
24 Chapter 25: Dragon- New Ligh

Chapter 25: Dragon- New Light

\tI was working in the medical clinic that morning, trying to push Kysael out of my mind.

\tI felt myself going mad. It was maddening, and yet.... I was.... strangely happy for her.

\tI knew that she had went to meet Kelose. And even as she lied to my face, I couldn't be angry. She only did so to attempt to spare my feelings. I knew that she felt guilty, and the fact that she felt so guilty for something that she had no control over made me love her all the more. I couldn't be mad at her. I was only mad at Kelose for starting that Soul Bond with her to begin with, and angry at Mafrien for making that Soul Bond necessary to free her from his control. It was not Kysael's fault.

\tIn truth, I had felt her startle awake and shoot up in the bed beside of me. I'd already been awake after hearing her gasp out Kelose's name in pain. I'd seen and felt the energy leaving her body, seen how his absence had been taking a toll on her body. I had felt her slip out of bed during the night, and I had waited and followed behind her.

\tAnd then I had found her in the tunnel, talking to her father. I had heard their conversation.

\tI had followed her out of the city at a safe distance, and I had seen her somehow instinctively know where to go. I could hear the haunting tone on the wind, and I knew that he was pulling her with his spirit. I saw their faces, both unhappy to see one another, but forced to be together because the drain on their spirits wasn't bearable anymore.

\tI had watched as they even admitted that they didn't want this.

\tAnd then they had begun, and I had left before I could see anything else. I couldn't be angry at either of them, truthfully. I knew that they didn't want this, and that it was just a very unfortunate situation for all involved.

\tI knew that she had been feeling the strain lately.

\tI could feel her energy draining. I could feel her exhaustion. I could feel her growing weary.

\tI knew that she would have to see him soon.

\tIt was something that I had known, and that I had tried to be prepared for. Even though Kysael had obviously not understood the full extent of the Soul Bond, I had known what it would mean and what it would entail.

\tI couldn't be angry.

\tAfter all, I had been given the chance to send him away. But I was the one who had pushed her to him. She had deserved to be free of Mafrien's control, and so she was. But everything had a price that had to be paid.

\tThis was no different.

\tI knew that this was something that she had wanted for a long time, deep in her soul. Even if she wanted me with all her heart and mind, her soul called out for him, because they were soul mates. When she had first laid eyes upon him, the connection had been made.

\tThere was a prophecy, not only in Elven culture but in several others, that there is one other soul out there that is made for yours. Every person has one Soul Mate, only one.

\tEven if you are married and completely head over heels in love with someone, if you see your soul mate and lock eyes with them...that's it. There is no greater tie than that bond, particularly for the elven races. Humans felt it too, but it wasn't an almost physical tie in most cases.

\tSo, I knew that I would never be able to earn her entire heart. Even if neither of them wanted it now, their souls wanted it and that was all that there was to say about it. They didn't want it in their hearts or minds, they didn't want it. But their souls would not release one another.

\tThe truth was, I had not seen her so happy in quite some time. She was in love with us both, even if she didn't want him. She was Soul Bonded to him on top of the initial connection, now.

\tA Rogue, a wanted man, someone who would always have to be on the run. She didn't know if she wanted that life, or if she wanted to stay here with me and live in peace. The Wraith part of her craved that sort of wildness, that untamed lifestyle. Thus, was part of her nature. But in her mind and heart, she wanted to stay with me.

\tBut it also was insatiable when it came to my blood, and she knew that she needed to stay for the Blood Bond. But then, her Woodelf-self wanted to stay, and to live in peace with me.

\tAnd when I saw her, our eyes still met and I could feel her eyes lock with mine meaningfully.

\tI could feel her love pouring into me through those icy eyes of hers. I knew that she loved me, even still....and that hurt the most of all.

She had utterly shocked me when she rushed into my clinic, slamming the door shut and locking it behind her. She seemed almost desperate to mate with me, and... I was only too happy to wipe Kelose's touch off of her.

Then, she had pleaded and begged for me to release inside of her. Calling me the greatest endearment that I could have ever possibly fathomed, calling me her life. And she was mine. It was the most powerful endearment. And I agreed. She was right, it was not always a sure thing that releasing inside would cause pregnancy. But her tearful pleas, begging me to take that chance with her. I couldn't refuse her. I let myself go, releasing into her, and I had never felt more at home than I did when I was completely inside of her body.

\tSlowly, night came and I made my way back to our chambers.

\tShe came to me, her body rubbing against me softly, and she grabbed my arm and licked a spot before biting into it, feeding.

\tI watched her with fascination as my blood spilled from her lips, and she lapped at the wound she had inflicted and continued drinking my life liquid.

\tHer eyes looked up at me with lustful hunger, and she pulled my arm away from her mouth as if she were forcing herself to do something difficult.

\t"Touch me, please...." she begged, pulling my hand to her body.

\tAnd so...I did....

\tAnd as my hands ran over her body, she covered her mouth with her hands and struggled to keep silent as I pleased her, satisfied her. I was surprised that she wanted me again so soon. She usually wanted an entire day to recover, as my size was hard on her. But she wanted me as if it were her last moments with me today, and I could only imagine that it was because of what had happened during the night.

\tAs I cradled her, thrusting softly into her body, she mewled for me like a kitten. It was pleasurable to me to see her react so wantonly for me, my body, my touch.

\tBut the thought of Kelose having touched her this way during the previous night, it made my blood run cold. I pushed the thought out of my mind. Or… that's what I tried to do.

\tInstead, my stupid mouth spoke instead. "I know that you saw Kelose last night," I said. I felt her body jerk against me, and I punctuated my hurt with a particularly sharp thrust. She groaned, gasping out my name in abandon before she caught her breath.

\t"I am so sorry for what I put you through, Dragon. It is so unfair to you. Please, let me be yours, here with you now. Let us not think of him. Please… make me forget his touch, love. It isn't his touch that I want to feel on me. Wipe his touch away from me," she pleaded.

\tTears blurred my vision.... but I nodded. "As you wish, mistress."

\tShe shivered. "Ohhhh," She cooed. "You have never called me that," she said softly.

\t"You are my mistress. You are the one to whom I am Blood Bonded to serve. I cannot refuse you. Therefore, you are my master, though since you are a female, it would be that you are my mistress."

\tShe shivered again, crying softly into my shoulder, and I felt her body tense, tighten. So....she liked that....

\t"Mistress," I called her in a seductive tone, and it threw her over the edge. Her back bowed, and I watched her fall apart because of me. And I followed her.\t

\tToo soon, it was over. Kissing my cheek, she held my face in her hands as she untangled her legs from mine, going to stand.

\t"Thank you, love," she said, her lust filled tone making my heart quicken.

\t"A pleasure to serve you, my mistress."

\tShe shivered again, and kissed my cheek again before crawling in bed, going to sleep.

\t"It is my pleasure to serve you, mistress," or "If that is what you wish, my lady," were always my answers for her. I could not refuse her.

\tShe continued to beg for me to ravish her, and then to apologize afterward. She continued to struggle.\t

It wasn't until several days later that all of that changed for me.

\tI was working at the clinic early one morning, when my assistant told me that I had a visitor.

\tWhen I stepped out of the clinic, I was shocked and pleasantly surprised to see Arthenia, the poison control expert from Arthene.

\t"Hello again, Lord Dragon."

\t"Lady Arthenia, what a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you?"

\tShe blushed. "Actually....I was...sort of here for.... personal reasons," she said, her cheeks pink. "I....I just haven't been able to stop thinking about you, and so, I was hoping that...perhaps you would be open to the proposal of expanding your clinic even more, to include myself and my students, who all specialize in studying, analyzing, and breaking down poisons and creating antidotes."

\tI was shocked. "Well, I...."

\t"Don't worry, I don't want an answer right away. But I would like for you to think on it. I would love to work with you. And....I would love to get to know you, and to.... well....I would love to get to have a chance to be with you, Lord Dragon."

\tI startled. "You don't beat around the bush," I said, laughing softly. "But I can't. I am married."

\tShe nodded. "Yes, I had heard that. I had also heard that she is Soul Bonded to a Rogue elf assassin and that she can never be with you completely. Is that also true?"

\tI sighed, rubbing a hand through my dark hair. "It is," I said carefully.

\t"Then nothing is impossible, right? All I want is a chance to get to know you. And should things end between you two, I would like a chance to be with you. Surely, I can offer you a love and a life that she cannot give to you. I am not asking you to break your vows. I am an elf, of course. I hold those bonds sacred. But we both know that there is something there, that we could have a good relationship, a healthy one. One where you wouldn't have to give so much to someone without them being able to give that same amount back to you in return. There is something there that could and should be explored."

\tI sighed. "I will think on all of this and tell you my answer in the morning."

\tShe nodded, and her students followed her to their nearby camp that they had set up.

\tIt was an intriguing thought. If I expanded my clinic even more, that would give me even more patients, and give her a larger variety of patients and customers as well. That could benefit us both....

\tBut being with her...romantically....

\tMy heart raced at the idea. My body was hot, my throat thick. I didn't know how to feel about this.

\tShe certainly was beautiful, and I certainly felt something.... unusual for her. She was right. I could see a healthy relationship with her. She would be a good partner for me. She could give herself to me in a way that Kysael could not.

\tBut....with my service and duties to Kysael...could I really be with someone else? How would that even work? I had to serve Kysael. If she ordered it, I had no other choice.

\tAnd I was her husband. I couldn't just divorce her. And I was angry at myself for even considering such a thing. I loved Kysael.

\tSoul Bonded to Kelose or not, she was still my wife. And we had simply been through too much with one another for me to abandon her.

\tShe would be my wife unless she chose to be with Kelose over me and she chose to let go of me. I wouldn't ever abandon her or my vows to her. I was a man of my word. I would be her husband and care for her until she pushed me away.

\tBut I couldn't ever have a true, healthy relationship with Kysael, and that hurt me much more than I cared to admit.

\tMy mind was in turmoil. How could I do this?

\tEven if Kysael and I divorced though, I was still obligated to serve her through our Blood Bond. Perhaps, if a woman loved me enough, she could accept that and learn to deal with it, though that would be selfish and entirely unfair to ask of any woman.

\tI couldn't ask someone to do that for me.

\tAnd yet....

\tI wanted to try things out with her, as well. I wanted to know what these strange, unusually healthy feelings were.

\tThat night, I met Kysael in our shared chambers again.

\tShe met my gaze evenly....and from her eyes, something looked wrong. Her eyes were not immediately alight with lust and hunger.... her eyes looked angry, sad, frustrated.

\t"Are you alright...?" I asked.

\tShe shook her head. "No. I am not alright." She sighed, and looked at me with desperate eyes. "Can you make me forget my troubles?"

\t"If that is what you wish, mistress," I said softly, and I went to her, gently removing her nightgown from her body.

\tIt always struck me; how beautiful she was. Her face was beautiful in its own right, but her body was also very attractive.

\tShe ended up on the floor at some point, as she often did.

\t"You...seem distracted," she noted, panting.

\t"A bit, yes. I had a strange proposal today at work," I admitted softly.

\t"Tell me," she said, rolling her hips as she grinded on top of my body, causing me to nearly choke. I gasped; my voice nearly cracking as I continued to speak.

\t"Someone wants to join my clinic, expanding it and broadening the expertise."


\t"A poison control expert," I said, somewhat breathless. "Someone who studies poisons and develops antidotes for those poisons, for different races because different races are affected by different poisons differently."

\tShe hesitated, and I had the sneaking suspicion that she knew who I was referring to. "That sounds like a good idea," she said softly.

\tWe didn't say anything more for the duration of our time left. We simply let our bodies melt together.

\tHer body was warm, a sheen of sweat on her that gave her body an ethereal glow in the blue lantern light. Her eyes kept steady with mine.

\tIt was hard for me, to do these things with her, I realized. It hurt me.

\t But it was.... a blissful torture that I couldn't seem to stop putting myself through.

\tOnce we were finished, she looked at me sadly. "You met her today, didn't you? She's the poison expert."

\tI startled. That was not what I had expected her to say. I couldn't respond, and her eyes filled with fresh tears.

\tShe smiled, nodding. "I see. So...taking a chance with me, taking a chance at creating a new life with me... you don't actually want that. You think that you could have a healthier relationship... with someone else." And she kissed my cheek, throwing a teary-eyed glance over her shoulder at me before she left the room.

\tI stood there, naked, stunned. How had she known?

\tShe had predicted this, but I don't think that she realized how soon her prediction would come to fruition.

\tThe look of betrayed pain had taken root on her face before she had left...and I realized that, against her own prediction, she had hoped that she would be wrong, in some manner of way.

\tShe had hoped that this...that our marriage would last.

\tThat she wouldn't decide to become a nomad to go and find Kelose, that she would stay with me.

\tThat I wouldn't meet another woman and push her into that decision.

\tShe was trying to prolong our time together. She was trying to save our marriage.

\tDespite her bond to Kelose, she was trying to stay with me.

\tI stumbled backward, falling onto my bed.

\tTears ran down my face.

\tShe did love me, then. She did want to be able to continue this.... whatever this was.

\tI felt sorry for the poor girl.

\tI honestly couldn't imagine being in her position, being Soul Bonded to one man, and Blood Bonded and married to another.

\tIt would be a confliction that she would feel for the rest of her life.

\tHer suffering would only continue.

\tAnd I had to watch her.... I had to be the cause of part of her suffering.

\tI wiped my face, contorted into grief and frustration.

\tI only wished that there was something else that I could do for her. Something else that I could give her, to make her happy.

\tThe next morning finally came, and yet again, I'd gotten no sleep.

\tTired as I was, I had to go and give Arthenia my answer today.

\tI remembered what Kysael had said the night before, as she had bounced atop of me.... she had said that it was a good idea.

\tAnd I agreed with her. It was a good idea. It would broaden our expertise, and give us even more patients and customers.

\tThe Darkelves and Dwarves were always coming up with new poisons, so it would be a good thing to have this expansion.

\tI made it, a little late, to the medical clinic, and it was already bustling with patients, waiting for me...and Arthenia, waiting for me outside of the building.

\tShe noticed my approach. "Lord Dragon," She smiled. "Did you think about what I proposed yesterday?"

\tI smiled, albeit a little sadly. "Yes, I did. And I think it is a good idea. I would love to work with you."

\tHer eyes lit up, and though my heartrate increased, my mind was not on the same path as my heart.

\tMy mind continued to remember Kysael's tortured expression, her painful bliss underneath my body, but my heart was filling with strange feelings toward this woman in front of me.

\tAnd I was so at war with myself that she had to call my name several times to regain my attention.

\t"Are you alright?"

\t"Yes, yes...I am sorry, I didn't get any sleep last night."

\tShe looked concerned. "Can I do anything to help?"

\tI smiled. "No, I am fine. I just...had a long night."

\tHer eyes were still concerned, but still alight with joy. "What I had been saying, was that I would go ahead and start transferring everything over, and we can just expand the building once I have had everything brought here, if you would like, or I can wait until the building is larger before I bring everything, it is really up to you."

\tI nodded. "Yes, we should wait until the building has been enlarged. I will talk to Prince Moserre about it, right away. I am sorry about the lack of response; I was just lost in my thoughts."

\t"Well....if you ever want to talk to anyone about it, you are more than welcome to talk to me about it. After all, part of the reason I want to work with to get to know you," she smiled gently.

\tI smiled softly. "Of course. But I do want you to understand, that I do not intend to forsake my vows with Kysael. I am her husband. You understand that…don't you?"

Her eyes were full of hurt and surprise. I realized that she had thought that by my saying yes to expanding the clinic, she had somehow managed to convince me to divorce Kysael and that I would only say yes if I were entering into a new relationship with her. Quite obviously, she had not expected me to give her this answer and still stay married and faithful to Kysael.

��I-"She hesitated. "I guess I was expecting something that I shouldn't have been expecting," she said sadly.

I smiled. "That's alright. I just wanted to clear it up with you before you thought something else. Now, I must get busy. I have a lot of patients waiting for me," I chuckled.

\t"Of course, of course! Well, send word to me once the construction is finished, and I will begin transferring everything here," she said softly, holding her hand out for me to shake it.

\tI took her hand, shaking it and flashing a warm smile at her. Her cheeks flushed, and she smiled.

\t"Be safe on your way back to Arthene," I told her.

\t"Thank you. I will see you sometime in the near future, Lord Dragon," she whispered.

\t"I will see you then, Lady Arthenia."

\tShe nodded, and she and her assistants made their way back to the east.

\tThat night, Kysael was waiting for me in our chambers. \t

\tShe was in Royal Wraith clothing, and I remembered that she had attended her first Royal Council meeting today, since Ekabat wouldn't be attending this one. It had been an important day for her, and the people of the city were finally starting to accept her Royal status.

\tShe had earned it, afterall.

\tHer face was a bit.... withdrawn, as was her stance.

\t"What can I do for you, my lady?" I asked her politely.

\t"I just...wanted to apologize for my abrupt exit last night. I shouldn't take out my frustrations on you, it is unfair. If you have found another woman, then I should not continue to interfere."

\tI laughed softly. "Oh, Kysael. I am not angry with you. I know how hard all of this has been for you. So much has happened, and been happening, in not much time. I know that you have been frustrated, and I am your husband and your Blood Bound servant. It is my job to be the recipient of your frustrations. And as far as the young woman goes.... she and I aren't together. I don't know if we ever will be, depending on what you decide. However, she has made her intentions quite clear." I gave her a hug.

\t"But it is unfair of me, to both you and the girl, to try to deny you a healthy relationship with someone who can give you more than I can. I should let you have her, I should leave."

\tI held her chin in my hand, making her meet my gaze. "For as long as you are here, and I am married to you.... then I will be here for you. And even if this.... whatever this is, ended.... she would still have to learn about and accept that I am Blood Bonded to you, and am obligated to serve you. And if she truly loves me, she will accept that..."

\tShe nodded. "I understand. You are my life, and I accept anything that you decide. You have always known what was best." She rested her hand over her abdomen. "I want to create a family with you, but... if that isn't what you want, then we shouldn't continue being like this with one another." She met my eyes. "I will let you know if I feel any different, and... if I should conceive, I will let you decide what path you take."

\tAnd with that, she swept out of the room, her Wraith gown trailing the ground behind her.

\tI shook myself. I struggled with the complexities of our relationship, but I could really use the extra business for my clinic. I had something that I needed to do, as I had already made my decision on that front. I needed to speak with Moserre about expanding the clinic, so that construction could begin.

\tI went out, and went down the hall to Moserre's chambers.

\tI knocked on the door, and it took a moment, but I heard rustling in the room, and he answered the door roughly, seemingly irritated.

\tAnd I was embarrassed.

\tHe stood with a blanket wrapped around his waist, and blood flowed down his shoulder and bare chest from two bite wounds that I all too well understood the meaning of, and he had blood running down his chin and neck from his feeding.

\tHis eyes were shimmering gold with a slightly silver shine with his thirst.

\tMy face flushed.

\tThat was why he was irritated.

\tI had interrupted his personal private time.

\t"Dragon...." His voice was harsher than he'd intended, because he dialed back the anger a bit before he spoke again. "What is it?"

\t"I'm sorry to disturb you, my lord, I wasn't thinking. I needed to ask you if I could have some help with construction, I have invited a partner of mine to expand the clinic with me...but I knew that I would need your approval first, so I came to ask your permission."

\tHe nodded. "That is fine. I will go over construction plans with you in the morning. Good night, Dragon."

\t"Thank you, my lord, goodnight," I said quickly, walking quickly back to my room.

\tI wasn't thinking about their nighttime being day time for me.

\tOf course, I should have considered that he was spending a night with a woman.

\tI still felt hot.

\tThe thought had my own blood pumping. I already knew that Kysael would be returning to me tonight, and it had me waiting in anticipation. I felt through our bond that she was hungry, lustful.

\tMore so than usual.

\tAnd time mocked me by dragging by as slowly as possible. But soon enough, I suppose, the time came.

\tShe just let herself in, shutting the door behind her.

\tHer body crashed into mine with force, bringing me down to kiss her in haste.

\tI chuckled deeply. "Slow down," I said around her lips. "I intend to take my time enjoying you tonight," I said, lustful intentions promised in my tone.

\t"No," she said in a tone that I didn't quite recognize as her own. Her voice was guttural, thick with animalistic growls that I didn't know her throat was capable of releasing outside of the battlefield, because that was the only place, I'd ever heard such a noise escape her throat.

\tShe stood before me. "I am going to take my place as your mistress tonight, servant." Her voice was thick with lustful, guttural tones. I shivered. "Kneel."

\tI startled as my body reacted. My body obeyed, because it was a direct command, not a request. It was as if my body had no will of its own as I kneeled before her.

\tShe bit into my neck, feeding from me as her body bent over me, and she cut a little place on herself for me to drink from her.

\tShe didn't have to order me. I complied, and she growled another guttural sound as I drank.

\tMy body was hot. I had never seen her act this way before, and while I was turned on, I was...also a bit turned off.

\tShe pulled away. "Strip yourself."

\tMy body, again, followed her will against my will, and I stood there, vulnerable before her. I didn't like this feeling, of being ordered and forced. But I could feel her body heat up, and she hmmd a growl low in her chest as she watched me with silver eyes.

\t"Undress me." She ordered darkly.

\tI complied, my body automatically responding to her order.

\tAnd the night was filled with dark, guttural lust and harshly sensual commands.

\tWhen I speared myself into her the final time, she threw her head back and released a feral sounding scream that formed my name as it threw her over the edge once more.

\tI couldn't understand where this was coming from.

\tThis Kysael made me...uncomfortable.

\tShe wasn't being herself.

\tShe wasn't being Kysael at all.

\tShe had allowed her dark, animalistic hunger, her Wraith instincts, to take over her body as she commanded me to take her body that night.

\tI didn't like this Kysael. It wasn't the Kysael that I loved. It wasn't my Kysael.

\tOnce we were finished, her eyes faded from glowing silver to her usual icy blue, and she looked at me in shock.

\t"You really couldn't fight against me. I know that you didn't want it to go that way. You wanted it to be slower."

\tI nodded. "It's alright. Your Wraith self simply took over for a bit, I understand."

\t"No....No, it wasn't right of me to command you against your will that way, I'm so sorry," she cried.

\t"Your instincts are taking over, Kysael. Something must be about to happen. I sense it also. Your Wraith instincts are simply trying to prepare, and your lust got caught up in those instincts.... hence why you came here acting like a Wraith instead of a Woodelf, as you normally would. And I am not angry. I see from your reaction that it wasn't your intention to act that way. You were just letting your other self take over. And it is part of who you are. You would not be you if you didn't follow your Wraith self sometimes."

\tShe hugged me. "I am so sorry."

\t"Stop apologizing," I told her. "I know that you aren't at fault."

\t"I just want you in every way, while I can have you. Something is about to happen, something big. Something is coming. We need to enjoy our time, now, while we can."

\tI heeded her warning, nodding gravely and cupping her cheek in my hand, pressing a comforting kiss to her mark. "I understand." And I reached out with my healing powers, sensing out her body, taking stock of it. She was not freshly conceived, it seemed. She had not conceived from our union the other day. And I wondered if that was a good or a bad thing, feeling both relief and disappointment in my heart. I knew I wanted a family with her, but I knew that something was about to transpire. Perhaps now just wasn't the right time.

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