But before long, as Feng Zhi absorbed more and more dragon Qi, she felt that things were out of her control.

"Well, what's going on here?"

Feng Zhi scolded in the heart.

When she absorbed the first wisp of dragon Qi, Feng Zhi realized the essence of the Dragon Qi. It was said that it was dragon Qi, but it was also a form of aura, so she could absorb so much without scruple.

Although the dragon spirit is also aura, it brings a lot of dragon nationality characteristics. Therefore, after being absorbed by Fengzhi, the first thing to do is to go deep into Fengzhi's flesh and blood, and transform Fengzhi's body a little bit, so that her already powerful body has been greatly strengthened.

Feng Zhi thinks that after strengthening this time, when she goes out again, maybe she can be regarded as a big killer in human shape.

That is, she does not use the means of a cultivator, that is, she does not need any weapons, and she can be intimidated by her own.

The physical strength is also a kind of strong, Fengzhi is certainly happy.

With a strong body, when fighting with others in the future, at least they will fight against beating some, right?

However, Feng Zhi was not happy soon.

After that, the dragon and Phoenix realized the change of her body.

Muscles and veins are not only expanded a lot, but also become extremely strong, and every piece of flesh and blood in the body also has a strong force that people can feel. After strengthening, not only each of them is indestructible, but also presents a light color of jade.

Ice flesh and jade bone, probably refers to the Phoenix up to now.

And blood

Also from the red with light gold, into the back of the total gold.

It is because the blood has become gold, Feng to finally have some panic.

If she remembers correctly, the strength of the cultivator should enter the period of transforming spirit, and the body will undergo another evolution before the blood will become completely golden.

But now

At the beginning of her emergence, how could her blood become pure gold!

Feng to faint feel, things seem to be some bad.

While she was thinking like this, after strengthening the muscles, bones and flesh of Fengzhi's whole body, the dragon spirit that should stop flowing into her body in Fengzhi's imagination did not stop, but she poured it into Fengzhi's body even more madly.

The Phoenix was shocked.

She was vaguely aware of what was going to happen.

in her body as like as two peas, and the same as the Phoenix, the same little looks like the baby. At this time, a small face is also very serious. With the command of Yuan baby, those dragon gas that is poured into the Phoenix body, and the swallow of the baby, is turned into the yuan baby again. These condensed dragon gas then remit into the yuan baby, and Yuan baby also has the same. In this process, it can be clearly found that it seems to have grown up and lost.

This process, after this period of time, has been repeated.

Yuanying, who looks at Fengzhi, grows from a small transparent doll to a golden one. Fengzhi can't help but beat himself.

If she had known this, she would not have absorbed the dragon spirit.

Now, even if she wanted to stop, she couldn't stop at all.

At this time, the Dragon Qi in Longyan's body, sitting beside Feng Zhi, was saturated. He stopped and opened his eyes.

As far as I can see, it is long Li's face, which is distorted by shock.

Long Yan's heart is pounding.

"What's the matter?"

He spoke, while subconsciously looking at the side of the Phoenix to.

Long Li did not answer him, because long li himself also looked silly.

Compared with the beginning, the Dragon Spirit in the Dragon tomb is now so strong that it can be seen with the naked eye. When Feng arrived there, it was originally these dragon families who poured into her body, but in the end, a strong suction came from Feng Zhi's body, which made the Dragon Spirit gush into her body.

After Long Yan stopped absorbing the Dragon Qi, the Dragon Qi in the full dragon tomb directly formed a big funnel like vortex under the effect of the suction force. The whirlpool was spinning rapidly and drilling into Fengzhi's body.

This momentum is much stronger than when Long Yan absorbed the Dragon Qi.

It's Long Yan. Now he's a little bit stunned.

If he didn't know that Fengzhi was a human being, he would have begun to wonder who was the dragon race with himself and Fengzhi.

You know, before Fengzhi, dragon spirit has never been absorbed by non dragon people!

The first time Long Yan asked, "master Long Li, Feng is so Is there any danger? "

Long Li heard the speech but shook his head.

As long Yan was about to rest assured, he listened to long Li: "I don't know if there is any danger, because no one has ever absorbed the dragon spirit like her before..."With these words, long Li has to doubt whether he is a dragon.

Long Yan was about to let go of his heart, so he mentioned it again.

Both of them did not dare to disturb Feng Zhi at this time, for fear that there was no danger at all, but there would be danger after being disturbed by them.

That's what they can do.

But under the gaze of Longyan and Longli, Fengzhi's absorption of dragon Qi, no, should be described as swallowing. Fengzhi's crazy swallowing of dragon Qi has not stopped.

And with the Phoenix to the crazy engulf of the dragon spirit, dragon Li gradually became frightened.

He looked at Long Yan Do you think something's wrong? "

Long Yan also sank his face.

There's something wrong.

The place where the Dragon tomb is located is actually a separate space. Except that the dragon clan will be drawn by blood when the time limit is approaching, the Dragon tomb can only be found by holding the dragon blood bracelet.

Now the dragon blood bracelet is worn on Fengzhi's wrist. It is reasonable to say that even if it is a dragon clan, no one will find it here.

But Long Yan and long Li, at this time, heard some should not have some sound.

Boom, boom

It's like thunder.

They all looked up to the sky.

There is no sky in the Dragon tomb, but there is only a permanent white boundless, even no cloud. How can thunder happen?

Both were at a loss.

Feng arrived at this time, in fact, she was speechless.

She didn't expect that she just wanted to absorb some dragon Qi, but there were so many dragon Qi accumulated in the Dragon tomb for millions of years. After transforming her body from the beginning to the end, the absorbed dragon Qi was directly absorbed by Yuanying as aura.

This absorption will lead to problems in absorption!

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