What kind of strange taste is needed to swallow this tonic soup which is ten thousand times darker than dark food?

The answer, of course, is Feng!

In fact, Fenglai is also very desperate!

When Fengzhi was cooking this pot of tonic soup, he didn't avoid him at all. However, he put the same and the same wonderful materials into the soup in front of him. Even if the things that can be collected by Fengzhi, even a piece of grass, will not be ordinary things. Fenglai also believes that those things are absolutely good for his body


Looking at the big pot that can hold a few phoenixes, it is constantly bubbling, colorful, and also exudes an indescribable taste of tonic soup

No matter how hard he was to himself, he couldn't muster up the courage to swallow such a big pot of soup into his mouth!

This is Fenglai. I believe that Fengzhi will never harm himself. If a person changes his mind and sees such a pot of things, he will not hesitate to regard it as poison, and will not drink a drop if he is killed.

Looking at the Phoenix to this pair of resistant appearance, Feng to micro squint eyes, "how, you this is to abandon me to do tonic soup to drink a way not good?"

Feng Lai wants to nod.

But by Feng to look at like this, he is to have again big courage, that also dare not really admit his heart is how to think.


Feng Lai shook her head with tears in her eyes.

"Where is it?" Feng came to a pair of moved to shed two lines of hot tears at any time, "Phoenix to your hard work to make such a pot of soup, I am no matter how unkind, also will not dislike ah!"

Feng nodded with satisfaction.

"So..." She took a jade bowl about the size of a washbasin, directly scooped out such a basin of tonic soup, and sent it to Feng Lai. "You will drink all this soup, right?"

When talking, Feng to the face is full of smile.

Her appearance was exquisite, and at that time, she not only had a smile on her face, but also seemed to have infinite expectations. No matter how hard-hearted a person was, she certainly couldn't bear to let her down.

Feng came and nodded bitterly.

If you kneel down, you have to bear the consequences!

He took the big pot of soup from Fengzhi's hand and took a big SIP with his eyes closed


If Feng Lai could not control his body completely, he would have vomited the soup.

What's that smell like?

There are both lotus root and lotus seed sweet and fragrant, and mixed with sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty in the middle. However, these tastes have been artificially magnified. As long as you taste one mouthful, you will never want to eat again for three years!

We can imagine how terrible the pot of tonic soup cooked by Fengzhi is.

Feng Lai, who had just taken a sip, looked at the big basin in his hand, and then looked at the big pot that could stand under him. Suddenly, he felt how the future would be so dark that he could not see any light at all.

God knows, if he really drinks all these soup, his taste will not become normal.

Looking at Fengzhi with a bitter face, Fenglai tried to bargain with Fengzhi. "Fengzhi, you see, my body is not empty enough to need such a big tonic. So, can you..."

Feng to smell speech to pick a lip slightly.

"What do you say?"

She gave only one answer.

What do you think?

Of course not!

Feng came and shrugged her shoulders, full of despair.

Feng to pour is not willing to, "anyway, it is also the tonic soup that I cook carefully for you. Is the tonic effect not good enough? Do you want you to drink poison in such a way that you dislike my craft? "

Feng came and shook her head.

In fact, Fengzhi carefully cooked out of this pot of tonic soup, in addition to the taste of people some indescribable, the role of tonic soup is absolutely good.

Fenglai had been seriously injured. Although she recovered from taking the pills given by Fengzhi, she still hurt her original source. In recent days, she felt extremely chilly. All day long, her whole body was cold. At this time, she only drank a mouthful of tonic soup, and the chill in her body was dispelled completely, and there was a warm airflow in her heart Nourishes him at all times.

No matter how you don't understand it, Fenglai knows that the pot of tonic soup cooked by Fengzhi is definitely valuable without market.

Facing Longyan's gaze of "if you say anything to make Fengzhi unhappy, I'll directly pour the soup in this big pot for you." Fenglai could only say, "Fengzhi, the tonic effect you made is excellent..."

Feng to the face, this just has a smile again.

However, the next moment, Feng came to bite off his tongue."Since you also know that the effect is good, drink it while it is hot. Don't worry, there is still a big pot here, and you will be alive after drinking it..."

Phoenix to such a way.

I don't know if it is the illusion of Feng Lai. He always thinks that when Feng Zhi says "you can rest assured", he looks quite meaningful.

But what can he do?

My own death

Ha ha, of course, I want to drink this Shiquan tonic soup!

Knowing that he couldn't escape, Feng Lai simply didn't want to escape. With his eyes closed and his heart horizontal, he held the jade basin bigger than his head and held his breath and poured the soup into his mouth.

Whoosh, whoosh

But a few breaths of Kung Fu, Feng came to this big basin of soup hard to pour down.

And then

Feng came to feel the tumbling in his stomach. If it wasn't for his desperate suppression, the soup would have to come out of his mouth again.

Think about what kind of reaction Fengzhi will have if this is true

The Phoenix shivered.

He then looked at Feng Zhi.

He was so obedient that he drank such a large basin of dark tonic soup. Fengzhi should be relieved of his anger and would not bother him any more?

But the reality tells Fenglai that he is still too naive.

Feng Zhi took the jade basin from Feng Lai's hand with a smile on her face. Feng Lai was relieved. When Feng Zhi turned around, she scooped a full pot of soup from the big pot and handed it to him.

"If you drink so fast, the soup I cooked must taste good. In this case, drink another pot. Don't worry, there is still a big pot there."

Feng to smile with blooming flowers like.

But Feng Lai, looking at the Feng Zhi in front of her and the large basin of soup sent to her, smelled the wonderful taste of the tonic soup, she fainted in front of her eyes.

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