Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 949: Goodbye

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Chapter 949

The cat was stunned, first of all, he did not immediately answer his question, but the temperature brought up through his hand made her feel familiar for a while.

Ten years ago, he was nothing more than a six-year-old child, but he was a nineteen-year-old boy. For whatever reason, he did take care of himself for a while.

Although the time of one year is not long, it impresses me.

After coming to Fengdu for more than a year, she didn't go to him deliberately because she believed in fate.

Fate, I will see you again! Unexpectedly, this **** really gave her this fate with him!

Cat looked at him and smiled twice: "Don't you help me too? We are even! It's right..." Hesitantly, Cat smiled at him with a smile: "The woman's eyes were just right now Not great, the man... feels like a disfigured uncle McDonald."

After the cat finished, Nijun smiled uncontrollably. He easily pulled his hand away.

However, the big handsome man sitting was light-faced, and after a while he said: "Little girl, your mouth is so poisonous!"

"Oh, thank you for the compliment." Cat Mao also said, with a youthful spirit that could not be concealed.

The long vertical hair rested on the shoulders, and the dance fluttered between the smiles, which was even more charming. The man's eyes under the sunglasses were narrowed.

The cat looked at him this time, and his eyes fell on his big dark-painted sunglasses.

"You, are your eyes okay?" Cat Mao looked at his eyes, his tone slightly concerned.

Dongfang Yu was silent for a long time before saying: "The injuries sustained during the exercise."

Inexplicably, my heart jumped up inexplicably. Cat looked at him, his big eyes stunned: "Is it serious?"

Khan, ten years ago, the youth was mad, but ten years later, it was such a scene. It was really sad.

"Fortunately." Dongfang Yu answered very calmly. When he thought of something, he continued to say: "The worst period has passed."

Yes, in the darkest days of that period, it was the lowest point in his life and feelings.

He was injured in the eye and abandoned by his fiancée who had been with him for five years. At that moment he really felt that the world was gray.

It is only he who knows how he flows over that difficult period by himself.

"Oh." Cat looked at him, dumbfounded, a beautiful arc across the corners of his lips, a bright smile sprinkled on Mei's face, reflecting people's mood like the bright and warm sunshine in March Generally comfortable.

Dongfang Yu looked at the girl, and the deep pool of heart that had already stopped was slightly moved. But soon calm was restored.

"It's fine in the past, and life in the future will definitely be better!" Cat Mao said with a smile, and then walked to his place, picked up his shoulder bag: "Okay, I should go. You... ... Eat slowly!"

"Wait!" Dongfang Yu looked at the girl's figure that was about to side, and there was no obvious dullness in the words: "I still don't know... what is your name?"

The cat looked back, and a pair of amber eyes squinted, and the rows of neat rows of brushed sea lined their big eyes.

"My name is Bai Ruoxi." Cat Mao answered without hesitation.

When you get together, you will leave, but this feeling of getting along with your old friends is slowly being recovered, and people can't help but feel some emotion.

However, she didn’t like to be in a melancholy mood for a long time. She believed that this time was not the time when she really met him. She hoped that the confident and arrogant man would come back. Then she would tell him that she who is it!

"Okay, remember. My name is Dongfang Yu, and I will introduce it to you formally." Dongfang Yu said, with a steady view of the silk soldier's stability and potential domineering.

Of course, his other identity is an overbearing president!

It turned out that from a very early time, when the four countries signed the peace treaty, the heyday of the economic era has come.

Cat looked at him and smiled mischievously, but said nothing. Just about to leave this place.

"My phone, please keep it! You can come to me when you need help." Dongfang Yu said, took out the paper and pen in the suit, and quickly wrote it to the other party.

"Ok!" Catcat took a look and stuffed it in his bag, and soon disappeared in this place.

He is Dongfang Yu, she already knew! Do you still need him to give her a formal introduction?

I'm afraid that when the time comes, she should introduce him formally?

Looking forward, I really look forward to it!


The top floor of the Empire State Building on the other side.

A man dressed in white Shu embroidered Tang suit, but his temperament is very special. The grade is not big, it looks very young, probably twenty-two.

His long and short silver hair slightly covered his eyelids, his face looked very handsome, and his eyes were full of beauty.

Especially the silver hair that made his already fair skin more and more white and transparent, his smile with the texture of a nearly sick and beautiful man, the whole body exudes a taboo beauty.

He stood at the floor-to-ceiling window on the top floor of the Empire State Building, looking out of the window, an invisible gas field reflected in this environment.

"Most young master, Boss Boss failed, and all the people who connected him went to prison." A man named Lan Feng replied, thinking and thinking: "Most young master, Dongfang Yu is very cunning, just afraid of us There is no way to get what you want."

It turned out that they had other goals, and it was fake to blackmail Dongfangyu. In fact, it was to seize a secret thing around Dongfangyu.

It is said that the thing... only the Eastern Phoenix knows the whole Feng. If the Eastern Phoenix is ​​dead, the thing will be buried forever with his death...

Ye Fei did not speak, but her lips twitched slightly, and the expression on her face was even more unpredictable.

"Most young master, the pig boss went to jail, and he was afraid..." Lan Feng's words were not finished.

Ye Fei turned around and looked at him, with an elegant smile on the edge of the slightly sickly pale lips, and only returned a sentence: "If you don't stay, all will die!"

"Yes!" Lan Feng retreated quickly.

Ye Fei never spoke, turned his head, walked to the laptop at the Osaka Tower, and quickly opened a picture.

He looked at the girl with long hair in the picture, her smile was charming and bright, and looked like the goddess that came from the distant solar system.

With a long finger like a green jade, I didn't know which key on the keyboard was pressed, and the girl's photo began to change dramatically. From the original 19-year-old appearance, it gradually reduced in age and age until it was specially processed by the computer. , Degraded all the way to ten years old.

"Is... are you?" Ye Fei suddenly smiled, the smile seemed to make people's bones breathe out. The finger moved again.

Six years old!

This original six-year-old appearance has already jumped in front of the man's sight, directly surprised the man's eyes.

This book was first published in Reading

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