Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 854: Father and son's first meeting

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854 Father and Son's First Meeting

Thunder was obviously overwhelmed when asked, and at a glance he knew he would not lie.

Instead, Xue Wei took over the conversation: "I and Thunder have known each other for more than a year, and we met in the Imperial City."

" Brother Thunder also a soldier?"

"Oh, what do you say? You should know what kind of origin he is from the look of Thunder?"

"Wow!" Qu Ling's eyes lit up, and he carefully looked at Thunder: "Sister, should Thunder's official position in the White Tiger Military Region be high?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because...I think Brother Thunder is not an ordinary person."

Seeing Qu Ling's stupid look, Xue Wei felt that this kid might not seem so naive from the outside. At the very least, he could see at a glance that Thunder was no ordinary person. "Hehe, he used to be the major general of the Second Brigade of the Baihu Military Region."

"Oh? What about now?"

"Now...?" Xue Wei glanced at Thunder with a smile: "Isn't this going to accompany your sister to the Qinglong Military Region?"

"Huh?" Qu Lingyin noticed something was wrong, and looked at the two with scornful eyes.

"Why are you looking at us like this?"

"Sister... you also said you didn't have an affair with Brother Thing? People came to Longdu for you, and they didn't even need positions!"


It seems that she and Thunder do indeed have "rape", but that is also the "rape" between brothers and sisters.

Xue Wei smiled and said nothing, letting Qu Ling guess wildly...


"Master, the master is back..." A maid hurried into the living room.

"Okay, I get it. Sister, Brother Thunder, you sit down for a while, and I'll meet my dad." Qu Ling and the maid walked out of the living room quickly.

As soon as their front feet left, Xue Wei saw Thunder's face was very wrong, and a pair of hands holding fists was trembling slightly.


"Huh?" The wandering gaze turned to Xue Wei.

At this moment, what she saw in Thunder's eyes was the man's hidden emotions for more than two decades and his inner struggle. "It's okay, brother, dad doesn't know who you are, only you know who he is. So, the'enemy' is in the light, you are in the dark, you don't have to be so nervous."

"I'm not nervous, but!!!" A few clenches appeared faintly in the clenched fist: "I don't know how to... how to face him!"

This is, after all, his first face-to-face, zero-distance meeting with Huan Yinfeng.

Once, he could only look at him from a distance; or see him from TV. That mood is very different from being face to face.

He was really afraid that he could not bear the anger that broke out for more than 20 years when he saw the magical wind! ! !

"Brother, still that sentence, in his mind you are my friend, as for you, treat him as a stranger first. If it is not possible, you don't want to talk, it's up to me."

"Hmm..." Thunder nodded thoughtfully, and the hands clenching his fists slowly stretched out...

"Wei Wei!!!" Suddenly, I only heard the high decibel sound from the entrance of the living room.

Xuewei stood up smiling, and saw that Yinyin opened her arms from hitting Laoyuan, and flew towards her: "My baby girl, I want to die dad!"

That man's beard kept rubbing against Xue Wei's cheek, and she made it very uncomfortable: "Dad, I am so hurt if you have a beard."

"Is it?" Xian Yinfeng touched his cheek gang: "Wait, dad, just go and shave."

"...Wait... Dad! You don't have to be so anxious!" Helplessly grabbed the phantom wind that intended to leave. Xue Wei was really right about this dad.

"Wei Wei, you have thought of dying Dad in these two days, didn't you say go back and go? Why do you go for so many days?"


Can she say she just slept for 1 day and 1 night? "Oh, there was a delay halfway."


"Come on, dad, I'll introduce you to a friend." Then, Xue Wei pulled the thunder who had been sitting on the sofa.

He froze his face, glanced at the magic wind, and quickly staggered his line of sight with him.

"Huh?" Huan Yinfeng looked at Thunder suspiciously: "Friend? What is your friend?" The handsome face was full of doubts.

"Oh, Dad, he was a friend I knew when I was in the Baihu Military Region."

"Oh..." Xian Yinfeng nodded suspiciously, his eyes that seemed to be able to see through all eyes narrowed: "Boyfriend?"

"Dad, he is not my boyfriend!!!"

But Yin Yinfeng looked left and right and always felt... "Hi, why are you so married?"

Qu Ling stood aside and stomped his feet like a dream: "I said that it is strange, it turns out that Brother Thing and my sister are very married."

"Stinky boy, there is no part for you to talk to, let me get down." The phantom yelled at Ling Yinfeng, who was angry.

He had to be aggrieved and stepped aside: "They just say something, it won't work..."

"Dad, can you not be so fierce to Qu Ling?"

"Good! He will be next time I am not fierce." Yin Yinfeng nodded courageously, his elite eyes staring at Thunder.

He hung his head silently, and hadn't seen the magical wind at all.

Xue Wei really didn't expect that Thunder hated the magical wind like that, but when he met him, he was so evasive. Perhaps... in this man's psychology, he desperately desires fatherly love.

"Wei Wei, is your friend a dumb?" Huan Yin narrowed her eyes coldly, with a very unfriendly attitude.

Xue Wei didn't expect her kind father to have such an attitude in the face of thunder. "dad!"

"Magic Yin Captain!" Suddenly, Thunder, who had been silent, raised his head coldly, and the light in his eyes was terrifying: "I'm just not good at dealing with people."

There seems to be something in the words.

Although Huan Yinfeng was kind to Xue Wei, he was the leader of an army after all, how could he not hear the sharpness in Thunder's words?

Xue Wei was afraid that the two were fighting, and quickly hurled up from the sidelines: "Yes, yeah, Dad, my friend's character is a little introverted, and he is really not very sociable."

"Huh." Huan Yinfeng didn't talk much, just smile coldly.

He is now in his 60s, and he can tell from his eyes that the other party is an enemy or a friend. Can he still see the hostility in Thunder's eyes? Just because he is Xuewei's friend, Huan Yinfeng doesn't want to pursue anything more.

"Weiwei, it's time for dinner. Come with your dad for dinner." When Feng Feng turned, Huan Yinfeng smiled softly at Xuewei.

She nodded quickly: "Okay. I'll wash my hands." Pulling Thunder and ran to the bathroom...

This book was first published

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