of the family were even to begin to understand him.

"You can ask questions about whatever you want later. I want to go and talk with Jovani so I can better understand what is going on." Samuel pushed Richard's hand aside as he tried once more to get up. He didn't care about the fuzzy feeling in his head that made it hard to focus or the fact that his feet didn't feel properly attached to his body.

There had been too many things going on that he didn't know about. New to the family or not, it certainly wouldn't hurt for him to have additional information. It wasn't like such things would cause the world to end.

After all, hadn't Jovani been the one who said that sometime in the future, Samuel would be taking over the family? Knowing all the players he had to keep an eye on would only benefit him in moving toward that goal.

"You should already know after what happened earlier that Jovani is in no place to be talking right now. That conversation will have to wait for some time in the future." Richard tried to reason once more. He didn't want to use force on the kid who didn't know what he was trying to get involved with.

"Oh not in a place to talk? I think that you will find that Jovani is plenty capable of talking. Maybe too much even. His conversations bore me still. Just as much if not even more than they used to. I do hope that someone here might be able to keep my attention better?"

The unexpected voice and presence made the hair on the back of Richard's next stand on end.

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