Arrival of Queen Mummy

Chapter 967: Poked her heart

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Chapter 967: Pained Her Heart

Dongfang Yuwang glanced at her and said in silence: "I'm sorry, I'm really busy."

Dongfang Yu quickly opened the door of the cab and sat up. Before leaving, he suddenly thought of something, and looked at her through the window of the car: "Yes, thank you for your care for Bai Ruoxi."

After saying this, Dongfang Yu started the car and drove away quickly.

Su Rui'er's face on this end was white and red, and she didn't know what to say.

Both hands clenched together. The name at the bottom of the heart deepened the impression again, and it hurt her heart like a thorn!

At the wall of a teaching building on the other side, a thin figure appeared slowly.

Bai Ruoxi looked at the scene just now. I don’t know why she wanted to peep the teacher and Dongfang Yu, maybe she was just curious about their relationship?

"So Teacher Su likes imperialism?" Bai Ruoxi murmured to himself.

Suddenly, a sudden thought came to mind.

Teacher Su has 28, and Yu has 32. The age of the two is just right!

If it is possible to match Teacher Su and Dongfang Yu, wouldn't that be a good thing?

But just thinking like this, some strange feelings suddenly appeared in my heart. But she didn't want to think about those things either. She quickly shook her head, bowed her head and smiled, and headed towards the classroom.


After school. Bai Ruoxi had originally agreed to invite Dongfang Yu to eat, but it was when he walked to the door of the campus.

A classmate quickly stepped forward and grabbed her: "Classmate Bai Ruoxi, the teacher asked you to go to the office."

"Go to the office?" Bai Ruoxi froze.

"Yes, now, go immediately." The student said truthfully.

Bai Ruoxi smiled: "Okay, I'll go right away."

Immediately, Bai Ruoxi quickly went to the class teacher Su Rui'er's office.

As soon as I arrived at the office, I realized that another person was there.

The other party has a dazzling striped suit and a beautiful and beautiful face with a handsome man's style. He is Yu Hanxi!

In addition, he raised his hand and cast his foot to have the driving force and aura of the big star, making this already serious office more quiet and cold.

However, something alien to it is that Su Rui'er was chatting with each other as if they were very familiar. Since it's a hot chat, it still can't break the atmosphere in this office. On the contrary, there is something weird about mixing the two together.

"Ruoxi, you are here, come and sit down!" Su Ruier saw Bai Ruoxi entered the office and greeted her with a smile.

Bai Ruoxi walked towards her, but before she finished, she heard the big star Yu Hanxi smiled and said: "Classmate Bai Ruoxi, my request, you seem to be intentionally avoiding it? Not a good student!"

"I heard from your class teacher before that your performance at school was good, so you can continue to perform well..." Yu Hanxi smiled indifferently, and the radiance on his face made Bai Ruoxi stunned.

Bai Ruoxi thought of the request he said and immediately said: "I'm sorry, I don't shoot kisses. If so, I really can't be the heroine of this mv!"

Yu Hanxi looked at her and smiled slowly: "No one has refused my request yet, Bai Ruoxi, you are the first one. However, if you let you choose, are you willing to kiss Dongfang Yu, or are you willing to kiss me?" ?"

"..." Bai Ruoxi was stunned for a moment, completely ignorant of what he meant. At the bottom of my heart, it just feels a little shocked.

However, she immediately thought of the morning when Yu Hanxi invited Dongfang Yu to join. But he was rejected by Dongfang Yu.

Su Rui'er, the class teacher at this meeting, heard Yu Hanxi say this and couldn't help but feel a little surprised. Before, he told her to try to persuade Bai Ruoxi to make a kiss?

Can this be given to the other party? And not only gave the choice, but also the object of the kiss may be the Eastern Royal?

For a time. Su Rui'er suddenly felt that he lifted a stone and hit his foot. But I promised Yu Hanxi just now, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do it again.

"What do you mean?" Bai Ruoxi asked, looking at Yu Hanxi, with a strange dark tone in his amber glass eyes.

Yu Hanxi smiled and said slowly: "Kiss scene is an important part of my mv, which is related to the success or failure of my new song! Plus, it must be added!"

"Your heroic performance in the morning... feels good to me, so I am still willing to leave this opportunity to you. Think about it yourself." Yu Hanxi said.

What he thought of, he paused for a while, and said, "As the lead singer of the psp member group, I want to drink songs and still act, for me there is pressure, but if my actor is done by Dongfang Yulai If you do, the effect will be very good, so that I can do my own job and concentrate on singing."

Of course, he has another aspect. He directly wants the invisible influence of Dongfang Yu to promote his new song.

If Dongfang Yu joined his new song, it would be difficult if his new song is not hot!

This is a win-win business!

"As to whether I can do the job of Dongfang Yu, my brokerage company will contact him again in this regard. As for you..." Yu Hanxi smiled and looked at the class teacher on the opposite side: "I will give it to teacher Su."

Su Rui'er was stunned and quickly recovered. He had to smile awkwardly and said on the side of the round venue: "Classmate Bai Ruoxi, this time it was promoted for the school. You have to think carefully. . Besides, the school still values ​​you very much. Don’t let the school down."

The words are very clear, this mv heroine is related to the good reputation of the school, but she can't refuse it.

Bai Ruoxi's face was a little ruddy, and he looked at the class teacher Su Rui'er: "Teacher, can I think about it?"

Su Rui'er didn't speak, but the big star Yu Hanxi said directly: "Yes, for three days, I hope that in the end, whether it is the male actor of the Eastern Royal or my actor, Bai Ruoxi's classmates can cooperate perfectly. "

After finishing his speech, Yu Hanxi quickly got up and put the coffee-colored black super sunglasses on the table again on his eyes. Then, accompanied by two assistants, he walked toward the door with a big card.

Just at the time when he wanted to step out of the threshold, Yu Hanxi turned back elegantly and glanced at her: "I don't know if Bai Ruoxi wants to get involved in the film and television circle, and play a kiss with me, but it will become famous. !"

The suggestion in this remark is very obvious. It's hard for me to catch up with the first-line male **** star.

However, Bai Ruoxi's words made her very embarrassed. But before she could reply, Yu Hanxi had already left her sight.

"Teacher, I'll go back first." Bai Ruoxi didn't want to stay here and stood up. He left here soon.

When Bai Ruoxi walked out of the university campus, something strange appeared in his heart. She couldn't help thinking of the moment when it exploded during the day.

But he didn't go far, and suddenly a group of girls surrounded her.

The first book of reading novels

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