Call Qiao Zhenyu and Meigui to ask about the Lingshi vein.

Since Fengzhi begged the Qiao family, they were loyal to Fengzhi, and they had never been careless about the Lingshi ore vein which Fengzhi was extremely concerned about.

Over the years, Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI have personally inquired about the mining of spirit stones and the choices of the people who exploit them. This also makes everyone in the Qiao family know how much they attach importance to the spirit stone vein. Even if no one knows what the use of these beautiful stones is, no one dares to be careless in this matter.

Speaking of it, Fengzhi has not seen Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI for many years.

She had been to xulingjing for more than ten years before. Even after she came back, she was also busy developing the wuxingzong to deal with the crisis that might come at any time in the future. How could she call Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI to meet her?

Thinking of these, Feng Zhi did not hesitate, and immediately sent a message to Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI, asking them to come over quickly.


Feng Zhi didn't believe Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI's loyalty at the beginning, so he gave them pills that could make them dare not betray Feng Zhi.

According to reason, they will come to see Fengzhi as soon as they receive a message from Fengzhi.

However, Feng to the spread of the letter, but for a long time did not receive a reply.

Is Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI having two minds and don't want to be driven by Feng again, or what happened there?

Fengzhi is more inclined to the latter.

It's not that she has absolute trust in Qiao Zhenyu and Meigui. For Fengzhi, people who can afford her trust can be counted with one slap. Of course, Qiao Zhenyu and Meigui will not be included.

Feng Zhi is only confident in her pills.

Thinking of these, Feng to the heart slightly moved, there is a kind of enlightenment.

At the level of Fengzhi, sometimes an idea can make a vague understanding of the people and things around them. Although this feeling is mysterious, it can be absolutely trusted.


Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI are really in trouble this time, and are they still fatal?

Feng to eyebrow tip slightly picked up pick.

Even if she doesn't have the absolute trust in Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI, they are the hands of Fengzhi. For Fengzhi, they are attached to her and work for her. Naturally, she has to provide protection for them.

This is the most natural thing.

Now, someone bullies to the person of Feng Zhi.

Ha ha

Feng to the meaning of the unknown smile.

Accompanied by her side of the Dragon Yan smell speech oblique look over, "Feng to, what happened?"

Feng to gently shook his head, "there are people down there who are in trouble."

Feng to this time really a little funny.

The Qiao family is attached to Fengzhi, which is not a secret. At least in Fengtian City, many people know about it.

If, during the period when Fengzhi was still missing, someone wanted to attack Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI, or even the whole Qiao family, it would be justifiable. After all, the master of Fengzhi was not there, and the Qiao family lost its most powerful backing.

But now, Fengzhi has come back with such a high profile. How dare someone find trouble with Qiao's family?

Fengzhi wants to see who has the courage.

So she stood up.

Long Yan has always been advancing and retreating with Fengzhi. Seeing Fengzhi ready to go out, he naturally stands up.

Feng Zhi glanced at the gold robe of Longyan, but suddenly remembered the first time that Longyan appeared in human form, as if in the spirit stone vein.

At that time, Fengzhi didn't know that Xiaobai, who was raised as a pet, was actually a dragon race and could be transformed into a human form. At that time, when she was in trouble in the mine, it was Long Yan who suddenly appeared and saved her.

Afterwards, Fengzhi only heard Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI talk about such a gorgeous young man in a golden robe.

She then looked at Longyan with a smile. "When you were in that mine, you changed back to human form for the first time. There was a couple inside, do you remember?"

Long Yan only thought about it and recalled it.

He nodded.

"They're probably in trouble, and I didn't respond to my call." Feng Zhi Dao.

Think about it, Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI should have a lot of trouble, otherwise they would not even have the time to reply to Feng Zhi.

Feng to pour is more and more interested.

"Let's go."

Feng Zhi directly pulls Long Yan's hand, and their bodies shake slightly, leaving only two lights of white and gold in the air, which have disappeared from their original place.

Qiao's base camp is also in Fengtian city.

Before meeting Fengzhi, the Qiao family was just a small family with two Wuwang. However, after meeting Fengzhi, the Qiao family ushered in a high-speed development opportunity. Now it has been more than 20 years since then. Both Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI have successively entered the realm of Emperor Wu. There are also several King Wu under them, although compared with the top ten families But in the ordinary family, it is absolutely powerful.The ancestral home of the Qiao family has been expanded twice in the past 20 years because of its strength. It has become a large building complex in the eyes of Fengzhi and Longyan.

Compared with that year, the Qiao family is undoubtedly a completely new change.

And all this

It's all because Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI recognized a little girl who was only six or seven years old.

If this kind of words spread to the outside world, no one will believe it.

But this is the truth.

Feng to think of these past events, but also slightly some emotion.

More than 20 years

At the beginning, she and Long Yan have been together for only a short time. Now, they have not only gone through the ups and downs of the past 20 years, but also become husband and wife.

All this, is the original Phoenix did not think of.

Thinking like this, Feng couldn't help looking at Longyan.

At this time, Long Yan also happened to turn his head and look at each other with a smile.

This kind of picture, no matter from which aspect, is extremely beautiful.

However, in the eyes of the guards of the Qiao family, they didn't feel that there was anything beautiful about it. On the contrary, they thought that the deeds of Fengzhi and Longyan were extremely suspicious!

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" The two guards at the door looked at each other, and one of them gave a drink to Feng Zhi and Long Yan.

Feng raised her eyebrows.

She could see that the two looked very nervous.

It seems that

The Qiao family is really in trouble!

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