Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 895: Prepare for battle

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Chapter 895 Preparation

Huangfu Ming stood up from his position, and Li Eye swept across everyone... "Quiet!" The voice fell.

Everyone stopped their bodies and raised their heads slightly.

"stand at attention!!!"

In a blink of an eye, the languorous atmosphere gradually weakened, and more than thirty generals looked straight ahead nervously.

Seeing that these people finally became soldiers, Huangfu quickly returned to his position and said coldly: "Now, the whole army has entered the first level of alert!"

"First-level alert?!!!" Many people looked at each other in surprise.

The troops existed for the purpose of defending the country. Similar to the internal disturbances in the country, they were evaluated as ‘three-level alert’.

Similar to natural disasters and man-made disasters, large-scale deaths are ‘secondary alert’.

Only when there is a war will it be upgraded to ‘First Level Alert’.

Now that Huangfu Ming has just participated in the review of the four countries, he immediately announced the first level of alert when he came back. This group of people vaguely perceived an unknown hunch. "Captain Huangfu, are the four kingdoms going to... fight?!"

"Even if it's not that serious, it's about the same as a war! In a month, the four countries will start a joint military exercise. I ask you... You must fight this military exercise as a real war!"

As the so-called military training is used in a dynasty, in a peaceful age, where are so many battles to fight? The only military exercise is to prove that the soldiers use force...


Huangfu Ming was afraid that his subordinates would relax themselves because it was a military exercise. after all……

The first military exercise in the history of the four countries, winning and losing is the key point to determine their status!

"Yes! Captain Huangfu, the subordinates know!" A salute of a sign, every soldier wearing a cape badged a spirit of 120,000 points.

"From today, the three regiments will be divided into three combat teams to conduct joint exercises, and... Every day, at 6 o'clock, each regiment of intermediate or higher cadres will report the strategic deployment to me from the general base!"


"Okay!" Standing up, Huangfu Ming put his hands behind his back and said coldly: "Party!"

"Yes!" All members turned to the right and walked toward the gate one by one...

"You, wait a minute..." Huangfu Ming pointed to the general of the First Corps.

"Captain Huangfu, what's the matter?"

Slowly, walking towards the man, Huangfu gloomy and frowned, wondering: "What about you general?!"

This emergency meeting, he notified more people. Also includes Bai Ye. But at the meeting, Bai Ye didn't come. Because of his face, Huangfu Ming didn't ask about it.

"Huang... Captain Huangfu, did General Bai never call you?"


"When you visited Longdu, General Bai had submitted his resignation to the general base and the senate."

"What?!" Bai Ye's thoughts about going were already seen by Huangfu Ming, but he chose to leave at this time, which really made him overwhelmed! "Okay, I know. You go back to the First Corps."


As the man left, Huang Fu sat back expressionlessly.

pick up the phone……

"Beep Buzz..." The phone rang no more than two times and was picked up: "Brother? Why is it so early?"

On the other side of the phone, Huang Fuyue's lazy voice came. He frowned slightly: "You have been out for half a month, when are you planning to come back?!"

"Uh... second... second brother... yes, this is the case..." Huang Fuyue on the other side of the phone looked at Li Xiao, who was still sleeping beside him, raised the quilt and ran to the bathroom. "Second brother, me, I want to apply for retirement!"

"What?!!! Are you going to retire?!!!"

"Uh... who else... retired?"

"You don't have to worry about this. I won't approve your application for retirement. Give me back soon!" There was a sense of order in the tone that could not be refused.

Huang Fuyue sucked in embarrassment: "Second brother, you may not remember, I actually have not been interested in the life of the army. It was when my father forced me that I would go to serve in the army. Otherwise, I only Not going to the army."

"What you mean is... your father has passed away, don't you have to play for the Baihu Military Region?!"

"Brother!!! I don't mean that. I want to tell you...I'm really not interested in the army. Even if I barely go back, I might not be there."

In the face of the past, Huangfu Ming was really dazed, he could not remember what his brother liked, and he couldn’t remember why his brother was a soldier, but now it seems...

Huang Fuyue really didn't have any thoughts to come back.

"Okay, I know..." The phone was about to hang up...

"Brother, wait... wait a minute..." Huangfu Yue on the other side said anxiously.

"What else?"

"Uh..." He swallowed nervously and swallowed: "I...I intend to stay stay in the Imperial City..."

"Stay in Royal City? Are you not in Royal City now?"

"I mean...I think...I want to stay here forever!"

"What?!" At this moment, Huang Fuming's eyes were instantly lit in anger: "For that woman?!!!"

"Second brother, she is not ‘that woman’, she is my wife for the sake of!"

"I've never denied your relationship; I'm not opposed to your relationship. But you tell me now that you want to stay in the Imperial City forever. Where did you tell our Huangfu family to put their faces?!!! ?!!!"

It may be that if you raise money, you really have more money than Huangfu's family when you leave home; but if you raise your political status, you can't match it in your life!

Now, in order to marry Lixiaoxiao, Huangfuyue chose to insert the door backwards, and it will only be felt that Huangfu's family has fallen, and actually asked the son of Zhengjia to go to the door to leave the house! ?

"Second Brother... Actually, when I decided to stay in the Imperial City, I knew that my behavior was to embarrass our Huangfu's family, and I knew that my decision might fall to our Huangfu's family, me, and you. The laughing stock among the four countries. But..."

As soon as Yu Feng turned, Huang Fuyue's tone was so helpless: "Not everyone is as lucky as you to be able to meet Ersao; not everyone can be as lucky as you to have amnesia, and simply put down Ersao. I and Xiaoxiao were the one I owed her from the beginning. When I slowly fell in love with her, I asked myself what I can do for her to make up for my previous debt. Now..."

"I know, maybe, only for her to give up everything, regardless of the outside world's eyes with her, can I make up for my previous mistakes, and only prove...I really love her!"

Faced with his brother's remarks, Huangfu Ming felt very funny.


He was really lucky to meet someone he liked before;

Amnesia is not his luck!

He didn't want to lose his memory, he also wanted to know what he was like in the past, but he had no choice but to face this slim life and accept the forgotten past.

This article comes from reading novels

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