It is not easy to get the best spirit stone, and its use is too wide. Therefore, it can be regarded as a strategic material for any clan. Generally speaking, it will never be taken out.

It seems that even if the lingzong sect has agreed to a number of 100000 pieces, it is too easy for them to come to the extreme level.

Even if Feng Zhi held Zhou Yan in his hand at that time, Dong Lai Zong didn't take out a hundred thousand spirit stone so easily.

Not even a bit of bargaining.

Feng thought at that time that Zhou Yan was too important for donglaizong, but now she doesn't think so.


Feng Zhi had such a guess in his heart, so he was in a hurry to prove it.

She took out all the best spirit stones in the space.

Most of them were obtained from donglaizong, some from donghuazong, some from Hefei's treasure house, and some scattered ones were obtained by robbing many people.

Together, there are about 110000.

So many of the best spirit stones are piled together, and the original dark cave will be illuminated in a moment. Moreover, the light emitted by the best spirit stone is not that dazzling light, but a very soft and beautiful light.

In people's eyes, these excellent spirit stones don't need to have any other effects. They are a treasure that people can't help pursuing.

Both Longyan and Fenglai have some doubts.

Long Yan had seen the best spirit stone, and knew what it was, but he didn't know why Feng Zhi suddenly took out all these high-quality spirit stones with such a serious look.

And Feng Lai, he has never seen the best spirit stone, not to mention what it is.

They can also see that Fengzhi is doing a very important thing, so they don't mean to disturb Fengzhi at all. They both stand aside for fear of disturbing Fengzhi.

At first, Feng swept a lot of the best spirit stones with divine consciousness.

No problems were found.

This was not unexpected.

If donglaizong's people really made tricks on these excellent spirit stones, of course, they would be very hidden. If Fengzhi's divine sense could be found so easily, what else would he talk about?

After all, when donglaizong gave out these excellent spirit stones, Fengzhi took the divine sense to sweep them in order to see if the quantity was right.

Since God didn't find anything wrong with it, Feng went straight ahead.

She doesn't care, but there are more than 110000 excellent spirit stones here. She takes them one by one and feels if there is anything wrong with them.

This is a very long process.

More than 100000 spirit stones are all held in one's hand. Even if each of the best spirit stones only stays in Fengzhi's hand for a short breath, it will be enough to make ordinary people tired.

But Fengzhi seems to have no idea of being tired at all.

However, under her exploration without any fluke, after touching about 70000 pieces of the best spirit stone, she finally called Feng to find the wrong place.

She looked at the wonderful spirit stone in her hand and raised her eyes slightly.

There is no difference in the size, color, light, and even the aura contained in it.


Among the best spirit stones, there is a mark similar to Fengzhi's divine sense mark.

To be precise, it should be like a coordinate.

As long as this coordinate is always there, then, the person who leaves this coordinate can follow the guidance given by the coordinate, and easily find the position of Fengzhi.

Feng to can't help but heart a Lin.

It looks like

Why did mirage find this place? I'm afraid it's because of the mark on this excellent spirit stone.

Those people are afraid to let Shen Ying investigate the situation recently, and then wait for an opportunity to attack Fengzhi and her Xuanwu continent when she is not aware of the crisis.

But I didn't expect that mirage's first foothold on the Xuanwu continent was Jinggu.

The kongyao crystal and kongyao crystal produced in Jinggu are originally great tonic for mirage. However, it is called mirage shadow that reveals its shape here. The situ family, who is very concerned about Jinggu, is willing to accept Fengzhi's ridicule and invite Fengzhi to explore Jinggu.

This exploration

However, the mirage and the intention of Donglai Zong behind it were found out.

At this time, Feng also had some understanding of donglaizong's ruthlessness.

She just tossed Dong Lai Zong so hard that she lost everything Just, donglaizong had planned early to find the place from Feng Zhi, and he also added materials to her masterpieces.It is estimated that when donglaizong gave these excellent spirit stones, he did not think that they would be Fengzhi from now on. Instead, he thought that they would be taken back from Fengzhi's hand soon.

It's just

Perhaps the people who came to the East didn't expect that Fengzhi was not a person in the virtual spirit realm, but a person on the Xuanwu continent separated by unknown number of spaces.

After realizing this, donglaizong's people didn't stop at all and decided to attack the Xuanwu continent where Fengzhi was located.

Feng to the east to bring a Zong, donglaizong will directly take the whole world of Xuanwu.

This super clan's style of doing things is really indescribable.

If you change to a bystander's position, Fengzhi will probably also drum up a few palms because of such tyranny, but when the person who is treated in such a domineering way becomes his own side, Fengzhi doesn't think so.

Thinking of these, Feng Zhi also gently shook his head.

She now had some insight in her mind.

Only from the picture she had seen before, the old man with white hair said "this is not over". Even if donglaizong has lost the mirage, he will not give up.

In this way

If she guessed correctly, in the dragon people's prediction, the disaster that would affect the whole Xuanwu continent should mean donglaizong.

And this disaster was brought by Feng Zhi.

Feng Zhi's heart is quite strange.

She had been speculating about what the disaster was and where it came from. How could she have thought of it in advance. It turned out that the so-called disaster was simply due to her recklessness in the virtual spirit state?

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