Fengzhi and Longyan disappeared this time for more than half a year. What they also told them was that they wanted to go to the secret place for a trial. With their strength, they still had to try. It can be imagined that there was no small danger in this trial. Feng Zhenren and others were all holding a breath.

In Feng Zhenren's opinion, the reason why Wuxing Zong has been able to exist is because Fengzhi. If something happens suddenly to Fengzhi, the patriarch, at this time, it will be a disaster to the present Wuxing sect.

Because of this, seeing Feng Zhi and Long Yan come back safely, Feng Zhenren is so relieved.

"Lord, you and Lord long are back at last." Feng Zhenren wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

There's also a reason why Qifeng Zhenren called Longyan.

It was also the best time for people to call Longyan the Lord of Wuzong.

Feng to smell speech to smile, "we are just to experience a time, where need so worry."

Feng Zhenren laughed twice and didn't reply.

The so-called care is chaotic, that is to say.

This is also because the existence of Fengzhi is too important for today's wuxingzong.

Feng to also didn't say what, just to the wind immortal waved, "OK, you pass on the words, let the people below don't think blindly."

Feng Zhenren went happily.

After that, Fengzhi is ready to return to Feng's home with Long Yan.

She also wanted to call Qiao Zhenyu and Meigui to ask about the Lingshi vein.

But at this time, Feng Zhi's face suddenly changed.

"What's the matter?" Long Yan's look is also tight.

If it was not for something big, how could Fengzhi behave like this?

Feng even had no time to answer Long Yan's question. First she raised her hand and drew a circle in the void in front of her, and then she directly reached for the inside

The next moment, Feng to the hands of one more person.

He put the man in his hand carefully on the ground, and put a pill into his mouth to cure the wound. Feng came to the dragon and said, "Feng Lai is dangerous."

Long Yan is surprised and looks at the person who is brought out by Feng Zhi.

This man is as black as coke. He can't even see his face clearly. If Feng Zhi hadn't mentioned it, Long Yan would never have seen it on the surface.

"How could that happen?" Long Yan also tightened his eyebrows.

Fenglai is a family member whom Feng attaches great importance to. Long Yan loves his house and loves his family. Naturally, he treats Fenglai as a relative. Now he feels bad when he sees Feng Lai become like this.

Feng Zhiwen shook her head gently.

Before Fengzhi and Longyan went to the secret place for training, Fengzhi sent Fenglai to huoyun state to experience under the strong demand of Fenglai.

Although the environment of huoyun environment is very suitable for Fenglai, who is originally practicing fire attribute skills, it is a little reluctant for Fenglai to enter the fire cloud realm. Fenglai also persisted in it for more than half a year before using the last means of life protection given by Fengzhi. It is conceivable that he has worked hard.

Fortunately, the Phoenix had already come out of the bloody abyss at this time, otherwise

Even if she received Feng Lai's call for help, she was afraid that she would not be able to bring Feng Lai out in time.

If so

Feng is not willing to think down.

Long Yan and Feng Zhi are in the same mind. They pat Feng Zhi's shoulder gently.

At the moment when they were talking, the pills taken by Fenglai also played a role, and his injuries began to improve obviously. This is also because the effects of the pills given by Fengzhi were so good. Within a quarter of an hour, the wounds on Fenglai's scarred body had been obviously improved. Even the blackened skin began to piece by piece To the fall, exposed inside the new growth, looking at people feel particularly tender skin.

Seeing here, Feng Zhi was also a little relieved.

As long as the pill works, that's fine.

At this time, the Phoenix to just have the mood to complain about the Phoenix.

When Feng Lai was sent to huoyun state before, Fengzhi prepared many things to protect her life, especially pills. However, Fenglai was always in danger in the fire cloud area. In addition, he had been in the fire cloud environment for more than half a year, and these things might have been used up.

If not, Fenglai would not look like this.

All these life-saving things have been used up. Fenglai still stayed in the fire cloud for such a long time. It's really hard to beat him up.

Feng to black face, staring still closed eyes did not wake up to the Phoenix.

Long Yan looked beside him and silently ordered a wax for Feng in his heart.

The more Phoenix to care about the people, in her angry after, also be tossed more fierce.Feng Lai turns herself into a man who has lost half of her life. She thinks that she can get special care from Feng Zhi this time. Of course, Long Yan will never envy this kind of special care.

And Feng Lai

With a new layer of skin, he looks as tender as a baby. Although he hasn't sobered up, he doesn't know whether he subconsciously realizes his situation, and the two sword eyebrows grow out with him.

Long Yan almost didn't laugh.

At this time, Phoenix to a pair of Phoenix eyes suddenly squint at the Dragon Yan, "how, very funny?"

Long Yan quickly made a serious statement, "not funny, not funny at all!"

Feng to smell speech white dragon Yan one eye.

At this time, Feng Lai's injury finally recovered to the extent that he was able to wake up. His eyelids blinked a few times before opening slowly, and then narrowed tightly again because he could not adapt to the outside light.

See here, Feng to suddenly cold hum a, "come on, don't pretend, hard not to still wait for me to coax you to wake up?"

Feng came to smell the words and opened his eyes, and then he laughed at Feng.

In fact, after taking the pills, he had already had consciousness, but he pretended to sleep because he didn't want to face Feng Zhi's knife eye.

Of course

I haven't concealed it.

Although Fenglai's injury didn't recover completely, compared with the time when Fengzhi was brought out from the huoyun state, it was a heaven and a ground. He sat up on his elbow and looked at Fengzhi pleasantly, "Fengzhi, it's my fault this time, please don't tell me the same thing..."

Such flattery did not let Feng Zhi's face look better.

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