Feng to see the form in the heart a little sigh.

She can understand Feng Lai's desire for strength, but she can't make up her mind to let Feng Lai enter the extremely dangerous fire cloud.

At this time, Feng Zhi suddenly looked up and looked in a certain direction.

After a while, we heard a very sharp howl coming over. The sound was getting closer and closer. Then we could see a white line which was also very obvious in the daytime, and flew straight towards the direction of Fengzhi.

Phoenix to raise eyebrows.

Then, she reached for the white line at random, the next moment, her hand is more than a jade card.

This is a jade card used by the five element sect to spread letters.

If it wasn't for something important, Feng Zhenren would never have a jade card to contact Fengzhi.

Feng then grabbed the jade card in her hand and squeezed it gently.

At the next moment, the jade plate turns into a light and disappears in the air. After that, a message is sent to the sea of knowledge of Fengzhi.

"What?" Feng couldn't help but raise her voice slightly.

Long Yan and Feng came to see the situation. They both looked at the Phoenix.

"Fengzhi, what's the matter?" They both said in unison.

Feng Zhi shook her head.

It's not that something happened to wuxingzong, but a piece of good news from fengzhenren.

Since wuxingzong settled down on Yuming mountain, fengzhenren has been able to clear up the affairs within the sect at a very fast speed, such as those tasks that can make the disciples earn what they need to practice, and any system of the whole sect.

Fortunately, fengzhenren used to be the leader of Fengyun sect, so it seems that he can be easily caught.

After a series of tasks were given out, the disciples of the five element sect followed suit.

One of the tasks of the sect was to let the disciples of the five elements sect travel all over the Xuanwu continent and record the topography, production and other conditions in the jade slips.

This kind of task is not difficult to do, but it will take more time.

Because it would take a long time for a person to travel all over the Xuanwu continent and to investigate the production situation in various places, so the fengzhenren divided the whole area into four parts, East, West, North and south, and four disciples took over the place.

The disciple who received the task of visiting the eastern side of the Xuanwu continent sent a very surprising message to immortal Feng today.

It turns out that the disciple found a site suspected to be from the Xiuzhen realm in a hidden place on the east side of the Xuanwu continent. Besides, there was a more common array in the Xiuzhen realm outside the site, and he also picked up several spirit stones that were exhausted from the array.

No matter where the site is really concerned.

After confirming the news, Feng Zhenren can't wait to send a message to Feng Zhi.

To understand this matter, Feng Zhi didn't feel how surprised.

When she was in Xuling state, she not only robbed all kinds of people, but also couldn't beat some super sects in her pocket. She even went to the caves of the immortal who had already risen in the Green Finch. She was not very interested in these sites.

But she is not interested. The disciples of the five element sect are interested.

As a result, Fengzhi did not intend to be a disappointment.

He shook his head toward Longyan and Feng. "Nothing happened, but a disciple of the five element sect found a site related to the Xiuzhen realm. I will probably take people to explore it."

They were relieved.

Feng Zhi thought of Feng's request to go to huoyun state for training. After thinking about it, he said, "Feng Lai, you can go with us this time. It's too dangerous for you to go to huoyun state. You can see the method of the practitioners first."

Feng Lai's eyes brightened and nodded immediately.

Feng to Long Yan Feng to leave, Fengming and other special training naturally so temporarily stranded.

From Feng to get the letter, Fengming and other people immediately jump out of the three Zhang high wood you?

They are now afraid of Fengzhi's so-called special training. It is true that they are always taking their own limits to fight. Although such a special training comes down, they really break through at least once, but that feeling is really terrible, OK?

As a result, Fengming and others changed their attitude towards Fengzhi when they just came back. They knew that Fengzhi was going to leave. They just waved their handkerchief to Fengzhi one by one.

"Feng to, you can rest assured to go, we will be good."

Fengming's words just finished, the head was directly patted by Long Yan.

He then glared at Long Yan.

However, Long Yan has married Fengzhi now. Where can he be like before, when he only cares to please Fengming's brother-in-law, so he gives Fengming a cold eye.

Feng Ming could only shrink her shoulders.

Fengzhi sneered at Fengming, "it seems that you all want me to leave. In this case, I'll give you another gift before I leave. You must enjoy it..."After saying that, Feng Zhi quickly took out a few spirit stones, put out an array that didn't show the intention, and then threw all of Fengming and others into the array.

Not long after that, the array was filled with people's screams.

Hearing these terrible calls, Feng Lai couldn't help but draw from the corner of her mouth.

"Fengzhi..." Feng came and said, "what have you done to them?"

Feng to blink an eye, "nothing, but is a small fantasy."

It's really a little fantasy.

However, the illusion is so lifelike that as long as the divine consciousness is not as strong as the Phoenix, it is impossible to see duanni, and everything in the illusion is based on what Fengming and others fear most.

For example

Fengming is afraid of ghosts. What he sees will be all kinds of ghosts.

Fenglin is afraid of caterpillars. Maybe he will be submerged by all kinds of caterpillars.

And so on.

Therefore, it is not surprising that people will make such a scream.

Who asked them to say something to reassure Feng?

Now, they have tasted the style of Fengzhi.

It is said that Fengzhi has never had any enemies. Why?

Of course, it's because Fengzhi had a revenge on the spot!

Now, maybe Fengming can understand.

What a painful insight.

Because the site appeared too suddenly, and fengzhenren was obviously waiting for Fengzhi's reply, so Fengzhi did not delay any more. After saying hello to fengtianqiong and fengliancheng, he and longyanfenglai went to Yuming mountain with swords.

Fengtiancheng is not far away from Yuming mountain, so when Fengzhi three people fall on the main peak of Yuming mountain, it is only about half an hour before Fengzhi receives news from fengzhenren.

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