Although Feng Zhi has no fear of donglaizong's invasion, she is confident that she and Long Yan will not be in any danger at least.


On the Xuanwu continent, it is not only Longyan who makes Fengzhi care about people.

No matter where the transmission array finally leads to, repair the transmission array. At least if the final situation is really bad, Feng Zhi can send all the people she cares about to another place through this transmission array.

At least, there is not a safe way out for them?

Of course, Fengzhi would not have made such a choice unless he had to.

After all, Feng Zhi didn't know what was on the other side of the transmission array.

Feng to now also have some understanding, why some practitioners will do everything to cut off the dust.

If she didn't have any concerns in Xuanwu, whether it was donglaizong or dongquzong's invasion, what would it have to do with her?

Even if she is not equal to the immortal in donglaizong's skin, if she makes up her mind and wants to run, no one can stop her. If she doesn't help her to hide in the space, can the immortal still keep such a state for decades and hundreds of years?

But because she was worried about her in the Xuanwu continent, she knew that there would be such a disaster. She not only could not run, but also wanted to improve the strength of the people, so that they could live as much as possible in the future, and tried to find a way for them.


Although this will be tired, but Feng to the heart is happy.

She has always believed that even if it is a practitioner, it is still human in the final analysis.

As a person, if even the most basic feelings are forced to give up, even if the strength is higher, it is incomplete.


Since she still has some people in the world that she is willing to guard, that's it.

Longyan and Fengzhi are interlinked. At this time, he feels what Fengzhi is thinking. He pinches Fengzhi's hand. "Fengzhi, no matter what you want to do or how you want to do it, I'll always be by your side."

Long Yan is not the kind of person who is good at sweet talk.

What he emphasizes most to Fengzhi is that he will accompany Fengzhi no matter when.

But Feng knows.

Company is the longest confession. Long Yan has been telling her the deep feelings in his heart in such a way, instead of using those sweet words floating on the surface.

Feng Zhi thought that the reason why she would cross the earth to the basaltic continent is that she should meet Longyan.

Then they looked at each other and laughed, feeling that everything was in silence.

Feng to later really quickly made a training plan.

Naturally, there was a reason why the Wuxing sect ranked in the forefront of the cultivation world at that time. There were several secret realms in the five element sect, which corresponded to the strength of the disciples.

It's like the fire clouds where Phoenix comes and goes.

Huoyun realm is a secret place for Yuanying's disciples to practice.

In fact, Feng Lai's strength is still a little worse than that of Yuan Yingqi's cultivators, and it is because of this that he will have such a hard time in huoyun.

Of course, under such circumstances, if Fenglai can stick to it until the end, then he will not get a little promotion, at least he can also be promoted to the level equivalent to that of primipara.

For Fenglai, this is also a great harvest.

Fengzhi's training plan for himself and Long Yan is of course much more high-end.

Both of them are in the transformation period. If they want to experience effectively, they have to go into the corresponding secret state.

Long Yan looked at the piece of paper that Feng Zhi took over, and said, "Dragon Valley?"

Feng Zhi nods.

Although the Dragon Valley is named after the dragon, it is not specially designed for the dragon clan to experience. It is only because the dragon clan ranks first among various kinds of spirit beasts that it is named after the dragon.

At that time, the Wuxing sect was a sect known as "embracing all rivers". The disciples of the sect included not only human beings, but also various other races, including many spirits and animals such as the dragon clan. Therefore, the holy Dragon Valley was a secret place for all kinds of spirit animals to experience.

Since it is a secret place for spirit animals to experience, it is only suitable for spirit animals.

According to the theory of Xiuzhen, Longyan belongs to the spirit beast, so it's very suitable to go to Shenlong valley.

Although Long Yan's strength is already very strong, but because the dragon clan in the Xuanwu continent did not have a very good practice of martial arts, although he had a strong power, his control of power was far less than that of the spirit beast of the same strength in the wuxingzong at that time.

This is also the most important reason why Fengzhi asked Longyan to experience.

In addition, there are many exotic fruits in Shenlong valley that are very different from other animals. Even if Longyan doesn't need them, he can take them back to other dragon clans to use. In this way, the strength of the dragon clan can be improved to a certain extent.Fengzhi can be regarded as a well intentioned one.

"Shenlong Valley is a good place, but there are many dangers in it. Even if you are not weak now, you must be careful and careful when you enter the valley. You must not be careless!" Fengzhi said it seriously.

Another reason why Shenlong Valley is called Shenlong Valley is that the dragon clan falling in it is the most of all kinds of spirit beasts.

This is the training place for the God transforming period. So many dragon families have fallen. You can imagine how dangerous it is.

But this is often the case.

The more dangerous, the more profitable.

If you don't want to experience any danger, you can't get any benefits.

Seeing that Fengzhi was so careful, Long Yan naturally did not have any carelessness. He nodded very seriously: "Fengzhi, don't worry, I won't be arrogant."

Feng Zhi knew that once Long Yan spoke out, he would never break his promise.

As a result, when he got the promise of Long Yan, he was also slightly relieved.

Her confidence in Long Yan is the same as her confidence in herself. Of course, she also believes that as long as long Yan is on guard in advance, nothing will happen.

After Long Yan made a promise, he asked, "where are you going, Fengzhi?"

Feng to smell speech slightly a meal.

Where she's going

"The bloody abyss." Feng Zhi said these words.

The bloody abyss.

Even if Feng Zhi didn't use any exaggerated voice, the words seemed to have a deterrent effect. Even if it was Long Yan, when he heard these words, his mind did not know why he was shocked.

It's a place where you can tell how dangerous it is just by hearing its name.

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