Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 875: Bitter water after drunkenness

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Chapter 875: Bitter Water After Drunk

"Pun Tong, Pu Tong" As Huang Fuming approached, her heart became more and more disturbed.

Although she tried her best to restrain her reaction, her eyes still had a longing for Huang Fuming...

"Xiao Jiu has been arguing to come to see you, so I brought him over, and I have to trouble you to take care of this naughty little guy these days."

The tone of life, the strange eyes, and the ceremonial smile are basically the same as the attitude towards Huangfu who came back from the first day of amnesia!


Sun Xiaoyu is right.

Even after the return of Huangfu Ming, he is slowly accepting himself, but that's just... acceptance is only due to'responsibility'! !

Heart, uncomfortable. Xue Wei held her fist secretly, and a watery smile quickly appeared on her lips: "Well, rest assured, I will take care of Xiao Jiu."

It is also a strange tone, a polite smile. She really admires how well she can cover herself in this situation! ! !

"Son, Dad went back to the embassy first. You have to listen to Mom's words, you know?" Huang Fu pampered Fu Xiaojiu's head with melon seeds.

"Ah???" The little guy immediately pouted his mouth unpleasantly: "Why did we finally see Mummy, but you have to leave again?"

"Because Daddy still has business to deal with, I can't accompany you and mommy."

Seeing the helplessness of Huang Fuming when facing his son, Xue Wei really wanted to laugh. When did he become so capable of acting?

Obviously I just don't want to get along with her, but I say... there is something to be done.

But yes! !

Xiao Jiu is still young, and he really can't tell him that his daddy and mommy are now divorced!

"Um..." The little guy nodded reluctantly.

At this time, Ye Xie Ling, who remained silent throughout the whole time, suddenly smiled evilly: "Son, don't be upset, dad and mom will sleep with you tonight, okay?"



"..." Suddenly, the three father and son of Illusionist sitting in the living room were silly.

On the contrary, several parties are calmer than one.

"Good!" Xiao Jiu clapped his hands happily.

Xue Wei smiled like a flower.

Huangfu Ming did not show any displeasure, but the elegantly nodded the two of them and nodded: "Let's go first..." Turned around and left the living room.

Looking at his gradual back, Xue Wei is still calm!

Is it sad?

Do not! !

If she was sad when she saw Huangfu just now, she is angry now, very angry! !

People Ye Yeling so clearly declared sovereignty, why did Huang Fuming not respond at all? ! ! She was still his wife a month ago? He can let go of their feelings so quickly?


Has he longed to divorce her? ! !

"Weiwei, you... are you okay?" Sensing Xuewei's face was not right, she walked nervously in front of her.

Clenching her fists tightly, she complained: "Dad, Huangfu is here, why don't you tell me in advance??"

"Me, I really don't know that he will come to our house..."

"Did that...?" By the way, I remembered.

This time, the four countries jointly reviewed the thunder, so Huangfu Ming will definitely come over. Just as my father said, he didn’t know that Huangfu Ming would come to their house, that is to say... Huangfu Ming has long arrived in Longdu, but has never been Their home only.


Really a thin man!

Never mind...

She is justified by her own losses, and can she be asked to chase herself with a dead skin? !

"Xiaojiu, let's go to bed with mommy." Then, Xuewei took Xiaojiu's hand and went upstairs.

The little guy hurriedly looked at Ye Xie Ling: "Dad, let's go together."

"Fart together!!" This silly son is usually better than a monkey. How can he be stupid now? He didn't know, what would it mean if they fell asleep together?

Without further ado, she hugged her son with a black face and rushed to the second floor...

A bang sounded loudly.

The four men who stayed in the living room could not help but twitch.

"Sister...Sister seems to be angry?" Qu Ling blinked his eyes and looked blankly at the remaining people.

"Ah, after all, I loved each other before, and now it's like this, really..." Thunder said as he walked upstairs helplessly.

Huan Yinfeng is also a distressed face. "Small zero, I asked the maid to arrange a room for you. You go to rest."

"Well, thank you, Uncle Yinyin..." For such a scene, it is estimated that only Ye Xie Ling is the happiest...

At night.

The Illusionist was shrouded in darkness, and quietly heard nothing but the cricket's cry.

The only place where the dim light flashes is the back garden.

Inside the bamboo pavilion surrounded by the sea of ​​flowers, a chair made of bamboo joints on the table of Xuewei, holding a bottle of champagne, stared at it dullly.

The brain seems to be unable to stop remembering the picture of being with Huangfu Ming. The more she thinks, the more uncomfortable she is; the more uncomfortable, the more she wants to force herself to forget...

‘Goodong, Goodong’ slammed himself a few sips of wine, and the fragrant alcohol slowly ran down her lips. She couldn't take care of any lady's gesture anymore. She wiped the corners of her mouth boldly, and a small face was covered with grievances.

"Huh? Which one of my mistresses at that time ran out of bed at midnight to borrow wine to sorrow, your feelings are you..." An unhurried voice came from the door of the bamboo pavilion.

Xue Wei didn't even have to look at it, she knew it was Ye Xie Ling!

Like looking for a gas bucket, she raised her eyelids coldly and said ironically: "Aren't you free enough? This night, you didn't sleep, and you shot a satire?!!!"

"Oh, I have convinced you, no matter what, I can't break your little mouth!" Ye Fei Ling dressed in a nightgown, reached out, squeezed her two lightly. Piece of lips.

"Don't touch me!" Xue Wei's face sank, and he opened his hand.

Ye Feiling's sullen blue eyes suddenly brushed his breath, but he still controlled his temper and did not anger her.

Slowly, sitting beside Xuewei, he didn't speak, just staring at Xuewei who was pouring his own wine.

"Hey, give you two choices, either drink or roll!" Reaching out, Chao Ye Xie Ling handed out the bottle.

At this moment, his sullen air, which was finally suppressed, surged up again. "Do you know? You are now... very disgusting?!!!" Big hand, grabbed Xuewei's long hair in a vicious manner.

Perhaps it was the effect of alcohol that she didn't feel pain at all. "Oh, I used you to be nauseated?? Even me myself is nauseated myself!!!"

This book comes from reading books

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