When Feng Zhi and the three returned to the ancestral house of the Feng family, many people were standing around the ancestral house of the Feng family, pointing to this side.

These people all heard about the magic of these plants outside the ancestral house of the Phoenix family and rushed to see the excitement. However, with the lessons learned by those people before, no one dares to rush forward on their own.

Fengzhi has rarely appeared in recent years. Even at the last auction, the number of people who saw Fengzhi's true face was only one million. For the population of the whole Xuanwu continent, one million was a very small number.

As a result, none of the people watching outside knew Feng Zhi.

Seeing the three people of Fengzhi, they walked directly to the plant outside the ancestral house of Feng family. Those people in the distance were surprised, but no one came to remind them. They just waited to see the three people make a fool of themselves.

Well, when these three people are entangled by those terrible vines, they can also help them, so that they don't hurt so much

It has to be said that these people are not completely bad hearted.

It's just

Let them down.

Under the gaze of the public, Fengzhi and his three men went directly to the enchanting and beautiful flowers and vines. The vines did not show their ferocious side as they had dealt with outsiders before. On the contrary, they were wrapped around Fengzhi's body with great joy as if they had met an old friend. It was like a lost child meeting his parents How clever.

How could that be possible!

All the people were waiting for an egg to be put into their mouths.

Who are these people and why do these terrible plants treat them so differently?

Some of them were quick at thinking. After only a short time, they guessed the identity of Feng Zhi. One of them said out of his voice, "is that man Fengzhi?"


Everyone was in a daze.

They just came to have a look at the bustle. How could they have thought that they could see the legend of Fengzhi at this time.

However, with this reminder, everyone suddenly realized.

By the way, it is said that these plants were planted by Fengzhi. If Fengzhi were, they would not be regarded as enemies by these plants. Moreover, Fengzhi has been married. It is said that her husband is the Dragon King of the dragon clan. The Dragon King usually wears a golden robe, so is the person who accompanies Fengzhi?

As for the other man

According to the age, can it be the eldest young master of Feng family?

I have to say that as long as we give an introduction, these onlookers have the potential to be Sherlock Holmes.

In the public discussion, Fengzhi and his three people walked smoothly to the plant which was divided into three layers, whether it was the flower vine, pea shooter or the most terrible spirit loving vine. After feeling the breath of Fengzhi, they not only made a channel, but also attached to the corner of Fengzhi's clothes, just as if they were detaining Fengzhi.

In this case, Feng Zhi three people from the most peripheral to the gate, but it is practical for some time.

Feng Lai couldn't help laughing. "If you change the scene, I'm afraid others will think that Feng Zhi is the mother of some plants..."

The Phoenix glared at Feng.

What a mother of plants, what a terrible thing!

"Why, is your taste restored? Do you want to cook a pot of tonic Soup for you today?"

Feng came and shook her head.


Now he wants to vomit when he hears the word "tonic soup", let alone let him taste it again.

In Feng to repeatedly beg for mercy, Feng to pour also did not hold on to this matter.


Before long, when Feng came to see his own embarrassment, he would know what kind of people he had offended.


Thinking of Feng Lai's sad expression, Feng Zhi has already begun to enjoy in advance.

The three talents have just entered the gate. Oh, by the way, since the ancestral house of the Phoenix family has become the safest place on the Xuanwu continent, now the Phoenix family does not send people to guard outside the ancestral house, even the gate of the ancestral house is never closed.

Although Fengzhi didn't inform anyone in advance, it was enough time for Feng's family to know that Feng Zhi was back.

As a result, they just entered the door and saw Fengming leading a group of small Companions to meet them.

"Fengzhi, you are back!" Feng Ming just saw the Phoenix to three people, has begun how to shout.

Feng to see Feng Ming and other people, the heart is first slightly moved.

I have to say that with the experience of making tonic Soup for Feng last time, Feng has become more interested in "cooking".

Fengming, they don't need to drink tonic soup which is good for healing, but they can drink some soup that has a positive effect on training speedWell, of course, those soups have to be made by the Phoenix themselves.

Fengzhi has already begun to think about what he should add to these soups, so as to make them both full of aura and have a very wonderful taste.

Thinking like this, when Feng Zhi looks at Feng Ming and others, she is just like watching a piece of pork that she can kill.

This kind of look is undoubtedly extremely terrible.

The crowd could not help but step back.

Feng Ming was more daring, not only did not retreat, but also took time to ask Feng Zhi Feng Zhi, what have you experienced in this period of time? Why is the look suddenly more sharp than the knife, which makes people feel cold and swish? "

The child did not understand what kind of human tragedy he was about to experience.

Feng Zhi smiles at Feng Ming.

Of course, she will not explain to Fengming at this time. Anyway, no matter how much they resist, they will have to drink all the soup she has carefully cooked.

And Feng to this smile, and let everyone brush together a cold shiver.

Always feel that

There seems to be something inhuman ahead of them?

Only Long Yan and Feng came. At this time, I guess what Feng Zhi wants to do.

However, Long Yan always depends on Fengzhi. Of course, he won't tear down Fengzhi's platform. As long as Fengzhi is happy, Fengming and his colleagues will contribute more.

As for Fenglai

The so-called solo music is not as good as others. He had drunk the tonic Soup for half a month before. Of course, he also hoped that Fengming and his friends could taste the taste he had tasted. This is a good brother!

So, Long Yan and Feng look at each other, and they both smile.

Fengming rubbed the goosebumps on her arm and said, "let's go in quickly. My grandparents are waiting for you."

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