Similarly, Phoenix to the hands of the blood crystal ball also placed on the floating island.

Two crystal balls of different colors floated into the air. If it wasn't for the color of the second crystal ball, it would be too frightening. If there was more sunlight, it would reflect a lot of colorful light.

Feng is not in the mood to appreciate these.

Then toward the blood crystal ball, the crystal ball on the light flow, and then Phoenix to the front will be more than a bloody door.

This is the door to the bloody abyss.

Without any hesitation, Feng took a step forward.

Then, her whole person is like to be that dense blood to package general, followed by the floating island on the loss of Feng to the figure.

The island is empty.

The two people who used to be close to each other here don't know when they can come back again.


Feng Zhi looked at the surroundings very carefully.

She is now standing on a plain. However, different from the plain outside, the plain where Fengzhi is located is not only filled with a very thick blood mist, but also the land under her feet seems to be soaked with unknown amount of blood, showing a fishy red color. People can feel the depression in this one glance.

No matter what you see in front of you or the land under your feet, it's like the whole person is surrounded by this bloody world, and there is no way out. It's easy to give people a sense of despair.

Such an environment

If a person with weak will comes in, let alone experience in it, let alone let them stay in it for a few days. I'm afraid it will frighten people out of illness.

Phoenix to the body of the aura of a little movement, the heart that little sense of depression is gone.

After thinking about it, Feng Zhi simply pasted the aura tightly on her skin and laid a boundary to isolate the surrounding air.

For Fengzhi, the aura consumed by such a boundary is almost negligible, but it has many advantages. At least it can make his body feel fresh, and it can also separate the harmful substances that may exist in the air.

In any case, in such a completely unfamiliar environment, Fengzhi can only be careful and more careful.

The Phoenix first released the divine consciousness.

Originally thought, even if this bloody abyss no matter how vast, it will not be broader than the Xuanwu mainland, her divine sense should be easy to find out everything around.

However, to Feng Zhi's surprise, she was so powerful that she could cover the whole Xuanwu continent. At this time, she only reached out to a distance of about 1000 meters, which seemed to be blocked by something in the air. In any case, she could not go out for half a step.


Feng Zhi was a little surprised.

I didn't expect

The blood mist in the bloody abyss has the function of blocking the divine consciousness.

Feng Zhi didn't know about these before.

Although she knew about the bloody abyss from zongmen's books, she knew nothing about the specific situation and the dangers inside.

If she knew all about it, what kind of experience would it have?

After discovering the effect of the blood mist in the air, Feng Zhi was only slightly surprised for a while, and then calmed down.

Although there are many magical functions of divine consciousness, there is no lack of materials that can completely isolate or block the divine consciousness to some extent. When we meet it in the bloody abyss, it is really nothing.

Although the role of divine consciousness was weakened to a limit, Fengzhi did not take it back, but kept exploring within the kilometer range centering on her.

Feng Zhi is looking for the real entrance to the bloody abyss.

The bloody abyss can be roughly seen from its name. If there is no abyss, how can it be worthy of this name?

Only when you find the right place to enter the abyss.

Under such exploration, Feng Zhi soon found the right direction. She followed the direction of her divine sense. After about five days, she came to a huge abyss.

When we are on earth, there is an East African Rift Valley which is famous all over the world. It is easy to think of the word "abyss".

But now, the abyss that appears in front of Feng Zhi is undoubtedly the real abyss.

At the beginning, there was a gap of unknown width on the boundless plain. On the top of this gap, because the blood mist was stronger than other places, I didn't know how much, so even if Fengzhi's eyesight was amazing, we couldn't see how wide the gap was.

Looking down from the place where Fengzhi stood, this crack looks like a huge devil's mouth with ferocious fangs. As long as anyone dares to go to this mouth, it will be devoured mercilessly.This

It's the real abyss.

Not to say how dangerous this bloody abyss will be, it is not dangerous. If a person with a little less courage is changed, he will never dare to go inside.

It's no wonder that it will become a training ground for monks in the transformation period.

Feng to no hesitation, ready to go down to the abyss.

She had come here to try and practice. She had already arrived at the end of the field. If she was afraid to go down, she would be really disgraced.

However, she was not so reckless as to jump directly.

In a place where you know the extreme danger and don't know the situation inside, if you take it for granted, it's probably too long.

Feng Zhi is certainly not too long-lived.

In Long Yan's words, how could she be willing to marry so soon?

Feng Zhi came to the edge of the crack, ignoring the thick blood mist in the abyss. Feng Zhi thought about it and took out a piece of snow silk famous for its toughness from the space.

She took out the snow silk just for a little experiment.

After putting the snow silk in the cloud above the crack, Fengzhi saw that it was very tough and was used to make defense vests. However, after a few breaths, it began to corrode gradually.

Even if Feng Zhi is actually prepared, but see this scene, she is also a little frightened.

In such a short time, the snow silk was eroded and almost could not see its original appearance

Feng to began to be glad that as soon as she came in, she used aura to form a small boundary on the surface of her body, isolating the air from the outside world.


Even if she came up with a solution later, she was afraid that she would suffer some punishment.

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