But this time, the throne did not cheat Feng.

"Master, there is no more..."

The throne is aggrieved.

Although there are countless insects living in the bloody abyss, the evolution of these insects is not an easy thing. Moreover, the evolution of these insects needs a lot of aura. At most, the aura in the bloody abyss can only be equal to that on the Xuanwu continent. Although it can be regarded as abundant, how can so many insects evolve together?

Even those big insects that Fengzhi had defeated before were all accumulated by the bloody abyss over a long period of time.

In other words, after being burned to death by Fengzhi

In a short time, that's really not there.

This answer is obviously not satisfactory.

However, Feng is not satisfied and has no way to deal with it.

Although this throne is the hub of the whole blood abyss, it is impossible for it to have the ability to create something out of nothing, and it is impossible for the insects inside to evolve to the satisfactory level in a short time.

This makes Feng Zhi very upset.

If she had known that those insects would become sharp weapons in her hands, Feng could never have killed those insects before, especially the big insects with a height of 50 meters at the last level. She did not know how much aura it took, and how long it took for her to become a weapon. How could she have been burned to death?

Feng Zhi was almost ready to cry without tears.


Such emotions only exist in the heart of Feng Zhi for a short time, and then they are all thrown out of the brain by Feng Zhi.

Now that the situation has been so, it is useless for her to regret it any more. Instead of being upset here, she might as well try to find a way to remedy it.

How can we make the insects in this bloody abyss evolve quickly?

It's a problem.

In fact, the problem is not difficult.

Feng Zhi thought of what the throne said, as long as there is enough aura for the evolution of these insects, the digestive system of these insects is just a black hole. No matter how much aura there is, it seems that they can not fill their stomachs. As long as the aura is enough, they can obviously evolve in a very short time.

Therefore, this matter will fall on the aura in the end.

How can we make the aura in the bloody abyss several times, or even dozens of times, so that the insects inside can evolve at the fastest speed?

After all

According to the estimate of 50 to 50 years, we can kill people from the East.

Therefore, Feng to also need in this period of time, let the insects in the red abyss evolve.

Reiki, Reiki

Feng to the eyes suddenly a bright.

She suddenly remembered that she still had a whole vein of spirit stone in her hand.

When Feng was still a child, she found a spirit stone vein in the Qiao family's hand. Later, she took over the Qiao family. The Qiao family has been mining spirit stones for Feng all these years.

Most of the spirit stones needed for Fengzhi's cultivation were mined by the Qiao family.

However, there are only a large number of spirit stones in the past 20 years.

What if the spirit stone vein was moved to the bloody abyss?

Even if the ore veins can't be moved over, if there are enough spirit stones in hand, Fengzhi can also artificially create several complete aura springs in the blood color abyss. Even if all the insects in the blood color abyss can not evolve at that time, they can selectively let some of them evolve first, and even can take the lead in cultivating a few of those 50 meters The biggest bug of

Well, Feng Zhi nodded hard.

Therefore, after leaving the bloody abyss this time, she must first find Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI to ask.

With a solution to this matter, Feng Zhi was relieved a little.

After that, Feng Zhi asked about the bloody abyss.

From the "mouth" of the throne, Feng Zhi also knew the origin of the bloody abyss.

Blood color abyss, this place was a secret place in the former cultivation world, which was not formed naturally. It is said that this place was related to a great power of practicing the skills related to blood in the practice world in those years. The skill of this great power was to obtain powerful self from blood by continuously sucking blood.

The cultivation of such skills is not enough to describe.

I don't know how many practitioners died in this powerful hand in the cultivation world at that time. A large number of people gathered in the cultivation world for several times to attack this great power. However, the strength of this great power was really high, and his muscles and bones were not hurt after several Crusades.

Of course, the cultivation method of this great power is extremely evil. This kind of evil cultivation is extremely fast in the early stage of cultivation, but it has a fatal weakness, that is, the evil cultivation is very likely to fail when crossing the robbery.This great energy is actually one of the best. He has been practicing all the way to the later stage of transforming God.

It's just

At the time of breaking through from the later stage of transformation to Mahayana, the great energy still failed to carry the most powerful divine thunder, and finally ended up dead.

But before the dust went out, the great power was not willing to disappear. Since then, there was no trace left by him in the world, so he tried his best to turn all the remaining strength into a secret place before he disappeared.

This secret place is now the bloody abyss.

Because the practice of the great power is related to blood, and it also depends on drawing strength from the blood. Therefore, in the secret realm formed by him, red worms are born one by one, and what these insects are good at is to absorb aura from the practitioners.

Although this kind of insect is very small, the number is not clear. When these insects gather together, they can form a very strange red fog.

Although these insects are small, they can be very destructive when they accumulate to a certain extent.

At that time, this secret place was discovered by the people of the Xiuzhen world after it was formed a hundred years ago. Some people thought that there was a treasure left by the great energy before he died, and they rushed into it to seek treasure. But in the end, many practitioners were careless and suffered losses from these little insects.

Such things happen more often, and this secret place has the name of "bloody abyss", which is evil and terrible to people. Because of the danger inside, no one dares to come to the bloody abyss gradually.

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