"That flower girl in the Sakura Kingdom used the chosen one of the Three Kingdoms as a shield."

"I'll go, what a vicious woman!"

"As expected of the country of cherry blossoms, she is lonely and inferior, not only psychologically twisted, but also born rebellious. She is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf."

"Also, whoever is stronger is his father!"

The whole world knows about the inferiority of Sakura Country.

The flower girl in the Sakura Country looks like Xiaojiabiyu, but in fact she has no limit to her deeds.

This cherry blossom national candidate, don't look at her weak and timid at the beginning, once she is cornered, she really changes completely.

"She's smiling, what a weird smile!"

On the first floor of a twin building on the left, in the second room.

The chosen one of the Three Kingdoms seemed to be crushed by a huge stone and screamed again and again.

As for the flower girl from the Sakura Kingdom, she laughed strangely while watching.

At the beginning, the five selectors led by the bearded man were divided into three groups and entered the three rooms on the first floor to search for keys.

The candidate from Asan Country chose to be in the same group as the flower girl from Sakura Country, and entered the second room.

Even the white-faced and black-toothed flower girl with makeup made the blood in the chosen one of the Three Kingdoms go berserk.

After all, the chosen one of the Three Kingdoms is really hungry.

Therefore, when the chosen one of the Three Kingdoms entered the room, he immediately started to touch the flower girl of the Sakura Kingdom.

The flower girl in the cherry blossom country is getting braver and braver as she fights.

This also made the candidates of Ah Sanguo very happy.

As everyone knows, when the candidate from Ahsan Kingdom was about to finish, he was pushed by the flower girl from Sakura Kingdom and fell down on a boulder.

The chosen one of the Three Kingdoms suddenly felt that his body was being crushed by a mountain, and he was lying on the ground unable to move.

Afterwards, the flower girl in Sakura Kingdom laughed strangely, looking very creepy.

However, in the Tiandao live broadcast room called the "Oil Tank" forum, netizens from Ahsan Kingdom and Sakura Kingdom started to spat.

The translation is as follows:

"Three Kingdoms netizen: What a fool, the little cherry blossom national flower girl, how dare you do this to us, the elector of the Three Kingdoms?"

"Sakura country netizen: Lizard race!"

"A Sanguo netizen: What are you proud of? It's obvious that the flower girls in your cherry blossom country are also enjoying it."

"Sakura country netizen: You only bully weak women. If you let me in, I will be the first to kill your chosen one from the Three Kingdoms."

"Three Kingdoms netizen: If you have the ability, come and do a big job. I promise to beat you little dwarf to the ground in a minute."

"Sakura country netizen: Hit people from our big cherry country? Use your awesome Yonedako?"

Netizens from Ahsan Kingdom, who had never lost before, were able to spray against netizens from Sakura Country on the oil tank forum.

At this moment, in the first room on the left side of the Twin Towers.

In an instant, the giant who was pressing down on the chosen one of the Three Kingdoms actually moved.

At first, everyone thought it was the chosen one of the Three Kingdoms, a person born with brute force, but after a closer look, the chosen one of the Three Kingdoms, whose eyes were turned white by the huge stone, was mixed with tomato juice, and came out of his mouth. overflowed.

Obviously, the chosen one of the Three Kingdoms passed out after being crushed by a boulder.

Just when the water friends in the Tiandao live broadcast room were wondering, Jushi spoke.

"Two bugs, dare to disturb my sleep?"

The boulder twisted several times and turned into a human shape.

"Stone monster!"

No one thought that the stones piled up in the room turned out to be a stone monster.

The stone monster's skin was as thick as volcanic ash, and as the body twisted, it also shed some debris.

bang bang!

The stone geek moved and walked towards the flower girl in the country of cherry blossoms.

"Kuluna." The flower girl in the Sakura Kingdom stepped back step by step, shaking her head vigorously, telling the stone monster not to come over.

Of course the stone geek can understand what the flower girl from the country of cherry blossoms said.

In the foreign world dungeon, no matter which country's language it is, it is "brought-in translation".

When the flower girl in Sakura Country was cornered by the stone monster, tears seeped into the cheeks covered with white powder, and the tear stains of the eyeshadow formed two black lines, which connected with the pitch-black teeth. It's ugly.

The cherry blossom country's special makeup habit really makes it difficult for people from other countries to understand.

"Stinky fly, pop your balloon first!"

The stone monster's eyes, which looked like the eyes of a dead fish, stared at the flower girl in the cherry blossom country.

The water friends who were in the Tiandao live broadcast room before knew how round the balloon of the flower girl in the cherry blossom country is!


"Then the punishment method of this stone monster corresponds to the rock-pressed **** of the eighteenth level of hell?"

"The cruelty is no less than the punishment of sawing with a knife!"

"I've only heard about compression deformation, but never heard about compression detonation!"

"The ones who will be deformed are the ones who steal the country with plastic surgery."

While the water friends were still discussing, the stone monster attacked the flower girl in the Sakura Kingdom. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

I saw that the stone monster grabbed the flower girl from the Sakura Kingdom, and then hung her upside down.

Some of the scenes were fully seen by the water friends in the Tiandao live broadcast room.

Started to crush!

The rock monster's hands, like two huge boulders, began to squeeze two big balloons!


Although Hua girl struggled desperately, it didn't help.

After the screams of "No" came out, the stone monster was pressed even more fiercely.

It lasted nearly ten seconds.


There were two balloons that couldn't withstand the strong squeeze and burst open.

How can the punishment of the stone monster be described as more than "crazy"?

The water friends who watched the live broadcast of the other world in the Tiandao live broadcast room began to gradually understand why this copy of the other world was called the House of Crazy Monsters, because it was really too crazy.

"So crispy!"

After the stone monster crushed the flower girl's mountain, he began to squeeze from the flower girl's hands and feet.


Hua girl, who was already dying, once again felt the pain of her feet being crushed by the boulder, and when it reached her mind, she passed out on the spot.

But the stone monster is still chattering and crushing.

That's more force than an extruder.


The muscles, bones, skin and flesh were pressed together. If there was no blood for the stickiness, it would have been crushed into a pile of powder.

"The bones are too soft, what a disappointment!"

The stone man crushed the flower girl's hands and feet into one piece, but he didn't feel satisfied.

The main event is coming!

The Stone Man is eyeing the flower girl's head!

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