Looking at the injury in Long Yan's eyes because she didn't answer, Feng Zhi was in a hurry. She opened her mouth again and wanted to say her answer.


It was as if her throat was blocked by cotton. It was a simple word, but Fengzhi had no way to say it.

Why, why?

Fengzhi believes that his love for Long Yan will never be false, especially after so many years of ups and downs, and countless times they have become the last safety protection for each other in danger. Their feelings have been deep enough to trust each other as if they were themselves.

But this time

Feng to tightly twist eyebrows.

Don't know why, her heart suddenly gushed out a sense of crisis that had not been seen for a long time.

A sense of crisis?

Since donglaizong was defeated, it has become the strongest in Xuanwu and xulingjing. No one in these two places can make Fengzhi feel threatened. Fengzhi has not felt this kind of crisis for a long time.

So, where does this sense of crisis come from?

Feng to always feel that he seems to unconsciously forget a lot of things.

What is it?

Feng first looked up at Long Yan.

Obviously, her face could not be more familiar, but she felt strangely strange at this time. It was as if the man standing in front of her was not her husband who had been with each other for many years, but another completely strange person.

Such feeling, let Feng to cannot help but retreat two steps.

She had to sort out the source of her inexplicable sense of crisis, and then think about what she had forgotten unconsciously?

One step out, two more steps

When Fengzhi retreated to be more than ten steps away from Longyan, the strange feeling in her heart became more and more powerful. It was as if, from this distance which was not far away, she suddenly removed the mist in front of her eyes, and the world in front of her became more and more clear.

The first thing for Fengzhi to see clearly is this Longyan.

"You are not long Yan." Feng Zhi's voice is cold.



In Feng Zhi's heart, the relationship between her and Long Yan is the least blasphemous. However, in front of her, this person still holds the identity of Long Yan and deceives Feng Zhi for so long.

What's more, Feng Zhi couldn't accept that she didn't recognize her for such a long time. Instead, she regarded this man as a dragon.

This is the heart of Feng Zhi can not go through a hurdle!

It is also because of this, for these people who deceived themselves, Feng Zhi is especially unforgivable.

"You, or something else..." Feng to the eyes of a faint beating flame, "dare to cheat me!"

With these words, a nearly colorless flame rose around her body. Naturally, the flame was the colorless flame after the breakthrough of Fengzhi's real fire. In fact, the flame of Fengzhi has exceeded the scope of real fire, and can be described at a higher level.

And just after the flame rises out, Feng Zhi also sees something wrong.

She always thought that the world she lived in could not be more real. For some reason, she never doubted it. However, in front of her special flame, the world which Feng thought was real began to collapse.

The collapse of a world.

What kind of experience is it? Feng has understood it now.

Suddenly, the world seems to become a piece of pieces, and these fragments in the flame of the Phoenix, a little bit into nothingness.

Each piece of debris disappeared, Feng Zhi felt that the world in front of her had to become clearer.

That feeling

It's like the eyes were washed once.

When the fragments of the world were almost burned, the world in front of Feng Zhi changed a lot.

Feng blinked.

Because the world in front of her was changing so fast, she had a feeling that she didn't know what was going on.

However, only such a moment's Kung Fu is enough for Phoenix to come back to God.

She looked at everything in front of her.

On the vast and dark palace, there is even a vast and dark one.


Before, is she unknowingly hit the road, and still hit a chair of the road?

Feng to look at the body of the throne, repeatedly issued a few sneers.

Being plotted by a chair is definitely the black history of Feng Zhi who has lived for so many years. What's more, she still lives in that dream for so many years, and she doesn't realize that she is not living in reality.For Fengzhi, this is a shame!

"Well, that's good." Feng to speak, while reaching out to the throne under the body of a few.

I don't know if it's Fengzhi's illusion. When Feng Zhi gently patted, the throne seemed to shrink for a moment, as if in


Feng to also did not put on the heart.

Ha ha, afraid? It's too late.

Feng Zhi made up her mind to clean up the broken chair.

Of course, in fact, Fengzhi is also very sure of the power of this "broken chair".

However, this chair not only pulls Feng Zhi into the dreamland when she is unconscious, but also makes her regard the dreamland as the real world, and has lived in it for so many years without any notice.

This is absolutely extraordinary.


The most frightening thing for Feng is the illusion created by the throne, which seems to be alive in general.

For example, the previous "Longyan" tried to make Fengzhi promise to stay in the dreamland all his life.

Feng to even some certain, if she was really careless at that time made this promise, then she was afraid that she could only live in such an illusory dream.

Although everything happened in this dream is constructed by Fengzhi's will, it can be said that it is a perfect world in Fengzhi's heart, a world without any regrets.


No matter how perfect, it is also illusory.

How can Feng Zhi deceive himself with such a false world?

The most important thing is, if she can only live in this false dream from now on, what will Longyan and other people Feng cares about?

This is what Feng Zhi hates most about this "broken chair".


Now it's time for revenge.

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