Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 881: Four-country joint showdown? !

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Chapter 881 Four-Country Joint Showdown? !

The old veteran who was almost 80 patted his leg helplessly: "Brother Huan Yin! I'm your father's lieutenant. Since your father was alive, I will fight the world with him. Now, I'm close 80, I just want the world to be peaceful, and I hope you can permanently manage our Qinglong Military Region. If it really fights, what use is it even if you hand over military power?"

If it were not for the generation of the old man who was the father, I was afraid that it would have been overthrown with the old mansion by the magical wind, and they would not be left unsightly.

He is really not too lazy to seduce this group of greedy old men who are afraid of death!


Waiting for the magical wind to open, Thunder on the other side patted his arm.

"what's up?!"

Thunder sneered, and whispered in his ear: "Dad, if Dongfang Yufei is holding me, you can hand me over!"


Although surrendering the Thunder will not cause any damage to this son, at most, the Raksha Army was divided by the four kingdoms. But the reason why the Thunder would surrender was he persuaded, and he also promised this son, in any case, he would keep the integrity of the Raksha Army!

and so! !

Today, even if he died today, he must fulfill his original promise! Otherwise, it is not worthy of being a father!

"Ting'er, don't care!" The sharp eyes quickly turned to Dongfang Yu: "General Dongfang, according to what you mean, are our four countries now joining forces to take down the Raksha Army and fight a battle for outsiders to see Will block the criticism of those people?!"

"Huh?" The expression of Phantom Yinfeng was a little excited, Dongfang Yu was slightly stunned, and he said with a helpless smile: "Phantom Yin old commander, I don't mean that. I agreed with the other two commanders before The will of war, after all, war is not good for anyone."

"Then... you just worries about the world's vision?!"

"Of course I have to worry about the vision of those people. After all, our four countries have always been the best on the world stage. How can they be joked by them? Are they worthy? So... we must!! To those who laugh at us Prove...we!!! How powerful...were!!!" Then, a sharp edge quickly flashed over Dongfang Yu's eyes.

At the same time, the silent Ye Fei Ling and Huang Fuming's eyes flashed a ray of light.

The next second...

I saw that Dongfang Yu slowly stood up, saying one by one: "I propose! Our four countries will start a joint military exercise to show the world the heroic style of my four countries; the strength of my four countries; tell them together, our manners , Our tolerance of the Raksha Army!!!"

really! !

At this time, the Eastern Royal calculated completely revealed his "true face"!

What to say, the bandits and the Orthodox Army cannot think of the same;

What to say, the inclusion of the Raksha Army will be laughed at by the world

All of this is just his pavement for the four-nation military exercise!


His ‘showing the majesty of the four countries to the world, showing the power of the four countries, the so-called demeanor and tolerance’ in his mouth is just the gorgeous excuse he found for the military exercise! !

Huangfu Ming and Ye Feiling felt that he was a bit wrong today, feelings... This Dongfang Yu wanted to shift the goal of dividing the Raksha army into a "war"!

However, I have to say that this excuse is really clever!

After all, when the military exercise is indeed showing the world their strength of the four countries, if the strength of the four countries is so strong as to make the world move, then they have received the Raksha Army, but they are disdain to carry out with this army of bandits. Out of their demeanor!


What exactly is Dongfang Yu's transfer target?

Ye Xie Ling and Huang Fu Ming are quite curious!

"Three military commanders, I wonder if you accept my proposal?" Dongfang Yumian looked around the three men with a cold smile.

Faced with such a good thing, Huan Yinfeng will naturally not refuse, anyway, as long as he can keep his son's army from being split. "I express...very agree! In addition, the four countries have never had joint operations since the split. We really should show our style to the world, and together... can test out each other's strength, Isn't it?" A sly smile crossed his lips.

It can be said that this military exercise is really the time for the four nations to compete!

"I agree." Ye Fei zero casually knocked on the table, and the charming blue eyes slowly turned to Huangfu Ming: "Exactly, I can take this opportunity to learn and learn from the Huangfu commander." 'Military layout!'

Having said that, anyone can hear it. The voice-over of the phrase "learning, learning" in his mouth is, he wants to be with Huangfu... "Calculate the total account"!

"Oh, the night feudal army commander is modest, it's time for me to ask you for advice..." Huang Fu accepted Ye Feiling's book of war with a smiling face.

But this inevitably caused the dissatisfaction of Dongfang Yu: "Captain Huangfu, don't forget, you just promised "I" first!"

‘What military talents... that battle did not explain anything, I actually always look forward to having a fair competition with Commander Huangfu! ’

‘Oh, that’s what I expected. ’

'Oh? It seems that Captain Huangfu promised me? ’

Ears, vaguely recalled what Dongfang Yu just said, Huangfu Ming only realized that the boy of feelings was waiting for him here! ?

Facing the two extremely fierce'beasts' in front of him, he suddenly ignited an inexplicable excitement: "Oh, anyway, I believe that this military exercise... will definitely be wrong! Often! Fine! !color!"

In an instant, the atmosphere in the conference hall seemed to reach an invisible climax.

The trial of Thunder's play was nothing more than a fuse. These three commanders could not see the benefit of splitting the Raksha army at first sight, and chose the contest between men desperately. perhaps……

This is where the soul of soldiers lies.

It is also hidden in the heart of this group of men who is mad by the battle and **** because of the battle! !

Huan Yinfeng suddenly felt that he was driven by such an atmosphere, as if the whole person had returned to their twenties and returned to that **** age!

"Dear leaders of the military region, I announced that this round of negotiations between the four countries is over. I am glad that you are here in Longdu. Later, if the three military commanders are willing to stay, I will send someone to accompany you throughout the journey..."

As the meeting came to an end, the three leaders from different military regions each left their faces full of smiles with great expectation when they left, which was inversely proportional to the indifference when they came... ! !

The first book of reading novels

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